BIO201 Lab 9



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Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L Student Name: Ani Harutyunyan Access Code (located on the lid of your lab kit): AC-BX89CU Lab Report Format Expecta0ons U"lize college level grammar and professional forma4ng when comple"ng this worksheet. Submissions without proper forma4ng, all required photos or sufficient responses will be rejected. Pre- lab Ques,ons 1. What is the func:on of the endocrine system? It maintains equilibrium and controls bodily func:ons through the produc:on and release of hormones, which impact processes like metabolism, growth, emo:ons, and reproduc:on. 2. Research two types of hormones and describe the mode of ac:on for each. - Adrenaline hormone type : catecholamine hormone mode of ac<on: released during stress, increases heart rate, dilates airways, and redirects blood flow for a rapid "fight or flight" response. - Estrogen hormone type: steroid hormone mode of ac<on: Estrogen influences female secondary sexual characteris:cs, regulates the menstrual cycle, and impacts reproduc:ve health. 3. Which gland is both endocrine and exocrine? the pancreas 4. Which hormones control the fight or flight response? adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones 5. What is type 1 diabetes and what is the treatment for this disease? Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condi:on in which the immune system targets and damages insulin-producing cells. Management includes insulin treatment, blood sugar monitoring, and a controlled diet and exercise plan.
Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L 6. Describe how Ca 2+ levels in the blood are regulated by hormones. Hormones like parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin :ghtly regulate blood calcium levels: PTH increases calcium levels by releasing it from bones and reducing kidney calcium loss, while calcitonin decreases calcium levels by inhibi:ng bone breakdown. 7. How do the nervous and endocrine systems work together to maintain homeostasis of the body? The nervous and endocrine systems collaborate to maintain body homeostasis by communica:ng, integra:ng informa:on, and regula:ng physiological processes through neural and hormonal pathways, ensuring internal stability and appropriate responses to external changes. EXPERIMENT 1: MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Introduc,on Ques,ons 1. Define what a hormone is. A hormone is a chemical signal generated by glands, and it controls bodily func:ons by interac:ng with specific cells, direc:ng and affec:ng their ac:ons. 2. How do hormones establish selec:vity? Hormones achieve specificity by a]aching to par:cular receptors on target cells with complementary molecular structures, guaranteeing precise and specialized regula:on of bodily processes. 3. Explain how insulin regulates glucose levels in the blood. Insulin controls blood glucose levels by s:mula:ng cells to absorb and store glucose when blood sugar levels increase, leading to a decrease in blood sugar levels.
Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L Data and Observa,ons Table 1: Experiment 1 Image Observa<ons Image Type Image Observa,ons Thyroid Gland Under 100x magnifica8on, we see closely grouped follicles. When magnified to 1000x, we can dis8nguish the colloid encircled by follicular cells. Parathyroid Gland The thyroid follicles exhibit greater separa8on, and when magnified to 1000x, the presence of blue dots becomes apparent. Pancreas The ducts within the lobules are visible, and when magnified to 1000x, a mul8tude of blue dots becomes visible once more. Adrenal Gland The outer cortex region and the medulla can be seen. When magnified to 1000x, we can observe the presence of capillaries permea8ng the 8ssue, as well as rows of the zona fasciculata. Pituitary Gland The presence of the pars intermedia, which acts as a boundary between the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary. Anterior Pituitary Gland Densely packed cells are visible, surrounded by vascular channels.
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Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L 1. Label the items in the following slide images based on your observa:ons. A. Colloid B. Follicular cells
Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L 2. Iden:fy the indicated components in the slide image below. A. Thyroid follicles
Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L 3. Iden:fy the indicated components in the slide image below. A. Capillary permea:on
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Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L Results and Discussion EXPERIMENT 2: STRESS RESPONSE Introduc,on Ques,ons 1. Write your hypothesis for the “Tes:ng Temperature” por:on of this experiment. Be sure to include how you think the decreased temperature will affect blood pressure and heart rate, and why. I predict that as the ini:al cold-water shock subsides, my heart rate will gradually decrease as I acclimate to the temperature. I expect that my blood pressure might rise because my blood vessels are likely to constrict to conserve heat as my body seeks a stable, warmer temperature, poten:ally resul:ng in higher blood pressure. The ini:al shock is likely to trigger a fight-or-flight response. 2. Write your hypothesis for the “Tes:ng Body Posi:on” por:on of this experiment. Be sure to include how you think blood pressure and heart rate will vary when you sit versus when you stand. In response to an external change, my ini:al reac:on will involve an eleva:on in both heart rate and blood pressure. Nevertheless, as my body gradually adjusts to the new upright posi:on and conserves energy, I expect that my blood pressure and pulse will revert to their usual levels and remain steady. Data and Observa,ons Table 2: Effect of Temperature on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Time Heart Rate (beats/minute) Blood Pressure (mmHg; systolic/diastolic) Ini8al - Normal Temperature 77 100/68 30 Seconds in Ice Water 80 106/74 60 Seconds in Ice Water 88 109/77 90 Seconds in Ice Water 92 111/80 120 Seconds in Ice Water 102 112/81 Final - Dry 104 114/78 Table 3: Effect of Posture on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Time Heart Rate (beats/minute) Blood Pressure (mmHg) Ini8al - SiUng 75 99/72 Ini8al – Standing 70 102/73 1 Minute Standing 83 109/77 2 Minutes Standing 76 107/70 Final - 2 minutes SiUng 83 98/69
Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L 1. Explain your results in terms of the endocrine system. Indicate how the endocrine system is involved in the physiological response to temperature and body posi:on. The endocrine system plays a role in maintaining homeostasis by preparing the body for physical ac:vity through its regula:on of blood pressure and heart rate. 2. Which glands are most likely to be involved with the physiological response caused in this experiment? Which hormones are most likely to be involved? Adrenal gland- Cor:sol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine 3. How does this experiment demonstrate the “fight or flight” response? In response to abrupt temperature changes, the sympathe:c nervous system sends signals to trigger a response with the goal of preserving homeostasis in the body.
Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L EXPERIMENT 3: FETAL PIG DISSECTION - ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Introduc,on Ques,ons 1. Describe the techniques u:lized while dissec:ng the outer muscle layers of your pig. ( Hint : Your response should be 3-5 sentences in length.) While dissec:ng the outer muscle layers of the pig, we u:lized a series of techniques to me:culously extract and inspect the muscles. Ini:ally, we employed precise cuts along specified lines with dissec:on scissors, taking care to minimize harm to the underlying :ssues. Subsequently, we delicately liged and separated the muscle layers using forceps, which unveiled the concealed structures beneath. Addi:onally, a scalpel was u:lized to trim and cleanse the muscle :ssue, ensuring a clear view of the deeper structures. Throughout this procedure, it remained essen:al to work methodically and a]en:vely to safeguard the muscles' integrity and prevent inadvertent harm to nearby organs or :ssues.
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Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L Data and Observa,ons Insert a high resolu8on photo of the dissected fetal pig you observed, in the dissec8on tray, with the pancreas exposed. Your handwriPen name and access code must be clearly visible in the background. Photos that are of too low resolu8on, that appear inauthen8c, that appear edited, or that do not show the eye, dissec8on tray and a clearly wriYen name and access code will be rejected.
Lab 9 The Endocrine System BIO201L 1. What surprised you about the internal anatomy of the pig? To see how similarly our organs are structured to a mammal. Results and Discussion 1. What is unique about the glands of the endocrine system? Endocrine glands possess a dis:nc:ve trait in their capacity to discharge hormones directly into the bloodstream, enabling these chemical messengers to impact a range of bodily func:ons as they circulate throughout the body. 2. Explain the func:on of the thyroid gland and the hormones it secretes. Include how the release of hormones is regulated and what cells the hormones act on. The thyroid gland produces triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine, which have a vital role in controlling metabolic rate. These hormones are conveyed in the blood, bound to plasma proteins, and their produc:on and release are prompted by thyroid-s:mula:ng hormone (TSH). Consequently, this process influences the metabolism and growth of different :ssues in the body.