After listening to the episode of the podcast Connected Nation from this week's guest lecture
from Prof. Vikki Katz:
Learning while being under-connected: what new research uncovers about digital inequity in
America (Links to an external site.)
1. Post at least one (1) question that came up for you listening to the podcast after reading our
book and listening to the lectures.
In particular, focus on how what Prof. Katz discusses relates
to other issues we are reading about this week too. Some possible examples:
the consolidation
and commercialization of digital media, how does the convergence of media and digital
platforms in our lives affect our dependence on them? and change our ability to participate in
society in the contemporary era? How might it feel to be isolated and trying to learn in lockdown
without the resources most of us take for granted?
2. Respond to at least two (2) of your classmate's questions or reactions to the guest lecture.
Feel free to respond to more!
* To receive full participation credit, you need to do both parts of the activity.