SPE 541 Special Interest Article Review Assignment



Arizona State University *

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Jun 21, 2024





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Page 1 of 5 SPE 541: Special Interest Article Review Assignment – Overview Assignment Purpose Although the peer-review process is rigorous, articles still get published that may have claims that are too far reaching without sufficient data support. Thus, it is essential to be a critical consumer of research, and be able to take away the key messages of the paper and apply these findings to your current context. The purpose of this assignment is to expand your knowledge of consultation and collaboration practices by critically evaluating two of the supplemental reading research journal articles that fit most closely with your own interests. Deliverable You are to write a maximum 2 page, double-spaced paper for each Article Review (AR) paper, reviewing critical components of a peer-reviewed journal article assigned as part of the supplemental reading for the course. You can select an article from any module, but use a journal article, and not a chapter in a book for your review. An example of an Article Review (AR) can be found below. Activity Details Please complete the following tasks: Step 1: Review the course schedule to select a peer-reviewed journal article from the supplemental readings in the course. See the list of Module topics in the course schedule. Select a journal article from among these supplemental readings from any module (you can choose to evaluate any of the supplementary reading articles). Do not analyze a chapter within a book, as components that will be graded in the scoring grid are not available to analyze in a chapter. While there are links to each supplemental reading article within the Module information, all modules may not be available at the time you need them (as some modules may be opened later in the semester). If you need to find the articles at the ASU library, please review the Instructions on Obtaining Articles from the ASU library in the Major Assignments tab. Step 2: Write a brief review of the article you selected covering key components of the research and conclusions. Write a brief (maximum 2 page, double-spaced) paper highlighting key concepts in the article. See the scoring grid below for how these papers will be graded. Please be sure to summarize the study using your own words, and not simply answer these questions pulling words from the way that the authors described it. If you do use any words or quotes from the authors (limit it to one direct quote), be sure to cite them as direct quotes using quotation marks and a page number in your citation. You must use correct grammar, and APA style to format all citations, direct and indirect
Page 2 of 5 quotes and references, including any material taken from the Internet. Any time you are using another’s materials, you must reference the source. For an excellent source for using APA format, please go to the APA style site: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ . Step 3: Save and submit your Article Review Paper. When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your group instructor using the link provided in each module assignment link. The group instructor will comment and provide your score via the gradebook area prior to the due date for the second Article Review Paper. Due Dates Due dates and expected reading assignments are specified in the Course Schedule. The due date listed for each module Article Review Paper is the last day to submit the assignment for full credit. Article Review Papers can be completed as soon as desired (in advance of the due date), but papers received after the due date will be considered late and lose points for each day they are late (see syllabus for late policy) . Special Interest Article Review Paper Scoring Grid Name: ____________________________________ E-mail Address : ____________________________ The overall Article Review Assignment is worth 25 points of your total grade. Please note, that you want to summarize the study using your own words, and not simply answer these questions pulling words from the way that the authors described it. If you do use any words or quotes from the authors, be sure to cite them as direct quotes. Points Earned for AR 1 Points Earned for AR 2 Points Possible Identified target population -Please include the number of individuals studied, their demographics (age, race, gender, etc.), and how they were selected to participate. (2-3 sentences) /5 /5 10 Described the research design -Please briefly summarize the study design. For example, was this a single subject (following one or a small group of children over an intervention) or group design (comparing children within or across groups)? Was it an observational or /6 /6 12
Page 3 of 5 intervention study? Was it cross-sectional (looking at children of different ages at one time) or longitudinal (following the same children or people over time)? (2-3 sentences) Described the key conclusions of the paper -Summarize (in your own words), the key conclusions of the paper. What were the overall recommendations of the authors as a result of the study? (3-4 sentences) /6 /6 12 Evaluated the empirical support -Describe the limitations of the study (either those reported by the authors, or others that you identify). -Given the limitations, do you feel that the conclusions are supported by the data collected? Cite specific evidence as to why you believe it was a strong or weak study. /5 /5 10 APA style correct in both citations and references /3 /3 6 Total Points /25 /25 50 Sample Special Interest Article Review Paper : (PLEASE NOTE: This article is not reflective of an article in the course, but depicts the required elements of an article review that are needed for the assignment). Article : Edwards, T., Watkins, E., Lotfizadeh, A., & Poling, A. (2011). Intervention research to benefit people with autism: How old are the participants? Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6 , 996-999. Population : This summary research study looked at 146 autism intervention studies from four leading autism related journals (Autism, FADD, JADD, and RASD). A total of 2144 participants were included across these studies, however, there was missing information in different areas. Overall, 85.6% were male (n=1644) and the average age was 6.89 years (n= 2063). Research Design : This research summary utilized an article analysis strategy to identify and collect information on the demographics of each individual in the studies reviewed. Articles were identified through the PsychINFO search database, and all studies between 2009-2011 from four prominent autism related journals were included. Conclusions : Only 3.6% of included studies involved individuals over the age of 20 years, with only 5 actual participants over the age of 20 (1.7%). The majority of
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