19 Respiration Exercises



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72 tensive Notes and F.xercfsas EXERCISE - RFSPIRAllON STSE O Sdence , Technology, Soc i ety a nd Env i ro n me nt SI 0 - Scientific I nquiry NOS := Nature of Sc ienc e I. T he dia~rarn hdow shows an expe r ime n ta l set-up w hi ch is used to meas ur e th e rat e of. 1111 p,wtan t biologica l process: •o (a) ( i) s yri nge boili ng tube soda lime wire gauz:mall worms drop of coloured liquid graduated pipette Name the biol · 1 o g1ca pro c ess th at is b e. . . mg investigated. ( ii) Write a wor d eq f ua ion to rep res ent th b e a o ve proces s. ( 1 mark) (1 mark)
Exercise - Respiration --- -- (iii ) Explain how th e rntc )r 11 , . l . , _ _ _ c ic ")(l\l p1 1 ,u ''-"' v, 111 hl' 111 c, ,... 11r c d ll \ 111 ,l! th is <s et-up . (5 nwr k\) ------- --- - - - -- --- - - --- -- - ---- ( b) What is the function of the syringe in the set-up? ( I mar k, ( c) If the worms are replaced by leaf discs, what additional procedure, if any, is needed? W11 y·: (2 I/l ark s / Total: 10 marks 73
, , ,, -1 I:, e, t. : rsrs ff~' ,U ~en"n3t ,g See.JS ,., ·e gau:e --'1"' c. :r::::entrated KOH - - -t- so1J,1 vn 1a , De~.::nb::- the use of tu be B . screw-clip -+--- water A B coloured liquid ( 1 mar k) , b, .--\t the s tan of the experiment. the coloured liquid levels in the two limbs of the U-tube were the same. The diagram above shows the levels after 4 hours . r i, Explajn the observed liquid l eve ls after 4 hour s. (4 mark s)
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Exercise - Respiration ~~-- (i i) Gi ve n Ib a! the c ro ~s - '-cc l1 \111 : 1I :m~., u r Ili c l I 111h r , .., 0 .0 '.1 c m ·. calc ul ate the rate o f ox y~c n 11plak e ul' tlw ).! l'r111i 11; 1l111 1.'. '- l' l'{ I, ( 2 /17 (1 /' k\-) ( c ) \Vhat is the function of th e syringe? r I mo rh (d) The experiment was repeated by replacing the concentrated KOH solution in t ub e A with water. The liquid levels remained unchanged for 4 hours. Since th en , the liquid le vel started to fall in the left limb (rise in the right limb) of the U-tube. ( i) Suggest an explanation for the constant liquid levels during the first 4 hours. ( l mark; ( ii ) Suggest an explanation for its subsequent fall in the left limb. (3 mar ks ) Total: 12 marks 75
. N t 5 and Exerci ses NSS Biofogy - Intensive o e . , _.,.. ______ . __ . . 1 · · Ii 8 r' tl and an equ1vc tl ent ma ss of ' I ··I Uj) Ill w ll C ( ( W()f , . , '\ j X' rlllll ' lll ;l :-,c - ti)\ 3 The diagn\111 bc lo\\' s h1 _1 \\ :-, .1 11 c . . . · ' . t · Ill 1T Sjll' l' II VL IY- C: . 76 \\'l'l' C μl;Kcd in t\\n 11 11t : 11ncr s , 11t l . . I- -\--\- -- boiling-tube __ cotton wool 1-+- -- container worms II (a) What is the aim of this experiment? A = initial level B = final le vel ( I mar k) (b) The liquid levels marked A and B in the diagram represent the initial and final levels of th e coloured liquid in the U-tube of a 4-hour period. Account for the change in liquid level in this period. (4 marks ) (c) What is th e purpose of wrapp in g the co nt a in ers with cotton wool? ( J ,n ark)
Exerc:ise Rasp/ration (d) v\' li; 1f is flit · l1111 v r, · 11 11 if ti 1 . < l l' t · 1p _c,' _' ( I mor k) With this sl'l- up . llwrc is 11 0 , , 1 . _ . . , . · 11 u l lo l akc a rc ()u nl of C I T<Jr <, d11 c I<> ,. l1 ; ,1 J }!< "', iri en v1r<,rirnc n1, t1 '- 011d1t tnns . 1-, \ f1 l:i 111 why. (2 mor/ n, } ---- --·- ----- ·-- - ~ Total: 9 mark s 4. The dia 0 ram below sl1ou,~ a ·1 · · b · vv s c: n expeumenta set-up constructed to measure the rate of respiration of a rat at room temperature: air in - ·=:,,r;:==="r;:=:::;.., concentrated liquid X KOH solution Flask 1 Flask 2 rat soda lime solids ( a) The above set-up has not been set up properly. Describe how you will correct it so that the aim of the experiment can be achieved. (2 mar ks) 77 -~ ·
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t ~nd [xGt dses NSS 81o'flQ\ - lntons1vG No es (_ . .ttt-~- ~-~~-.E- I IMa,e . · 1 X'' \\ 'h: ,1 i" th e 11 '-l ' ('I l1q111l , . --- -- . . . _ but wit h out the mt. The ~oda Ii me )01 id) in b< 1 _ \ ._ -nntrnl w, 1, prepared us 111 g th e sa me set up . i ,. . . , : . , - . ut e period . The resuJts are s ho wn in the tab , _--t - up ~ "ere ,, c1gh cd before and .. .1ttc1 a 30 mm I~ l "" Ch)\\ : 78 Initial mass of soda lime (g) Final mass of soda lime fgJ I E . 25.5 26.4 1 - \penme nt a\ set-up I 24.9 I C0ntrol se t-up 24.8 i - ( c) ( i J Suggest an explanation for the slight increase in the mass of the so da lime solids in the control set-up . ( I mar k) (ii J Account for the increase in the mass of the soda lime solids in th · l e expenmen ta se t- up. ( iii) Calculate the rate of respiration of the rat. Show yo . ur workincr (2 marks) (2 marks) Total: 9 ma rks
Exercise - Respiration ~~~--- 5. Till' di: 1t!ra rn be l o\\ s hows · ui ·' x , , 1 . 1 · · · 1 · · ' e, pc1m1e11 t w11c 1 was set-up to study th e an aerob ic respiration o pa raft1n oil yeast and boiled gluco se solut ion Set-up I II =de t ected X = not detected Set -up I hydrogencarbonate indicator solution yeast and boiled water Colour change of hydrogencarbonate indicator X II Set-up II \I it Alcohol production solution X ( a) With ref er ence to the set-ups shown in the diagram, state and explain two precautions taken to e ns ure t hat the y ea st cells were under anaerobic conditions. (4 marks) (b) (i) Describe and explain th e colour change of the hydrogencarbonate indicator solution in , . t f ( 2 ma rks) SC -up , --- - -- ---- --- -------- - -
N te~ Anri I Xt I ('/ ',(lt; 1 lnl C\llll·l 11 1, io 11 u 11 1 he dr aw n from thi , ex p . , , ' l\ N',I ,,n ihc ,, -, 1111 , ,,1,1 : 11nc-1 . " , e nrn en11 (1 l'rlqr ~ I - ------ - --------- - Total: 7 rnark \ n. l\, 1' 1 K,lltl1\ , l) ll l H~ men . A and B. whose IJh ysica l co nditi ons are s imil ar, were ask ed to pe f · ~ - r or 1 ,, ,.nw , ,gnrn u, c, crc i se fer a pe riod of 15 minut es. Th e l act ic ac id c on centrati ons in the bl rn ,flt:£r. 80 . · 00 d 11 1 them \\ere mea \ur~d d uring and af ter exe rci se . Th e r es ult s are s ho wn in th e graph bel ow : -~ r- ..) 0 - --.. ~ .s u 0 0 :0 s -0 u Cll g u .!!! 0 C .Q e c Q) u C 0 () 80 60 40 20 I I -i- I I I I 0 0 : === = 1 ~ :~- -=- ..l_- ~ 20 _ j__-) 30 _ J ~-_JI . 1-1- _ L 40 50 period of exercise 60 Time(min)
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Exercise - Resp, t ton (a) The co n cen trali on or h cti L ' , 1 I · I I I 1· 1 · · · f. I ' , L lC 1 11 1 < 10 ( l 11 !till r c: 1c h :1 n w •u111u111 mII ii _<:; mtnulcs a tc r t 1c Cll d , ..1f C\crcise . Su f~ c:-- t an l' \pl : 11 w l il l!l 1 <1 1 thi " ( I 111ur k) ( b) A':-- h1 °l',llhi11 1 ' n tc ·1t'1 , 1 · t li, , I 1 - · . . ::- ' L .c ( I1t l1 cxcrc, ~c \\ a s fou nd t<1 he h1 g lw 1 111; 1 11 th,11 hd rm: the l' \. l'r\ :i sl' . L \ μlain the impon:mce or this incrc~ sc in hrc, 1l hin l.! ral c. ( 5 morr , J - L ( c) One of these two men is a trained athlete. Referring to the lactic acid levels of A and B during the exercise, deduce, with reasons, which of them is an athlete. ( 4 marks ) 81
and Exercises - --~~z;~-fntens1\e Notes f d tc <l og y b tl ·1 1 ,ve re ou n ) ecrease g racl () in e 1 . . c u, t11 \ · 11 ra t e~ o 1 the \,n:: lt \llll .:- 1 Base d on the information pro ( d) \ fter the ncr L 1~c. , " s'd more sl ow ' " ld e(j 1 . r·\ t c d l L I L , 1. L · ( 3 Ht l \\ i_?\ er. ~--- bre:\\ \11\ ):: ' . r r \\ 11'- dif fe ren ce. IIIC1r k.1i , , ,iblr c,pl~n: 11 10 11 u · a bL)' I.'.. ~, H ,1 pt1'- - - - - Total : 13 marks 7. Lactic ac id is prod u ce d w hen skeletal mu scles carry out anaerobic respiration. In an experiment to in\"estiga te the fa te of lactic acid in muscles, lactic acid containing radioa c ti ve ca rbon was adde d to a pi e ce of fr es hl y prepared mu s cle ti ss ue in the presence of oxygen. Th e radioa c ti v it y in the th r ee s ubsta n ce s - l ac tic acid , gl y co g en and carbon dioxide, was measured at the stai1 and at the end of the ex pe rim e nt. The r es ult s fro m th e experime nt are s ho wn in th e table below: Amount of radioactivity found ( arbitrary units) Substan ce at t he start of the experiment at the end of the experiment L ac tic aci d 4000 0 Gly coge n 0 3 100 Ca rbo n di ox id e 0 600 . . (a) Wh at is th e s1g 01 f1 ca n ce of anaerobic re spiration in sk 1 l e e ta mu s cl es? ( 3 marks) #t:::=. 82
Exercise - Respiration (b) lfosc donth c i11Cm 11 - 1 . - 1 J · - l ' l()IJ r 111 v 1t <'d . :-- u ~ !/-.'. ( '<, I two W H) " h) w hi ch l nct ic ac id i~ dea lt wi t1 1n th e muscle. ( 2 mci rk\'J ·-----. ( d T he tot al amount of ra di oac ti v it y found in th e three s ub stan ce s wa" round t 1 > he lm v<.: r at t he L'm i of the expe rim ent. ( i) Calcu late the percentage loss of rad ioactiv it y. Show your wo rki n g. (ii) Suggest an explanation for the loss of radioactivity. 8. The follow ing diagram illustrates the structures of an animal cell: X I I @ @ o~ /JO c~c? ..., ~ A 0 free ribosomes ., 7 0 0 0 ---t- - cytoplasm cell membrane nucle us - - -f--Wtt- B C nucl ear pore ( 2 n-wrh , ( J mark ) Total: 8 marks 83 -~
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84 --·------------- -- -- - ----------- --- .---- ------ -------- -- ---- , h i Ht -..Ilk-.. 1hc Lcll mcmhrane . membra n e'> are also found in the cy topla sm. Th e table bel o·, ,11t1\\ '- 1hc di~ tr i bution nf me mbran e-; in the cytoplasm of an animal cell. I __ Trpe oj mnnbrane Percentage of total membrane in cell ( II n1l:rn hranc 3 A 17 l I Oulcr memb rane of B 7 In ne r membrane of B 30 C 38 (i) Ex plain w hy the fi g ur e', in the above table do n ot add up to 100 % . (1 mark ) (i t) The inner membrane of B is found to be mo . b I e a undant than it s un the s truc tur e and func tion of B expla in th . . . outer membran e. Ba se d , c s1gn1f1cance of th . mc mbn m c'> . e diff ere nce in its t wo (4 marks) ---- - ----- ------ Total: 8 mark,
Exerc,sn - Re;.p1rat1on ____ _, 9. ..\TP is a1 1 instant ,ntm :c ,,r cii , 1 1 1 . l ~ > \ \ 1 l 111 I l 1 l' \' l' I I ( bl ( c) (~ 11t(lr/..,1 Dc sl Tibc ho ,, A.TP i • f . , ~ · . s nim t: o ti\ a lll l' Sl ~ph y ll ce ll a ln11 g the rc..,p 1ratnr :-, pt1th ,,a: h\ , uh , t1.tlL' I nc I phusphor~ lat ion . 1 _ 1 11 ,rirh 1 AT P can also be formed in the mesophyll cell through photophosphorylation. Describe h ow the mechanism of photophosphorylation is similar to that of oxidative phosphoryl at ion. ( -J. 11wrks i Total: JO ma rks R r:, '.
. Notes and Exercises NSS Biology _ f ntens1ve mit ochond ri a w ere isolated fr o m eel Is V· . , . . vcsti ua te r es pi ra ti on, . . · f . . a.r1 cJ1.1 IO . 1 Wwac:: 86 In an C'-pc ri n1 c: nt to 111 .... . ·• , ·I the concentr ation o . oxyge n in the pr cp ar• l I the 111it u clw11d11 ,1 l ,n c <1\ 1r 1n substances \\ ere adL CL tn . r .. , Jh bel ow : . . , I ·r 11 ' res ult s :,re s hnwn "' the ~ 1, I \\' :l S m c:-i:- lll l..l . I... ' (a) (b) ADP a dded acetyl coenzyme A added C L----..1..---- 1 OJ Ol >, X 0 0 C 0 -~ c OJ 0 C 0 (.) Time Expla in why the acetyl coenzyme A was used as the respiratory substrate in st ead of glucose. ( 3 mark s) Account for the change in the concentration of oxyge .. n upon the add1t1on of ADP . (2 mark s) Total: 5 ma rks
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£x 0 rc 1se - R p1rat I 1. rhc diag ra m helm, \h ()\ \ \ ()l) l' \\ '\ \ t 1 I '. l pr ut II U ' .\ rP in 1r , p 11 i ill (l ll M ~1 \J l ,\ t p (a ) N ~ 1111 L' 1\ 1 tclcL· tmn d ~)t)()r) and N I f' , 1 ~i .. I ll ,\ C Cl ll ll ll ac cr pLw· i 1 2 1/11//'t , I -- -- -- (b) St at e th e s it e at w hi ch t \1 e b - · · a o ve wa y ol A TP produ ct10n t ak es pla ce \1.1 t hin a cell f ·.rlain how t hi s s ite is adap ted to th is fun c tio n. , 3 1710 ,. "-,, ( c) A TP is de sc ribed as an energy carrier in a ll or g ani sms. Ex pl ain why A TP can act as an energy earner. ( 3 marks I ( d) State two reac ti ons that inv ol ve th e u se of ATP . ( 2 mar ks ) Total: JO mar ks 87
' -.---~~ A r;.'.J t ~W N fw<:. and E,ercises -- - tnte s ve O ,:;;- l l ~luc;se J GL '\COL YS IS \ ( ~ 1 L -1-- __ AT P 1:1 l ~M ~ ~ -- l ATP acet yl- coenz ym e A NAOH KREBS CYCLE ATP ATP electron transport chain lf the enzy me s inv ol v ed in va rious parts of the pathway are inhibited in the presence of oxygen. the le ve ls of py ru v ate , NA DH and ATP in a muscle cell will change accordingly. C:- 88 ( a) Co mplete the following table. For each of the processes inhibited, put down '+' for an inc rease in the le v el of the substance and ' - ' for a decrease in the level relative to its level in t he natural pathway. (2 mark s) Level of substance Pyruvale NADH A TP Proce~ s Glycolysis \ inhibited Kr ebs cy cle I I
Exerc i se - Resp , r, tm (h) Accou nt for t il e n p cc tcd c li annc 1- iii l l' ll 1 il ;i 1 j) \T11, ·: 1t c lc vr l ~ ill rr i11h1h11i()n o f th e Kr eb .., n clc . \Vhcn o x. idati\'e !)hos phor yl t. . . . . . · a ion was mh1b1t ed, ,t was fo und th at th e l eve l of l, 1<..!1 <. ,1 ud 1n the m use le eel I mcrea se d. Ac ccJ ltnt · f or lhc obser ve d c han ge in the ce llul ar leve l of la cl 1<. acid. Total: 7 marks 13. Anaerobic respiration is a form of respiration without the need of oxygen. ( a) Descri be the role and fate of NADH in respiring yeast cells in the absence of oxygen. (4 m ar ks) 89
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d [\ercises .., ~ tnte ;sn e N(.ltes an . . ic rc•- ;tilt <. 111 th e p rod uct ion of 1 Ill l\lll <;L' lc ( 1 :-,'-i l . . . i.ll\1 < .... ,· I in mu '-c lc t1 ...,~ uc d iff er\ frorn a na c . lacl!L ,IL ll rcib 1 l ( 3 n1urk I ) _. - -- -------- Total: 7 mark s 14. 80th pho1o i;y nthe~i~ a nd r es piratio n are important proce sses for energy transformation . Contra st the processes of ene r gy tran s forma tion in photosynthesis and re s piration . ( IO mark s) ----- ----- -- ----- - ----- 90