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Jun 10, 2024





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1. Print your name, ID number and other information in the designated box on the answer sheet and test booklet. 2. Fill in your TEST VERSION E in the designated field on the answer sheet. 3. Circle your answers in this test booklet and fill in the ovals on the answer sheet. Make sure any erasures are complete and clean. If you ĐĂŶŶŽƚ ĞƌĂƐĞ ĂŶ ĂŶƐǁĞƌ ŵĂƌŬ ƉůĂĐĞ ĂŶ ͞y͟ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ƚŚĞ circle. 4. This test booklet has 19 questions and 5 double sided pages including this cover page but not the answer sheet. Check now to ensure that no pages are missing. If pages are missing, raise your hand and ask for a new test booklet. 5. As you progress through the test, transfer your answers to the answer sheet by filling in the appropriate circles(s) (A, B, C, D, or E) on your answer sheet. 6. Attempt all questions. Do all rough work on this test booklet. Scrap paper is not permitted. You can remove the last page (the data sheet). 7. At the end of the test, turn in this test booklet, your answer sheet, and the data sheet and leave as soon as you are instructed to do so. This is Version E. Fill in Test Version E on the Answer Sheet Times: Wednesday 2023-02-08 at 09:30 to 10:20 Duration: 50 minutes Exam ID: 5276697 Sections: CHEM 123 LEC 001-003 Instructors: Conrard Giresse Tetsassi Feugmo, Laura Ingram, Rick Marta Please print in pen: Waterloo Student ID Number: WatIAM/Quest Login Userid: Examination Test (Version E) Winter 2023 CHEM 123 Times: Wednesday 2023-02-08 at 09:30 to 10:20 Duration: 50 minutes Exam ID: 5276697 Sections: CHEM 123 LEC 001-003 Instructors: Conrard Giresse Tetsassi Feugmo, Laura Ingram, Rick Marta CHEM 123 Winter 2023 Test © 2023 University of Waterloo Please initial: Page 1 of 10
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1. If it requires 117.74 J of heat to increase the temperature of 2.23 moles of a solid metal by 2.00 o C at constant pressure, what is the identity of the metal? A. W B. Tb C. Ac D. Fe E. Pb 2. A volume of gas is compressed from 25.0 L to 10.0 L using a constant external pressure of 3.5 bar. If the internal energy change for the gas is 1675 J, what is the heat flow q ? Choose the closest answer. A. + 1623 J B. ൞ ϯϱϳϱ : C. ൞ ϲϵϮϱ : D. + 6925 J E. 0 J 3. tŚĂƚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ĞŶƚƌŽƉLJ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ͕ ѐ S, when 1.00 mol of tetrahydrofuran, C 4 H 8 O, undergoes the process below? Choose the closest answer. C 4 H 8 O (l, 43.1 o C, 1.00 atm) C 4 H 8 O (g, 66.0 o C, 1.00 atm) ѐ fus H Ăƚ оϭϬϴ o C ѐ vap H at 66.0 o C ܥ ҧ (l) ܥ ҧ (g) 8.54 kJ mol о 1 32.16 kJ mol о 1 124.10 J mol о 1 K о 1 76.6 J mol о 1 K о 1 A. 103.5 J mol о 1 K о 1 B. 8.81 J mol о 1 K о 1 C. 53.4 J mol о 1 K о 1 D. 540.2 J mol о 1 K о 1 E. 307.1 J mol о 1 K о 1 p C / J K о 1 mol о 1 Ac 27.2 Fe 25.1 Pb 26.4 Tb 28.9 W 24.3 CHEM 123 Winter 2023 Test © 2023 University of Waterloo Please initial: Page 3 of 10
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4. For which of the following processes does the entropy of the system increase ? Select all that apply. You may select one, more than one, or none of the answers. A. C 6 H 5 SH (g, 169 °C, 1 atm) C 6 H 5 SH (l, 169 °C, 1 atm) B. C 8 H 9 NO (l, 114 °C, 1 atm) C 8 H 9 NO (s, 114 °C, 1 atm) C. Zn (s, 110 °C, 1 atm) Zn (s, 215 °C, 1 atm) D. O 2 (g, 0 °C, 10 atm) O 2 (g, 0 °C, 2 atm) E. Hg (l, 275 °C, 1 atm) Hg (l, 180 °C, 1 atm) 5. Which of the following has lowest standard molar entropy at 298.15 K? A. CF 2 CF 2 (g) B. Cu(s) C. CH 3 OH(l) D. He(g) E. NH 4 NO 3 (s) 6. When a 0.004820 mol sample of C 8 H 18 (l) was burned in oxygen in a bomb calorimeter, the temperature of the calorimeter increased from 25.00 °C to 30.80 °C. The heat capacity of the calorimeter is 4.540 kJ K о 1 . What is ' H r at 25.00 °C for the reaction below? Choose the closest answer. C 8 H 18 (l) + 25 2 O 2 (g) o 8 CO 2 (g) + 9 H 2 O(l) A. о 26.33 kJ mol о 1 B. оϱϰϲϯ Ŭ: ŵŽů о 1 C. оϱϯ͘ϵϵ Ŭ: ŵŽů о 1 D. оϱϰϱϮ Ŭ: ŵŽů о 1 E. о 5474 kJ mol о 1 CHEM 123 Winter 2023 Test © 2023 University of Waterloo Please initial: Page 4 of 10
Questions 7-9 refer to the reaction below. Each question is worth 0.5 Marks. Consider the exothermic decomposition of NaN 3 and answer the following three questions. 2 NaN 3 (s) o 2 Na(s) + 3N 2 (g) 7. tŚŝĐŚ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƐƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚƐ ĂďŽƵƚ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ 'ŝďď͛Ɛ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ±ŚĂŶŐĞ ŝƐ ƚƌƵĞ͍ (0.5 Marks) A. ߂ ܩ is negative only at high temperatures. B. ߂ ܩ is negative only at low temperatures. C. ߂ ܩ is negative at all temperatures. 8. Which one of the following statements about the internal energy for the system is true? (0.5 Marks) A. οܷ = 0 B. οܷ is positive. C. οܷ is negative. 9. Which one of the following comparisons is true? (0.5 Marks) A. οܷ ൐ οܪ B. οܷ ൏ οܪ . C. οܷ ൌ οܪ Questions 10 to 14 are worth 0.5 marks each. The following process is spontaneous and irreversible for the specified conditions. C 6 H 7 O (l, 25 o C, 1 atm) C 6 H 7 O (s, 25 o C, 1 atm) ²ƌĞ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƋƵĂŶƚŝƚŝĞƐ ;ѐ H ͕ ѐ S ͕ ѐ G ͕ ѐ S surr ͕ ѐ S univ ) positive, negative, or zero for this process? 10. ѐ S univ is: A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero 11. ѐ G is: A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero 12. ѐ S is: A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero 13. ѐ S surr is: A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero 14. ѐ H is: A. Positive B. Negative C. Zero CHEM 123 Winter 2023 Test © 2023 University of Waterloo Please initial: Page 5 of 10
15. The complete combustion of 1.00 mol of acetone, C 3 H 6 O, releases 1790 kJ of heat at 1.0 bar and Ϯϵϴ͘ϭϱ <͘ tŚĂƚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ 'ŝďď͛Ɛ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƌĞĂĐƚŝŽŶ͕ ѐ r G o ? Choose the closest answer. C 3 H 6 O(l) + 4 O 2 (g) 3 CO 2 (g) + 3 H 2 O(l) o S (J K ൞ϭ mol ൞ϭ ) 200.4 205.0 213.7 69.91 A. +128 kJ mol ൞ϭ B. ൞ϰϴ͘ϳϳ Ŭ: ŵŽů ൞ϭ C. +48.77 kJ mol ൞ϭ D. ൞ϭϴϰϭ Ŭ: ŵŽů ൞ϭ E. ൞ϭϳϯϵ Ŭ: ŵŽů ൞ϭ 16. Consider the reaction below. C 2 H 4 Br 2 + 3 KI o C 2 H 4 + 2 KBr + KI 3 What is the rate of production of KBr when KI is being consumed at a rate of 0.266 mol L о 1 s о 1 ? Choose the closest answer. A. 0.266 mol L 1 s 1 B. 0.399 mol L ൞ϭ s ൞ϭ C. 0.532 mol L 1 s 1 D. 0.177 mol L 1 s 1 E. 0.798 mol L 1 s 1 17. Which one of the following statements is false ? A. The rate of a gas phase reaction can be expressed using atm s ʹ 1 as units. B. If the rate law is Rate = k [X] 2 [Y] 2 , suitable units for the rate constant are M ʹ 3 s ʹ 1 . C. For a zero-order reaction the rate remains constant throughout the reaction. D. For the reaction R products with k = 1.0 M ʹ 1 s ʹ 1 , when [R] doubles the rate doubles. CHEM 123 Winter 2023 Test © 2023 University of Waterloo Please initial: Page 6 of 10
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18. The reaction below was studied using the method of initial rates. A + B o products The initial rate of consumption of B was measured in three different experiments. What is the rate law for this reaction? Experiment [A] o , (in mol L ʹ 1 ) [B] o, (in mol L ʹ 1 ) Initial rate (in mol L ʹ 1 s ʹ 1 ) 1 0.015 0.010 3.60 u 10 ʹ 3 2 0.010 0.010 1.60 u 10 ʹ 3 3 0.010 0.020 3.20 u 10 ʹ 3 A. k [A] [B] B. k [A] 2 [B] 2 C. k [A] [B] 2 D. k [A] 1/2 [B] E. k [A] 2 [B] 19. For the reaction below, the rate law is Rate = k [N O ] with k = 0.225 mol о 1 L s о 1 . N 2 O 4 (g) o 2 NO 2 (g) How long does it take for the concentration of N 2 O 4 to decrease from 0.500 mol L о 1 to 0.200 mol L о 1 ? Choose the closest answer. A. 31.1 s B. 30.1 s C. 13.3 s D. 42.7 s E. 4.07 s CHEM 123 Winter 2023 Test © 2023 University of Waterloo Please initial: Page 7 of 10
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