process does not provide MTE with an opportunity to ensure compliance with MTE’s effort to avoid discrimination by using Affirmative Action. Increasing diversity at MTE will provide many benefits to the organization such as Improved employee morale and performance, employee retention and an improvement to the overall corporate image. A diverse workforce will also yield improved decision-making due to diverse backgrounds and perspectives (Lauri, 2023). To increase employee diversity at MTE, the hiring practices need to undergo additional review and auditing processes. This will aid in determining and eliminating disproportionate hiring because of disparate impact; employment practices that exclude a protected group from employment opportunities (Noe et al., 2021, p.76). An additional way MTE can increase employee diversity is to exercise the four-fifths rule. Exercising this rule during the hiring process would benefit MTE because it will highlight evidence of discrimination if the hiring rate for a minority group is less than four-fifths the hiring
rate for the majority group (Noe et al., 2021, p.76). These efforts will address the concern of disproportionate hiring practices at MTE and position the company for greater success in their employee selection process. Conclusion
One key role of human resource management is recruiting and selection, which includes job postings, interviewing, and testing (Noe et al., 2021, p.6). These practices must be employed
to ensure all individuals are provided equal opportunity for employment. If it’s determined that a company is not lawful in their practices, or exercising disparate treatment, immediate action is
required to improve hiring practices. MTE remains at risk for future litigation if immediate improvement is not made and the above recommendations are not immediately implemented.