PAD 345 Module Six Graphic Organizer
Complete the graphic organizer below by addressing the stakeholders in the left column and creating a value proposition statement for each in the right column.
This assignment will be graded according to the criteria in the Module Six Graphic Organizer Guidelines and Rubric document. Remember to review the policy scenario
Value Proposition Statement
(Laura Craft)
As the director of government affairs for Capital Sports Corporation, we have seen that there is strong potential for a development of a professional and amateur hockey team in the areas of Capital City. Being able to build upon a solid foundation that the football and basketball teams have established at The University, would give the opportunity for a new sporting venue that has a strong following that is more and more apparent in hockey. New business opportunities would present themselves in the community and help build up the local economy by investing in a new, state of the art hockey rink that would be available to all the residents of Capital City and surrounding areas. Elite
(Victor Morrison)
As a graduate of The University, being able to offer my support to help build a hockey rink would be an investment into our future. Pulling together, in an effort to create new opportunities for residents, athletes, and for the sports enthusiasts of College Park, Midtown, and Capital City is creating growth for all of us. This is an investment I would fully support in an effort to give back to those who would want to live, grow, and thrive here as part of our community. Program Administrator
(Mary Jackson)
Economic Development in midtown will serve the 800,000 residents of College Park, Midtown, and Capital City. Midtown is a prime location to approve the development of a large plot of land to build a hockey rink. With convenient interstate access, this area will be a visible tourist and sport event attraction venue that will provide a boost to our local economy. The investment of a professional hockey rink would add a new sport to the athletic program at The University, support our local athletes in the community by being able to create youth and adult hockey teams, give our minor league a facility where they can hone their skills and open up a year-round ice-skating rink that is no longer limited to only winter availability. Budget/Finance Administrator
(LaRon Branford)
In representing the Legislative Services Bureau, we are working with local community leaders to develop a cooperative plan to
finance the costs associated with building a hockey rink. A proposal is on the table to increase hotel and restaurant tax by one cent within the three counties. Of this increase, half will be allocated towards the project cost, while the other half will be returned to the counties. The re-investment into the community will further revitalize our local businesses and fund other tourist related development projects. In correlation with this increase, the support from private and public funding will all support a new project for a hockey rink. This proposal will be decided by legislation, and by the voters during the next election
as a referendum vote on the ballot.