(4pts) After you performed the freeze-thaw cycle to lyse the bacteria, you pelleted the debris
using a centrifuge. You expect the supernatant to fluoresce, but the pellet also fluoresced.
What are two reasons why this pellet fluoresced green? (Yes, I know it contained rGFP….
but why?)
Since the freeze-thaw procedure is not completely effective, there are some unlysed cells present
in the pellet. Due to the E. coli still containing the GFP protein, this would result in some GFP
protein within cells being in the pellet rather than the supernatant. Also, the GFP (Green
fluorescent protein) protein might still be present in the cellular debris, which could explain why
the pellet fluoresced green. Since every piece of cellular debris descends to the pellet, some GFP
would also stay there.
should not have fluoresced. Why? (I know it did not contain rGFP, but why?)
W2-W4 should have fluoresced slightly. Give two possible reasons why. (Yes, I know it
contained rGFP…. but why?) Fluorescence requires the fluorophore to absorb excitation energy, which causes it to emit light
with a longer wavelength. Fluorescence wouldn't happen if the excitation energy wasn't present
or wasn't enough in W1. W2-W4 exhibited slight fluorescence because of the potential presence
of residual rGFP in the growth medium and the release of extracellular vesicles or membrane
fragments during the sample processing steps. Photobleaching, which is the irreversible
degradation of the fluorophore's ability to glow as a result of excessive light exposure, can affect
GFP and other fluorescent proteins. The GFP molecules may have undergone photobleaching if
W2-W4 was subjected to the strong or prolonged excitation light, which would have resulted in a
decrease in fluorescence intensity.
(2pts) Looking at the qualitative
rGFP fluorescence data, which wash fraction had the
highest activity? Which elution fraction had the highest activity? Is this consistent with your
raw quantitative
fluorescence data (yes/no)? W2 and E2 had the highest activity, this was consistent with my raw quantitative data. 4-4