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Dec 6, 2023





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REVIEW AND THESIS Dr. Tim Chang and his wife Ashley Chang composed a very interesting theory in their book, Christian Intercultural Communication: Sharing Gods Love with People and other Cultures’ which causes one to first take a strong look at themselves before entering ministry, also deciding to provide ministerial support to other communities. In Chang’s thesis he implies that someone who is seeking to provide a cross-cultural ministry should look within the faith and biblical tools before declaring themselves to be equipped to emulate the message which Jesus Christ gave to the world. I found this book to be very emotional to read and very encouraging as well as a minister, a mother, and a servant of God. As a mother the importance of finding balance in day-to-day life while teaching my children how to love God, worship, pray, fast, seek, and live a healthy human experience. As a mother who has lost a child through death and still having children to parent and show restraint, lead spiritually, and show faith through grief. As a minister with the desire to show the love of Christ and walk in truth, I often found it very emotional at first because as my eyes were opened spiritually as a prophet, I began to see the filth and the fault that not only lay awake in the world but lay very much alive in the church. As a minister in the church, it was hard for me, and I was rejected because I chose not to follow the rules of man but chose to follow the rules of God which have been set before us biblically and spiritually. I learned that not everyone had the same desire and mission, and I was not a ‘do I say’ kind of minister, rather a ‘do as God says’. I became very angry at the lack of support from those who claimed to walk in the same 3
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faith as I have. This book is powerful and will teach someone who had to endure the hardship that I have had to endure both spiritually and naturally why it is important to ‘stay the course’ and remain faithful to the call of God. This book will also help new converts, seekers, and ministers how to understand their purpose and how to share the gospel with others even as they are learning themselves. FIVE INTERCULTURAL LESSONS Throughout this book Dr. Chang continuously is very transparent and shares his own testimony of his ministerial growth and journey. His stance in this book was very humble and he tells the reader the mistakes that were made in his walk of faith and realization, he spoke of times of uncertainty and when he questioned himself and God, and uncovered many parts of himself to help the reader to understand that to have some type of era is not to be looked at as bad, but good as long as you stay in the race. This book is packed with lessons and not enough space to write them all so I will choose the five which I feel are most important in the beginning of any ministry when attempting to reach a culture outside of ones own, 1. Cultural Shock- learning how to embrace the shock. 2. Put God first- it’s important to maintain a Godly Focus 3. Contextualization -realization and relation, finding ways to convey the message. 4. Managing conflict- how to navigate through ministry and problem solve without damaging. 5. Leave before it’s too late – having the wisdom to know when to let go. 4
CULTURAL SHOCK Many times, in ministry we find ourselves in places which are unfamiliar to us, and we need to know how to adapt. In America we do not have to leave the country to experience different cultures. They are in our neighborhood, our stores, workplaces, schools, they are everywhere we turn. Each has their own systems, beliefs, customs, religious practices. I learned in ministry how important it is to listen and be still when embracing someone from another culture, and I also learned that intercultural does not have be seen as someone outside of your own race, people can look the same and still be so different based on their environment and background. In ministry it is wise to stay unbiased and open to many possibilities. When I grew up, I always seen the preachers’ wearing robes which looked to be very hot and uncomfortable to wear, I always wondered why they just didn’t wear normal clothing like those of us in our community would wear, when I came into the church in the 2000’s I saw many fancy hats, clothing, and robes. The people would go out to minister in these outfits, they also condemned those who came into the church who didn’t ‘look the part’, this bothered me. I was one who came from the what is called the ‘outside’, I watched many people turn away from the church because they were different, I asked friends to come to church and watched as they were treated differently, this angered me because this is not what I thought Christ represented but those in the church were comfortable making others uncomfortable and feel low about themselves. One Sunday the pastor said that after church we would have street service and that some would be appointed to go door to door and minister. I was the one with the group who was chosen to go door to door. This was my first time doing anything with or outside of the church in my city where I am well known. Being that I am very different, I know and understand that many 5
of the people who looked at as so called ‘Street’ knew the bible way better than many in the church, we would get drunk and high and have powerful spiritual conversations and encounters which led to tears (to many to explain here). The first house we came upon was Miss Cherries house, she was the blocks momma, she was also well known in our community for her past of violence and drugs. In some sense when I look back on it, I feel that certain ones in my group targeted her house because before we started, they were adamant about claiming that house first. We entered the house and Miss Cherry looked me right in the eye, I wasn’t a minister at that time, so I was to be silent as the ladies spoke. Their approach seemed more like an attack, and I could feel the atmosphere shift. Some were talking about cleanliness Miss Cherry didn’t have fancy things in her home and to them it was clutter, some were talking about getting right with God, and Miss Cherry wanted to know how they figured she didn’t have a relationship with God. I felt so bad because clearly these women were culturally shocked and didn’t know how to embrace it, it seemed that they had been in the church so long they forgot what it was like before. I could see the look in Miss Cherries (Cher Thomas) face and I began to speak, and by speaking I acknowledged Miss Cherries relationship with God and how she helped me and how God uses her each day for each of us out here in the street, how she was a safe haven for many, I told her that God had great plans for her and that he wanted to use her gifts to reach many more, than we prayed. While leaving the house she hugged me tight and said thank you when I see her again, she spoke of the encounter and told me God was going to use me outside of the church as he has today. It wasn’t in the fancy clothes which touched Miss Cherries’ heart it was in the normalcy and the message of love through love. Even though these women were of the same race they were still shocked culturally and not equipped to minister outside the four walls of the church. 6
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Today I find more and more people turning to alternatives because there is no relation within the church, nobody looks like them or nobody understands them. I always say that the remnant of God is coming from the street and the world, the church won’t recognize them because they look to worldly, they worship different, they speak another spiritual language. I truly believe today that the real ones who will have the cultural shock is those in the church because they have not yet learned to shift with the movement and spirit of God. GODLY FOCUS It is so important that we maintain our relationship with God. I see so many people who start out right, turn left. They start out having conviction and on the right path with the idea of pleasing God, but those prejudices which have been instilled in them take over. Those doctrines which have been taught to them take over and stop their mission before it even starts. Now I have seen many ministers move but they have no real impact, they move in the wrong spirit. There are so many who read the same bible but do not agree, many who claim to have the Holy spirit but don’t get revelation. I believe that is because many who claim to have the Spirit just walk in the Spirit of what they are taught, everything has a language, everything has a tongue. To be successful in ministry, reaching our in the intercultural community, your prejudices should go away, you should seek understanding from God about every individual you meet, it is important to stay open to the guidance of the Holy spirit. It’s not hard when you make it a lifestyle of putting God First. But if you are the kind of person who thinks they already know everything then you block the message for above. It is important to stay open to God always seek first to do kingdom work and God will always back you and go before you. The bible says, 7
“SEEK FIRST” the kingdom of heaven and all will be added to you; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Mathew 6:33 kjv). The word implies that we Seek, meaning to ask, look for, to listen, and to hear. The word All implies that everything we see from God will be answered and shown, we will be equipped for the task and assignment. Chang expressed in his book that being a Christian must and will always be centered around Christ. It is important that we remember that Christ is the Focus and not our own recognition or agenda. CONTEXTUALIZATION Chang coined in the word contextualization in a way that made me thinks even, as “a practice where missionaries become one with the local people.’ He said that the way to do this is eating their food and wearing their clothing. I do agree to some extent because I have seen many in ministry over do it and lose focus. They offended the people. I have noticed that they do not mind us eating their food, but when it seems like we are trying to be them or mock them there is a problem there. I would say that this stage of contextualization comes further along when dealing with cultures, making sure you are respected and known amongst them, kind of if like being initiated, then you can effectively initiate them by using the understand of their culture in context with the Gospel. Other than that, I would stick what you know until you have spent enough time with them while doing missionary work. MANAGING CONFLICT Being on the mission field can be hit and miss, just as I explained in contextualization. One false move or misunderstanding can set the whole thing off in smoke. If you are working with other missionaries, make sure that the conflicts within the group are kept out of sight of those that you 8
are ministering to. We don’t always agree with each other’s tactics, but you do not want to show discord because you will lose the respect of those you are trying to reach, they won’t understand the issues. Chang wrote that such conflict could reflect outside the ministry, if we cannot get along with the people, we work with how do we expect to get along with those we minister to. Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18(kjv) says; ‘Come let us reason together, says the Lord’. Meaning let us ‘Consider” your options. Even God understood this. Let’s look at Abraham and Lot when God said he would burn up Sodom. Abraham kept asking God questions and giving scenarios and God did consider. Let’s look at the people of Israel, always trying to do their own thing and God continuously considered options with them. When we are out in the field it is important that we understand that each of us are individuals from different backgrounds who chose to come together for one specific mission, and it is important that we do not allow personal issues to get in the way. That we maintain a Godly focus, we do not cause discord among the group through gossip, and that we strive everyday to stay on a Godly path. My favorite scriptures for life and ministry come out of Galatians, it is the foundation which I even teach my children. Galatians chapter 5 verses 16-18; ‘16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever[c] you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Galatians chapter 5 verses 19-21; ‘19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.’ 9
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Galatians chapter 5 verses 22-25 is how we should live every day, its not always easy but if we keep in mind these verses it is possible to train yourself to walk the right path and stay on it. Verses 22-25 says, ‘22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. If we stay the course and stand on the word, we can defeat conflict. WHEN TO LET GO In my personal perspective, letting go is not an option. Yet I do understand what Chang mentioned here. Sometimes backing up for a while is important and then coming back to the mission. Knowing when you have made a mistake and are in conflict of losing the people before damage occurs, that is wisdom. Sometimes you lose passion or need a break like Chang mentioned of his friend who felt he needed to go home. His friend felt he had to stay because of the beliefs of the other missionaries, but in his heart, he felt he didn’t belong. You must know when an assignment is not for you. Many try and put their hands in every pot but do more harm than good that is why we must place God as our center focus and follow the guidance of the Holy spirit not other. Sometimes your assignment there is up and sometimes it is not your assignment at all. The scripture I love for this is. 1 st Corinthians chapter 3 verses 5-9, ‘5 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. 6 I 10
planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters are anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.’ 1 st Corinthians chapter 3 verses 10-11, ‘10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.’ Keep the focus, know your place, therefore you won’t fail. Seeing to share the Gospel in a cross-cultural setting we are going to have some ups and downs. Its important that we follow the leading of the spirit of God so that we don’t cause damage and lose the people. Don’t give up, don’t as Chang phrased it as Walking away…. but know when your time is up. 11
Bibliography Chang, C.Tim Chang. Ashley E. Christian Intercultural Communication. Sharing God's Love the People of Other Cultures. Dubuque: Liberty University Online Bookshelf 12
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