10/27/22, 3:57 PM
PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 4
PhysioEx Lab Report
Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology Activity 4: Tetanus in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Name: Selvana Labib Date: 27 October 2022 Session ID: session-2fd2f051-25b6-098c-9df6-a68d7f66d4b9 Pre-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.
Experiment Results
Predict Question
Stop & Think Questions
Stimulus frequency refers to
You correctly answered: the rate that stimulating voltage pulses are applied to an isolated
whole skeletal muscle.
Which of the following distinguishes a state of unfused tetanus from a state of complete
(fused) tetanus?
You correctly answered: Muscle tension increases and decreases during a state of unfused
When the stimulus frequency reaches a value beyond which no further increases in force are
generated by the muscle, the muscle has reached its
You correctly answered: maximal tetanic tension.
Predict Question: As the stimulus frequency increases further, what will happen to the
muscle tension and twitch appearance with each successive stimulus? Will there be a limit to
this response?
Your answer: As the stimulus frequency increases, the muscle tension generated by each
successive stimulus will increase. There will be no limit to this increase.
What begins to happen at around 80 msec?
You correctly answered: unfused tetanus develops.
How does the trace at 130 stimuli/sec compare with the trace at 50 stimuli/sec?