Lab 10 Blood and the Heart
Water Observations
4% EDTA Observations
8% EDTA Observations
Egg looks the same
Lots of bubbles
Shell stuck to edge of cup and liquid lowering below
No change but water is lowering
Lots of bubbles, less white
Shell starting to disappear
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Post-Lab Questions
1. Describe the differences you observed between the water beaker, the 4% EDTA beaker, and the 8% EDTA beaker. “
Beaker 1 contained water and served as constant. There were not many changes to the egg shell. Beaker 2 had the $% EDTA solution. Beaker # 3 had the 8% solution and had the most dramatic changes.
2. Does the beaker without EDTA serve as a positive or negative control? How do you know?
The beaker without EDYA served as a negative control. I know this because the definition of a negative control is one where you do not expect any change. Since there are no changes to the egg water, this fits into the idea of a negative control.
3. Research and determine the composition of eggshell. State your findings below, and, indicate why this composition makes eggshell a good material for EDTA to chelate. “
The shell of the egg is made of calcium carbonate which is made from the mineral calcium. It also consist of proteins and other minerals. It is also very porous. This is a good material for EDTA to chalate because you want it to bind to minerals and remove them from the body.
4. EDTA is a synthetic amino acid, which the body perceives as a foreign substance. EDTA is therefore delivered to the kidneys and removed from the body in urine. Explain how this process also leads to the removal of heavy metals. “
Since EDTA is a foreign substance the body will remove it from the body and urine. Anythings that EDTA will bind to, will also be removed from the body such as heavy minerals.
5. Based on your results, do you believe chelation therapy would be an effective treatment for atherosclerosis? Support your argument with experimental evidence. “
I know that EDTA binds with minerals such as calcium and breaks down and the kidney will remove this foreign substance from the body along with anything that is bound to. The cause of
atherosclerosis is a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. Cholesterol are fats. My experiment does not support chelation therapy being an effective treatment.