Bolles 2
Valid Charges
Overseeing the bank and its operation is not a task for the weak. SO many different moving parts and people. Safety, security and trust is a priority. None wants to see anybody upset
and angry in a bank. Think about it it’s normally quiet. An angry customer would draw soo much
attention in a bank setting. As a manager at a bank the position is held to a high standard. The manager is the piece that holds the bank puzzle together. A manager of any company you must set yourself apart from your other co- workers. If I was the manager, I would first stop and listen to everyone speak and then begin to ask probing questions on how and why we are the this point.
I would first apologize to both parties, the customer and employee. I would also make a decision based on the information provided. I would also look into the customer’s bank account and policy to see waiving the fee is optional even though it was applied correctly. If waiving the fee is an option I would lead with waiving the fee. I would then proceed with educating the customer
on how to avoid fees in the future. After the customer is satisfied I would then educate the employee on best practices when handling an angry customer. I would not have a disciplinary conversation with the employee in front of anyone. A more office setting would be appropriate. I would also intentionally let him know he is support in
all efforts made dealing with the angry customer. Ensuring my employees feel comfortable and open would be a priority. This would allow us to connect on a more efficient level. I would also encourage the employee to offer the customer a calm moment. As a bank manager you must be able to maintain the peacefulness in the environment where employees are working with customers. Overall, being able to please and satisfy everyone from employee, customers, or your superior.