2023-11-23, 12
53 PM
Quantitative Analysis Lab: Serial Dilution and Standard Curve Cons…nt Media and Control Samples Using Colorimetric Assay ·
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Add 3 mL of each spent media (both experimental and control) to separate spec tubes.
Add 3 mL of water to a spec tube to act as a blank
You should now have 8 spec tubes
Add 70 μL of colour reagent (labelled “CR”) to each spec tube and swirl gently to mix
Blank the Spec 20 by performing the following:
With the sample holder empty, turn the left knob until the machine is "zeroed" (i.e. the needle lines up with 0% transmitted)
Wipe the Blank with kimwipe and insert into sample holder, closing the lid
Using the right knob, adjust the needle to 100% transmitted
Now measure each one of your serial dilution tubes, wiping the tube with a kimwipe before inserting in sample holder. Record the absorbance of each tube.
Measure the two spent media sample tubes in the same manner and record the absorbance.
Microplate Reader:
Using the spent media samples and the standards you prepared for the Spec 20, load 100 μ
L of each sample (including the blank) in triplicate in the microplate. Load the plate as indicated below. The plate will be read on a microplate reader and the values provided to you on OWL. Fill in your name(s) on the microplate template sheet and make note in your records which plate # you loaded your samples on.
When you are done, place the spec tubes in the bin in the sink (carefully as they are expensive!) and the serological pipettes in the washer, tips up at the front of the room. Leave all the reagents in your tube rack.
Results will be posted on OWL after lab. You will need to enter your concentration of glucose in the spent media samples (both control and experimental) on a Google sheets to collect class data. More info will come in an announcement.