Jewel Behe
Rebecca Sutter
HST 215.LEC.01
17 November 2023
Final Project/Presentstion - Anne LaBastille (Outline)
Anne LaBastille was a larger-than-life figure who used her charisma and passion to advocate for the Adirondacks, her home. LaBastille was an American author of over 25 books (most well known was the “Woodswomen” series) and several articles as well as scientific papers. She was a wildlife photographer, who was a part of the Documerica Project led by the Environmental Agency (EPA) to have freelance photographers photograph environmental probelms in upstate NY. She was a wildlife ecologist who obtained her degree from Cornell University in 1969. Anne has obtained many awards for her courageous acts to help protect the Adirondack environment. She made her mark as a women taking the lead in to save the planet. Continuing to blaze a trail for women in conservation, LaBastille was appointed commissioner of
the Adirondack Park Agency (APA)-- the first female and first scientist to work for the agency. She made a huge impact by integrating scientific considerations into the APA’s decision-making. Anne’s accomplishments changed the Adirondacks for the better and her legacy will forever carry on. Body:
Discuss her early life and how it led her to the ADKS