ICTICT523 - Student Assessment Pack(1)



Victoria University *

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Civil Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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Level 11, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Tel: 03 9606 0032 | Web: Unit Result Sheet This form is to be completed by the assessor and is used to record the student assessment Outcome/result for each Unit of Competency. All student submissions (Outlined below) are to be attached to this sheet before placing on the student academic file. Student results are not to be entered into the Student database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this sheet. Students must complete all assessment tasks as satisfactory (S) to be Competent (C) Student Use Student ID No NTCA230483 Student Name Mandeep Kaur Unit Code ICTICT523 Unit Ti t le Gather data to identify business requirements A s s es s or U s e O n l y Initial Submission Re-Submission Please attach the following documentation to this sheet Assessment Outcome Re Assessment Outcome Assessment 1 Written Assessment S NS NA S NS NA Assessment 2 Project S NS NA S NS NA Final Assessment Result for this uni t: C / NYC Comments: A s s ess o r : I declare that I have conducted a f air , valid, reliable and flexible assessment with t his student, and I have provided appropriate f eedback. Assessor Name: Signature: Date: Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights. Name: Mandeep Kaur Signature Mandeep Kaur Date: Document: ICTICT523 - Student Assessment Pack | Version: 1.1 | Page 1 of 2
Level 11, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Tel: 03 9606 0032 | Web: ICTICT523 Gather data to identify business requirements Assessment Tool Assessment Resource Summary Assessment Type This is a summative assessment, which requires the assessment to be conducted in conditions that are safe and replicate the workplace Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 1: Written questions Assessment Task 2: Project Document: ICTICT523 - Student Assessment Pack | Version: 1.1 | Page 1 of 2
Level 11, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Tel: 03 9606 0032 | Web: Assessment Cover Sheet Please complete cover sheet clearly and accurately for assessment tasks and other types of evidence you submit for your course. All student assessment tasks submissions including any associated checklists where applicable, are to be attached to this cover sheet. Student Use Student ID No NTCA230483 Student Name Mandeep Kaur Unit Code ICTICT523 Unit Title Gather data to identify business requirements Assessment No. 1 Assessment Method Written Assessment Initial Submission Re-Submission Student Declaration I declare that: These tasks are my own work. None of this work has been completed by any other person These tasks are not plagiarised or colluded with any other student/s. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. I have read and understood NTCA’s policy on Plagiarism, cheating and collusion and understand that if I am found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me by NTCA. I have a copy of my assessment work with me, which I can produce if the original is lost. Student Signature: Mandeep Kaur Submission Date: Assessor Use Only Outcome Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory Assessor Feedback: Assessor Name: Signature: Date: Student Submission Receipt: Your submission has been received. Please keep a copy of this record. Student ID & Name : ……………………………….…………………….….. Submission Date: …………………..……………………………. Unit Code : ………………………………..……………… Assessment No & Method: ……………………………………..….……..…………. Initial Submission Re-Submission Received By (Name): …………………………………….…. Signature: …………………..……….. Date: …………………..……………….. The results will be updated within twenty-one (21) days from your final submission . Please check your student portal regularly to make sure that your results are updated. If there are any discrepancies, please discuss with the Trainer/Student Support Officer. Document: ICTICT523 - Student Assessment Pack | Version: 1.1 | Page 1 of 2
Level 11, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Tel: 03 9606 0032 | Web: Assessment Task 1: Written Assessment Task instructions This is an individual assessment. The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge essential to work and communicate effectively in an ICT environment in a range of contexts and industry settings. To make full and satisfactory responses you should consult a range of learning resources, other information such as handouts and textbooks, learners’ resources and slides. All questions must be answered in order to gain competency for this assessment. You may attach a separate sheet if required. You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets: o Student ID or Student Name o Unit ID or Unit Code o Course ID or Course Code o Trainer and assessor name o Page numbers This is the first (1) unit assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency. The Written Assessment is comprised of five (5) written questions You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor. You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be deemed satisfactory in this task You will receive your feedback within two weeks - you will be notified by your Trainer/Assessor when results are available QUESTIONS: Q1: Explain the following questions regarding the “client business domain”. a) What is the client business domain? Explain your answer in 100-150 words. Ans. The client business domain refers to the specific area of a client's business operations, encompassing the industry they operate in, their market position, products or services offered, target audience, and overall business strategy. It involves understanding the client's business model, competitive landscape, and the challenges or opportunities they face in their specific sector. This understanding is crucial for tailoring solutions that are not only technically sound but also strategically aligned with the client's business objectives. b) What is the importance of client business domain for the project team and client? (100-150 words) Ans. Understanding the client's business domain is essential for the project team to deliver solutions that are relevant and add value to the client's business. It ensures that the project outcomes align with the client's strategic goals, market positioning, and customer needs. For the client, having a project team knowledgeable about their business domain means receiving more than just technical expertise; they gain a partner who understands their challenges and opportunities and can offer solutions that drive business growth and competitive advantage. Q2: In the given table, explain current industry-accepted hardware and software products, general features and capabilities suited to the project.” Ans. This section would typically include an explanation of various hardware and software products that are commonly accepted and used in the industry. It would detail their general features and capabilities, and how they are suited to the project. Specific examples would be required to complete this answer. Q3: Explain the following question regarding “the role of stakeholders and the degree of involvement in the process.” Document: ICTICT523 - Student Assessment Pack | Version: 1.1 | Page 1 of 2
Level 11, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Tel: 03 9606 0032 | Web: a) What is the role of stakeholders in the business and its process? Explain your answer in 100-120 words. Ans. Stakeholders play a crucial role in a business and its processes as they have vested interests in the outcomes of these processes. They can include employees, customers, suppliers, investors, and community members. Their roles range from decision-making, influencing business strategies, providing resources and support, to being directly affected by the business operations. Effective engagement with stakeholders is key to ensuring that business processes align with the needs and expectations of those invested in the company's success. b) What is stakeholder engagement? Explain your answer in 60-70 words. Ans. Stakeholder engagement refers to the process of involving those who have an interest or stake in a business or project. This involves communicating with stakeholders, understanding their concerns and expectations, and involving them in decision-making processes. Effective engagement ensures that stakeholders' needs and viewpoints are considered, leading to more successful and sustainable business outcomes. c) In the given table of the degree of stakeholder involvement, explain the level of their involvement. Ans. This would include an explanation of various levels of stakeholder involvement, ranging from low involvement (where stakeholders may simply be informed about decisions) to high involvement (where stakeholders actively participate in decision-making processes. Q4: Explain the following questions regarding “quality assurance practices when determining the requirements.” a) What is the role of QA in requirement analysis? Explain your answer in 80-120 words. Ans. Quality Assurance (QA) in requirement analysis involves ensuring that all requirements for a project are accurately captured, clearly understood, and feasible. QA plays a critical role in reviewing and validating requirements to prevent misunderstandings or ambiguities that could lead to project issues. This includes checking for completeness, consistency, and alignment with business objectives, and ensuring that the requirements are testable and meet quality standards. b) What are the best quality assurance practices to check requirements? (100-150 words) Ans. Requirement Reviews : Conducting thorough reviews to identify any gaps or inconsistencies. Stakeholder Involvement : Engaging with stakeholders to validate and refine requirements. Traceability : Ensuring each requirement can be traced to business objectives. Change Management : Implementing a robust change management process for handling requirement modifications. Testing Alignment : Ensuring requirements are testable and aligning them with test plans and cases. Q5. Explain the following question regarding “examination of hardware, software and communication functionality.” a) In the given table of hardware components, identify the speed, units and description for system examination. Ans. The examination of hardware components would involve identifying the speed, units, and description for each component in a given table. This would typically include processors (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices, and network interfaces, among others. b) Explain the hardware, software and communication as part of an information system Ans. Hardware: Refers to the physical components of an information system, like servers, computers, networking devices, which are essential for the system's operation. Document: ICTICT523 - Student Assessment Pack | Version: 1.1 | Page 1 of 2
Level 11, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000 Tel: 03 9606 0032 | Web: Software: Includes the programs and operating systems that run on the hardware, enabling tasks and processes to be executed. Communication: Involves the methods and protocols used for data transmission between different parts of the information system, ensuring connectivity and interaction within the system. Assessor Checklist: Assessment Task 1 (Written Assessment) Questions Satisfactory Q1. Yes No Q2. Yes No Q3. Yes No Q4. Yes No Q5. Yes No Document: ICTICT523 - Student Assessment Pack | Version: 1.1 | Page 1 of 2
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