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STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X 187. Half my Kingdom to the Man Who Cures my Child K 3505A 1 [a-na LUGAL be-li-ia] 2 [ARAD-ka ™MIM—MU—PAB] 3 [lu DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia} 4 [9AG YAMAR.UTU] 5 [a-na LUGAL ble-'lf-ia* lifk-ru-blu 6 [5Ja LUGAL be-li i$-pur-an-'ni’ 7 [mla-a 3A-bi ma-ri-is a—dan-ni§ 8 $aina se-he-ri-ia an-ni-'e' 9 3A-bi if-pil-u-ni a-"ke-e' 10 né-pu-us lu-u Sa pa-ta-a-'ni’ 11 $i-i mi-$il ma-ti-i-ka 12 luta-din lu tap-fu-ra-ds-3i 13 mi-i-nu né-pu-us LUGAL be-li 14 dul-lu $a a-na e-pa-a-3e 15 lail-lu-ku-i-ni Su-i 16 & $a LUGAL be-If iq-bu-u-ni 17 ina UGU DUMU.ME 'EN' ME-ka ma-a 18 i-3d-tu "KALAG-tu' $a’ man-ni 19 ta-kal-an-ni a-na-ku-'ma’ 20 [ina] "IMLsi'-man-ni a-na LUGAL 21 (ble-li-ila a)-salp])-ra e.22 nu-uk SA-ba-ka sab-ta 23 qab-le-e-ka ru-ku-us r.1 la-a ina ba-zu-'$d"-nu-u-a 2 a-na LUGAL be-li-ia d5-pu-ra 3 ENYAG a-na LUGAL be-li-ia 4 lu-bal-li-tu at-ta-ma 5 AD-$i-nu at-"ta’ ga-ni x{x x) 6 tu-rab-ba-$ii-nu 3A [x x x) 7 [xxxxxx] URU.NIN[A].K[I] 8 [xxxxE—re]-du-te 9 [rxxxxxxx}-bi 10 [xxxxxxxx]-a rest completely obliterated s.1 laik-x[xxx 2 [xxlxdixxx [xxx 3 an(xdu}-un-qu lum-nu [x x x 4 be-li-ia a-se-me at-ta-al-ka CT 53 69 ! [To the king, my lord: your servant Adad-3umu-usur. Good health to the king, my lord!] May [Nabii and Marduk bless the king], my lord! ¢ As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: “I am feeling very sad; how did we act that I have become so depressed for this little one of mine?’ had it been curable, you would have given away half of your kingdom to have it cured! But what can we do? O king, my lord, it 1s something that cannot be done. '6 And as to what the king, my lord, said to me about the sons, your lords: “The burn- ing question of ‘who’ is eating me up” in the month Sivan (II1) I wrote to the king, my lord: “Take hold of yourself, prepare for everything!” Did I not write in my ... to the king, my lord? 3 May Bel and Nabfi let the king, my lord, live! 4 You are their father; you bring them up s [ ...... } Nineveh 6 [... Sujccession [Palace ...] (Break) 3 [...] good (or) bad [...]. I came (when) I heard the [... of the king], my lord. 188. The Ghost of the Queen K 1152 r ~ ~ » nRWN— beginning broken away [xxxxxxxxxx} LUGAL (xxxxxxxxxx3ii [xxxxxxxxxan-n)i-e [xxxxxxxxxx]).MES [xxxxxxxxxx-tle-em-ma 187 LAS 171. Date: July, 672 BC, or later. “the strong fire of who.” 188 LAS 132. Date: c. May, 672 BC. 154 - Nno. ABL 614 (Beginning destroyed or too fragmentary for translation) 185. 12 lu raddin lu tappurasii in hendiadys. 18 Lit., 6 f[(xxxxxxxxxxmla 7 Jxxxxxxxxxx] UD.MES 8 Ixxxxxxxxxxlx Rev. first line broken away 2 [xxxxxx]-ia i-"'sah"-kim' 3 [mla-a ina ke-nu-ti-$d as-Sur °§d-mas 4 a-na DUMU—LUGAL-li-te KUR—as-Sur.Kl S iq-ti-bu-u-ni e-fém-ma-3d 6 '-kar-rab-$u ki-i $a Su-u 7 e-tém-mu ip-lah-u-ni ma-a MU-$u 8 NUMUN-$u KUR—as-Sur.K1 li-bé-lu 9 [pla-lah DINGIR.MES da-ma-qu ul-lad 10 [pla-lah %a-nun-na-ki ba-la-tu u-tar 11 [LUGAL be)-"li" té-e-[mu] lis-ku(n) rest broken away 81-2-4,69 1 a-na LUGAL be-li-ia 2 ARAD-ka ™MIM—MU-—-PAB 3 lu-u Sul-mu a-na LUGAL EN-id 4 AG 9AMAR.UTU a-na LUGAL 5 be-li-ia lik-ru-bu 6 ina UGU LUGAL pu-u-hi 7 156" a"-ka-'di" a-na’ Se-Su-bi 8 te-e-mu lis-ku-nu 9 ina UGU TUG.lu-bu-si $a LUGAL 10 EN-id ku-zip-pi a-na ALAM 11 LUGAL pu-u-hi ina UGU ga-gi 12 [$d KUG).GI GIS.PA GIS.GU.ZA 13 [xxxxxri-iln'-ku rest (a couple of lines) broken away Rev. beginning broken away 1" ni-i5-s[i xxx]x 2" nu-Se-$ib u-ma-a 3 (e-e-mu lis-ku-nu 4 bi'-si' ni-is-ri S ni-il-li-ik 6" mi-i-nu 7" $a LUGAL be-li 8 i-qab-bu-u-ni 189 LAS134. Date:c. 671-VL ADAD-SUMU-USUR, KING'S EXORCIST 1 [The crown prince] explained [it toj my [... as follows]: 3 “A$%ur and Samas$ ordained me to be the crown prince of Assyria because of her (= the dead queen’s) righteousness.” (And) her ghost blesses him in the same degree as he has revered the ghost: “May his descendants rule over Assyria!” 9 Fear of the gods creates kindness, fear of the infernal gods returns life. Let the [king, my] lord, give the order (Remainder lost) 189. Royal Insignia for the Substitute King ABL 653 1 To the king, my lord: your servant Adad- Sumu-usur. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabfi and Marduk bless the king, my lord! ¢ Concerning the substitute king of Akkad, the order should be given to enthrone (him). 9 Concerning the clothes of the king, my lord, and the garments for the statue of the substitute king, concerning the necklace [of go]ld, the sceptre and the throne, [... ba]th (Break) r.1 We shall beg[in with ...] and enthrone (him) [...]. Now the order should be given, so we can ... and go. What is it that the king, my lord, commands? ? 134" a"-ka-"di"" defaced, but fairly certain; reading fa NINA'.x1 (Lambert in BBEA 45, note 72, after von Soden, Fs. Christian 104) excluded; a-na' W 214. r4 pi'.si': ¢f. bi'-is' von Soden loc. cit. 155
| T W e SOOI 15 STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X ina UGU §d-ta-a-ri §a LUGAL be-li-id MGIN-i ki-ma e-ta-mar ina mar-te i-mu-at %EN u %PA SU.2 SIG a-na LUGAL is-sak-nu ina ti-ma-li te-gir-tu ina UGU la da-ga-li as-sa-kan u-ma-a ad-da-lah ad-di-ris 4 Concerning the writing of the king, my lord, Keni will die of envy when he sees it; Bel and Nabid have given a fine hand to the king, my lord. Yesterday I made an excuse for (its) not being seen; now 1 have made a quick commentary 1o il. 236. The King Should not Worry about the Cold 81-2-4,68 a-na LUGAL be-li-ia ARAD-ka ™AMAR.UTU—GAR—MU {u-u DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia 9pA u IAMAR.UTU a-na LUGAL EN-ia lik-ru-bu ina UGU ku-ug-si Sa LUGAL be-lf i$-pur-an-ni la-4s-3u hi-tu DINGIR.MES-ni Sa L{UGAL] dr-his i-pa-af-fu-ru "W a-ni-nu mi-i-nu [$a ina) UGU-hi qur-bu-ni ABL 663 I To the king, my lord: your servant Mar- duk-$akin-Sumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabd and Marduk bless the king, my lord! 5 Concerning the chills about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, there is nothing to be worried about. The gods of the k[ing] will quickly cure it, and we shall do whatever is relevant to the matter. [It is] a seasonal 11 né-ep-pla-ds mur-si fat'-ti 12 {gu-fipLfi}gAL Lnea-c;'{.sz : illness; the king, my lord, should not [wor]ry 13 [ina UGU 8A-§)i [la i-Sak-kan (about it). 14 [xxxxxx)x (Remainder too broken for translation) 15 [xxxxxxx])-Su-nu r.l [xxxinaSi]-a-ri 2 [xxxxlx-ri 3 [xxxx]xa 56" KASKAL.GID 4 [UD-mu it-ta)-lak 5 [xxxxxxlx remainder blank 237. There is no Danger 81-2-4,451 CT 53 897 1 [a-na LUGAL be-li-ia) I [To the king, my lord: your servant Mar- 2 [ARAD-ka ™AMAR.UTU—GAR—MU] duk-3akin-¥umi. Good health to the king, my AR CeDL i aud | LUGALEN ) B lord! May Nab and Marduk blelss [the king, 4 [‘PA u “AMAR.UTU a-na LUGAL EN-id] my lord]! S [lik-rju-bu ina UG[U x x x x] y : 15 addiris: tentatively connected with rabbinical dr$ “to examine, expound, interpret” (Jastrow Dict. 325b) rather than Akkadian drs “to trample, press hard,” which is otherwise not attested in NA. For the hendiadys addalah addiris cf. ABL 997 r.7 and ABL 1194 1.15. 236 LAS 182. Date: 672-V. —+ RMA 257 (= SAA81). 10 Cf no. 245r.14. ! Cf no. 241:10. 12 Restored after RMA 257 (= SAA 8 1):8. Harper has bI. COg.ya 188 LAS 357. 13 Restored after RMA 235 (= SAA 8 101) r.3. r3 5/ not collated; MARDUK-$AKIN-SUMI, CHIEF EXORCIST 6 [$la LUGAL be-li i[$-pur-an-ni) 7 [mi-nu-ulm-ma ah—hur 8 [né-pu-us] la-ds-3u 9 [hi-tu x x-r)a-a-ni 0 [rxxxxx]-ef rest broken away Rev. beginning broken away ' [xxxx-llam 2" [xxx] gi-ba-a-ni 3 [xxlul)ai-kal-lu 4 [xxlu-Sap-pi-tu 5 [xx]'A.2-%i LUH-s[i] 6’ [xx] KASKAL.GID [x x] 7" lina 1GI ‘E]N.LIL né-e[p-pa-ds) last line broken away 5 As to [...] about which the king my lord w(rote to me, whjat else [should we do]? There is no [danger ...] (Break) r2 [ ...... ] commandments N P ] let them not keep 4 [ ...... let them s]weep S T ...... ] let him wash his arms & [ ...... ] double-hour(s) [...] 7 we shlall perform before E]nlil [ ...... ] 238. Expelling an Evil Demon K 626 a-na LUGAL be-li-ia ARAD-k@ ™AMAR.UTU—GAR—MU lu-u D1-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia 4pA JAMAR.UTU a@-na LUGAL EN-ia lik-ru-bu D1-mu a-na DUMU—LUGAL DI-mu a-na ™GI$.NU;,—MU—GI.NA ina UGU né-pe-$e 3d EN' HUL.GAL HE.ME.EN $a LUGAL be-Ii i§-pur-an-ni a-na a-lu-u lem-nu u AN.TA.SUB.BA OO~ PR e 10 na-sa-hi ep-pu-Su ki-ma mi-i-nu 11 il-ta-pat-su LUMAS.MAS i-tab-bi 12 PES.QA.GAZ" NUNUZ GIS.NIM 13 ina $ib-Se-ti $a KA e’-i-la 14 LU.MAS.MAS TUG SA, il-lab-bis 15 'TUG".DUL SA; if-Sak-kan a'-[ri-bu. MUSEN] 16 [ina Z)AG'-3iu SUR.DU.MUSEN in[a KAB-3i] 17 [NIG.N]A' §a 7 KA.MES [x x] e.18 [ina UJGU-hi* i-kar-[ra-ar] r.l [xxi)-sa'-bat 'zi'-[ig-tu) [ina 8U).2 d-kal'-l[a] [ina gi)-na-zi i-mah-[has) [EN HUL.GA]L HE.ME'.EN $ID-nu (ki-ma) 'ug?-da-mir LU.MAS.MAS 2-i NIG.NA GLIZI.LA i—da-tu-us-Su-nu TA* GIS.NA Sa mar-si u-Sal-ba-a EN HUL.DUB E.BA.RA a-di KA SID-nu KA i-tam-ma SOOI EAWN [y ABL 24 I To the king, my lord: your servant Mar- duk-3akin-3umi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabfi and Marduk bless the king, my lord! 5 The crown prince is well; $amas-sumu- ukin is well. 7 Concerning the rites accompanying the incantation “Verily You are Evil” about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, they are performed to drive out the evil demon and epilepsy. 10 As soon as something has afflicted him (= the patient), the exorcist rises and hangs a mouse and a shoot of a thornbush on the vault of the (patient’s) door. The exorcist dresses in a red garment and puts on a red cloak. He (holds) a ra[ven on] his right, a falcon on [his left], and po[urs ...] on the censer of the ‘7 gates,” grasps a {...], holds a r[orch in his han]d, stri[kes] with a [w]hip and recites {the incantation] “Verily You are [Evil]. 3 [After] he has finished, he makes an- other exorcist go around the bed of the pa- tient, followed by a censer and a torch, recites the incantation “Begone Evil hultuppu” (going) as far as to the door and (then) con- jures the door. 238 LAS 172, Date: 672-671 BC. 12 Gaz not verified (copy Qu). 15 'TUG" certain, AN' excluded; a'-[ri-bu MUSEN] Zimmemn ABB 90:1 after CT 16 28:64-65. 16 Restored from CT 16 28:64-68. 17 k4.MES confirmed by E. Sollberger, 1976; GARZA! excluded. 18 'hi" W 17. 4 ME! Lechmann S3mk pl. 44. 5 Ty W 17, 189
23 [i-da)-ba'-bu-u-ni 24 [i-3d)-an-nu-ni li-[ip-tu] 25 [$a d)a’-bi-ba-nu-ti le-p[u-3u]) 26 inaSi-a-ri s.1 [Sum)-ma a-na tu-bi §d4-kin ki-ma e-tar-ba a-na LUGAL a-'qab'-b[i] K 494 1 a-na LUGAL be-li-ia 2 ARAD-ka ™AMAR.UTU—GAR—MU 3 lu-u DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-id 4 ‘pA u‘AMAR.UTU a-na LUGAL EN-id S5 lik-ru-bu ina UGU ka-ra-ri 6 sa sil-li-ba-a-ni $a LUGAL 7 be-lf ig-bu-u-ni ma-a sa-ri-ih 8 a—dan-nis lu sa-ri-ih 9 g-ni-in-nu-ma ba-si mi-i-ni 10 né-ep-pa-df la-a Su-tu 11 su-ur-he-e ma-a zu-u-ti 12 ina 8A-bi li-ik-ru-ra 13 ku-su-um-ma a-ta-a 14 i-sa-bat-su la har-pi-i 15 Su-nu r.l1 an-ni-i la mit-hur Su-u 2 Su-u DINGIR.MES-ni e-pu-$i 3 &ina UGU tur-ri 4 $a LUGAL be-lf iqg-bu-ni 5 de-i-ig a—dan-ni§ 6 la-a ina KUR.na-ki-re-e 7 a-na LUGAL EN-ia aq-bi 8B mu-uk la si-ma-a-ti 9 $a KUR—as$-Sur Kl Si-na 10 é-ma-a ina pu-ut GI$.HUR.MES 11 $a DINGIR.MES g-na LUGAL EN-id 12 id-di-nu-ni ki-i ha-an-ni-i 13 nu-ka-a-la 14 [xx)xe-ta-ka-a-ni 15 [a-na] LUGAL EN-ia [a]s-sap-ra f-“uli—[ip-ru] restored according tor.19. 1 commentary in LAS II. 192 STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X knows the Babylonians and what they [pl]ot and [re]peat. (These) plotters should be af[flicted]! Tomorrow if it seems good I shall come to the audience and speak to the king. 241. Gripped by Agues LAS 181. Date: late Iyyar, 670. ABL 19 ! To the king, my lord: your servant Mar- duk-¥akin-3umi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabé and Marduk bless the king, my lord! 5 Concerning the application of the sillibanu-treatment about which the king, my lord, said: “It is very hot™ 8 it must be hot; why else are we doing this? Did he not (intend) heat, (when) he said, “It should make him sweat?” But why is he seized by ague, though it is early summer? This does not make any sense. It is the work of the gods. r3 And concerning the string of (amulet) stones, what the king, my lord, said is quite correct. Did I not tell the king, my lord, (al- ready) in the enemy country that they are unsuited to Assyria? Now we shall stick to the methods transmitted to the king, my lord, by the gods (themselves). L3 O [ 15 | am now writing to the king, my lord. .25 For restorations see the pertinent note. ©1 Or: “This (fever} is not even / in balance,” see 114 See the commentary in LAS IL MARDUK-SAKIN-SUMI. CHIEF EXORCIST Rm 67 1 a-na "LUGAL b|e-li-ia] 242. A Sick King ABL 348 I Tothe kin[g, my lor]d: your servant Mar- % ;\RAD-ka ™AMAR.UTU—'GAR"—MU duk-$akin-3umi. Good health to the king, my L lord! May Nabti and Marduk bless the kin 4 °PA u “AMAR.UTU a-na LUGAL EN-id g 5 lik-ru-bu $a LUGAL be-If my lord! 6 ig-bu-ni ma-a a-hi-ia 5 As to what the king, my lord, said: “My 1 Se-pi-iala-mu-qa-a-a arms and legs are without strength!” and “I g :‘na m_‘;‘fm'g{-;'k'a ki‘zr _‘Zfi("“" cannot ogcn my eyes; I am scratched and lie 10 ina $A $a hu-un-tu prostrate = . . 11 S$u-ii ina $A es-ma-a-ti 10 (all) that is because this fever has lin- 12 s-kil-lu-u-ni gered inside the very bones. It is not serious 13 ina $8A-bi Su-u A3%ur, Sama3, Bel and Nab will provide 14 la-45-5d hi-tu health. r.1 a$-§ur qUTU ‘EN 9PA (Break) 2 DI-mu i-Sak-ku-nu 3 xxxta'-bi-ik 4 laxa'xxxu S UG[U'x] X' [x x])-ma mu-ru-us-si fl.‘ga 16 His illness will depart he will be just ; z:-’i-icl;.a';dan-nif fine. True, they should wair and eat (only) t-tu li-ik-te-ru i i 9 miiomi $a fo bu-s-ni what is appropriate. 10 le-ku-lu 243. Inflammation of the Eyes 83-1-18,98 ABL 664 1 a-na LUGAL be-li-ia ! To the king, my lord: your servant Mar- g }::Rf:?l.)‘if “AMAREEU—GQRT‘MU duk-3akin-3umi. Good health to the king, my 3 oaud] A’Q“Afi?iu a_‘i;‘-]_l;'G ALu;?e- . lord! [May Nabf and] Marduk bless the king, S [lik-ru]-bu ina UGU hu-un-fi my lord! 6 [3a] 'e'-na-a-te §a LUGAL be-If $ Concerning the [inf]llammation of the 7 [ig-bu-ni ma-a lu] pa-Si-ir a-na-ku - eyes about which the king, my lord, (said: “If 8 [ina $i-a-ri inaiGILU]GAL be-lf-iala-al-lik only it could) be cured!” I will come [to- morrow to the k]ing, my lord 9 [xxxxxxxx]an-ni-te 9 [ ...... ] this rest (about 10 lines) lost (Break) Rev. beginning lost I” xxxxxxxxx] 2: né-pe-3e '$a’ ITT'.GU[D] 2 We shall perform the (periodic) rites of 3_ ft; h“-lm-i; ;g%:gd-fl-fel the month Iyyar (II), against inflammation of s ;a_ifi_fiz e la_‘;i[fia vl [the eyes). Bel and Na[ba] will lay their lfe- 6 LUGAL be-li-ia ti-mu-'du? giving hands up(on] the king, my lord. 242 LAS 180. Date: 670-II1 r.3-5 Unreadable; see coll. 243 LAS 183. Date: late lyyar, 670. ¢ $a restored according to r.3; cf. no. 328:18. 6 g-mu-'du"" W 216. 193
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STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X 244. Recovery of the Queen Mother Ki 1904-10-9,48 = BM 99019 1 [a-na LUGAL be-li-ia) 2 [ARAD-ka ™MAMAR.UTU—GAR—MU] 3 [lu-u DI-mu a-na LUGAL] 4 [EN-ia °P)A u YAMAR.UTU 5 [a-na LUGAL EN]-ia lik-ru-bu 6 [fu-ub $A)-bi tu-ub UZU 7 [a-na LUGAL EN]-ia lid-di-nu 8 [flul-mu 9 [a-na DUMU.M]ES EN.MES-ia 10 [a—dan]-ni$ 11 [DI-mu a)-na M. AMA—LUGAL 12 [EN-ia UZ)U-§4 DUG.GA-$i 13 [$A-bu $a] LUGAL EN-ia 14 [lu-u] DUG.GA r.l [ina UGU {)é-e-me [$a LUGA]L be-li [i8]-pur-an-ni lina g)a’-an-ni LO.GABA.RI.MES-ia [0] 'a'-za-az is-sa-he-’i-if [n)i-im-ma-al-lik [n)i-qab-bi Mf. AMA—LUGAL [k)i'-i a-da-pi [tla'-la-’i-i rest uninscribed Nolo I Ne W BN RIS ] ABL 1388 I [To the king, my lord: your servant Mar- duk-3akin-3umi. Good health to the king, my lord!] May Nabli and Marduk bless [the king], my [lord]! May they give [happi]ness and physical well-being [to the king], my [lord])! 9 [The sons], my lords, are doing ve[ry w])ell; the mother of the king, [my lord, is well], she has recovered. The king, my lord, [can be] happy. 1 [Concerning the or]der [about which the kin]g, my lord, wrote to me, I am collab- orating with my colleagues; we shall take counsel together (and then) speak out the mother of the king is as able as (the sage) Adapa! 245. Prophylactic Rituals for the Royal Family K 948 [a-na LUGAL be-li-ia) [ARAD-ka ™AMAR.UTU—GAR]—MU [{u-u DI)-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia a3-sur SUTU 9EN %zar-pa-ni-tum 4AG tas-me-tum 415 $a NINA KI 415 $a URU.arba-il 1-me MU.AN.NA.MES a-na LUGAL EN-ia lik-ru-bu ma-ags-sar DI-me u TL.LA TA* LUGAL EN-ia lip-qi-du 10 $i-bu-ti lit-tu-tu a-na LUGAL EN-id 11 lu-3ab-bi-ui SUHUS GIS.GU.ZA LUGAL-u-ti 12 $a LUGAL EN-id a-na UD-me sa-a-ti 13 lu-ki-in-nu né-mu-lu 14 $a ™as-sur—bU—DUMU.US $a SES.MES-Su 15 a-na LUGAL EN-id lu-kal-li-mu 16 DUMU—DUMU.MES-$i-nu LUGAL ina si-gi- Su 17 li-in-tu-uh tu-ub SA-bi-3i-nu 18 & tu-ub UZU.MES-$ii-nu 19 ka-a-a-ma-nu LUGAL lid-gul VOO~ W - 244 LAS 184. Date: 670-1V. 8 [5ul' see coll. ABL 453 I [To the king, my lord: your servant Mar- duk-%akin]-3umi. [Good he]zlth to the king, my lord! May A¥Sur, Samag, Bel, Zarpanitu, Nabi, Ta$metu, [3tar of Nineveh and IStar of Arbela bless the king, my lord, a hundred years! May they appoint a guardian of health and life for the king, my lord! May they sate the king, my lord, with old age and fullness of life! May they keep firm the foundations of the royal throne of the king, my lord, until far-off days! May they let the king, my lord, see Assurbanipal and his brothers prosper! May the king lift their grandchildren into his lap! May the king constantly see their mental and physical well-being! 12 [uz]u! see coll.; {UZU.M)ES excluded. ! Cf. no. 245 r.1. 149 The gap at the beginnin;vof the lines is too wide in copy Harper. 245 LAS186. Date: 670-1V 194 MARDUK-SAKIN-SUMI, CHIEF EXORCIST r.l1 ina UGU té-e-me $a LUGAL be-li 2 i$-ku-na-an-ni-ni di-ib-bi 3 gab-bu ina tup-pi as-sa-tar 4 ki-i $a LUGAL be-If ina pi-i-Su 5 ig-ba-an-ni ina pu-i-ti 6 ig-ti-bu-ni Sal-mu Su-u 7 u-ma-a ki-i $3a LUGAL be-li 8 i-qab-bu-ni Sum-mu tal-la-ka 9 a-na URU.kal-ha a-na ™a-hu-ni 10 lis-pa-ru-ni li-in-tu-ha 11 lu-bi-la ba-si pi-Sir-a-ti 12 lutak-ru-ur u a-na-ku 13 an-nu-rig tup-pa-a-ni 30 40 14 SIG,.MES am—mar ina UGU-hi qur-bu-u-ni 15 da-hi-u-ti i-ba-as-si 16 i-se-nif §a im—ma-ti-me-ni 17 [in-né-plu'-$i-u-[n)i re-e-Su 18 [a-na-d$-$i a-m)a-ta-ha 19 [xxxxxxxxxx] +1 Concerning the order which the king, my Jord, gave me, I wrote every word on a tablet; they said it to me word for word as the king, my lord, had said with his own mouth, it is safe. 7 Now, if she as the king, my lord, says comes to Calah, let them send Ahuni to pick up and bring (the tablets), so she can ‘cast the solvents.’ 12 As for myself, [ am presently [col]lect- ing all the 30 to 40 canonical tablets that are relevant to the matter, as well as (all) the existing non-canonical ones that are ever [per)formed (in this connection). (Remainder lost) 246. Rituals for the Royal Family 83-1-18,95 beginning (about 7 lines) lost a-na [LUGAL EN-ia lu-kal-li-mu] DUMU—DUMU.MES-[$4-nu LUGAL ina si- qi-$u) li-in-tu-h(u $a LUGAL be-li ig-bu-u-ni) ma-a at-ta la te-'ra’-bla’ ina pa-ni-ka) la te-ep-pa-ds ki-i ma-gi 'LUGAL" [be-li) ig-bu-u-ni le-ru-ub la-az'-z[i'-iz) 1 2 3 ¥ 5! 6I 7" inapa-ni-ia lu te-pu-us ina UGU [ku-zip-pi) 8 §a LUGAL be-li iq-bu-u-ni ma-a ku-zip-pi ‘a'-(a-ka] 9" i-$ak-ku-nu #-la-a ina UGU UN.MES ‘ma’- [a] 10° a-na mi-i-ni UN.MES iz-za-a-zu 11" [Klu-zip-pi-ma ina tar-5i UTU lu $ak-nu 12" [ina UJGU-hi pi-Sir-a-ti lu tak-ru-ur 13" [u] Mi.ga-di-su me-me-ni 14" [i-bla-ds-5i te-ep-pa-ds 15" [UNME]S li-iz-zi-zu 16" [dul-la)-$i-nu le-pu-3$u 17" [i—da)-a-ti LU.MAS.MAS r.l [er-rab’ ina UG)U' MUMES $a LUGAL be-If lig-bu-u-ni) 'x* tu-u-ra ia-um-ma [$u-d’ du)l'-li u-la $u-mu $a LUGAL [MUMES $a] DUMU—MAN & SES.MES-3u gab-bu [am—mar DUIMU'.MES EN-ia-a-ni gab-bu x[x x]x a-na-ku a-gab-ba-ds-3i ta-zak-kar = WV £ wWN ABL 1126 (Beginning lost) * May [the king] lift [their]) grandchildren [into his lap]! 3 [As to what the king, my lord, said:] “Will you not enter? Will she not perform (the ritual) [in your presence]?” I shall enter and stay as long as the ki[ng, my lord], said, and she may perform it in my presence. 7 Concerning what the king, my lord, said about [the clothes]: “W[here] will the clothes be placed?” or about the people: “Why will the people be present?” the clothes should be placed before Samas, and she should ‘cast the solvents’ upon them. A sacred woman will be there to perform a certain rite. [The peoplle should be present and perform their [ritvals]. There[upon] an exorcist [will rake over]. 1 Concern]ing the names about which the king, my lord, [spoke, that] in turm [is] my task. I shall bring up and say to her the name of the king, and [the names of] the crown prince and all his brothers, [as many as] there are sons, my lords, all (of them) [...], and she will pronounce them. 246 LAS 187. Date: 670-1V/V, written probably immediately after no. 245. 5 "‘LuGAL W 305. 9 mia' see coll. 12 'x) see coll. 3 du)l' see coll; reading i-la fu-mu is certain, for there is clear space between the two words, and the connected signs are written together. 195
STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X 308. Petition on Behalf of a Brother K 7487 a-na LUGAL EN-ia ARAD-ka ™PA—ga-mil lu-u DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia a—dan-ni§ [4JAG & [‘AMAR.UTU] a-na LUGAL EN-id lik-ru-bu [x x x x x x x x a]-na LUGAL [x x x x x x x x] $a ITL.DU; [x x x x x x x x} li§-pu-ra [x x x x x x E—sa-lJa—me-e [xxxxxxxxxjxGR rest broken away Rev. beginning broken away I’ [xxxxxxxxx]x[x] 2 [xxxxxxxxx]$alx] 3 [xxxxxxxxx]-nu 4 [rxxxxxxxxxl 5’ [xxxxx3alGl.2MES-$i] TA* LUGAL EN-id CO~INW & o B »— 6 Sak-na-a-ni u [ina UGU] 8ES-ia 7' $a a-na LUGAL d3-pu-ra-an-ni 8 la-a ma-hi-ir ina pa-ni-$i-nu 9’ inak-kalaiz-za-az 10e [xxxx x)x ku [x] lle [xxxxxxx] s.1 xxx]iz-bi [xx] ABL 932 1 To the king, my lord: your servant Nabg- gamil. The best of health to the king, my lord! May [N]abd and [Marduk] bless the king, my lord! L et ] to the king L PP ] of Tishri (VII) 6 [ ...... ] let him write 7 [ ...... Bit sal]l@a’ (ritual) (Break) s [... whose eyes] are fixed on the king, my lord. s And [concerning] my brother about whom I wrote to the king, he is not to their liking. (Therefore) he does not serve in your palace. (Remainder too fragmentary for transla- tion) 309. Attacks of Epilepsy K 4278 ABL 1289 beginning broken away (Beginning lost) 1’ [x]'an® [x] "4" AN.T[A.SUB.BA] 2 [kal]—UD-me ina UGU-hi-$i i-m{a-qut) 3’ [N]A,.MES KUS.me-el §a AN.'"TA'.SUB.[BA] 4 'e'-ta-pa-d¥ ina UGU-hi-3i as-sa-kan 5" AN.TA.SUB.BA ur-ta-me-$i ina ga-ni 6 §$a LO.TUR i-nu-hu-ni 7’ inaUGU-hi DUMU—SES-3i $a "™NUMUN—GIN 8 'P-sa-ka-nu it-tu-a-ha 1.1 [ina qla-ni DUMU—SES-$i §a ™NUMUN— GIN i-nu-hu-u-ni 2 [ina U)JGU LU.SIPA $u-i Ml.a-ha-ti-ka 308 LAS 227, 1 [...] Epi[lepsy] keeps attack{ing] him [all] the day. 3 1 prepared the [sto]nes and the phylac- tery (used) against epilepsy and put them upon him, (and see), the epilepsy left him. s Once the child had calmed down, they put (the amulets) upon the nephew of Zeru- ukin: he, too, calmed down. 1 {O]nce the nephew of Zeru-ukin had calmed down, they put (the amulets) upon that shepherd your sister [...]. He calmed 309 LAS239. 3 ¢ written with 4 vertical, §a with 3 horizontal wedges. 248 VARIA 3 [x1]iia i-d'sa'-ka-nu it-tu-ah-ma down. [a-n)la—°AG—at-kal kal-bi mé-te rd R 5 [ana-ku x}x &t a-na DINGIR.MES-e-ni R o arm Anla-Nab@-atkal, a dead dog, [...] 6 [txx]xxxzxx lané-pa-ldf] (Remainder destroyed or too fragmentary 7 [xxxxxxxx]li{xxx] for translation) 8 [rxxxxxx]si[xxx] 9 [xxxxxxxx[xxxx] remainder broken away 310. Treating an Injured Chest K 16107 CT 53 760 beginning broken away (Beginning lost 1" [ex xx]x-"me-ni-$i i-ku-lu-u-ni’ 1 [“g who]g has laten 2" [xxxx] pi-ir-ki ina GABA-§i 2 [ has] lines in hi 3 [xxxx)-aing hi-it-fi [... has] lines in his chest & [xxxxxlxi-ma-nu-Si 3 [ ...... ] owing to a fault 5 [xxxxx)-nua-ke-e 4 they recite to him { ...... ] e.6’ [xxxxxx]S4EN (x] S [ ...... ] how two lines broken away (Break) r.]1 [§a LUGAL be-I]{ iq-bu-u-ni e [C . . 2 [xxx]la-a ni-da-li-pu-uni 1 [Concerning... about whom the king, 3 [la né-pa)-G5-u-ni DINGIR MES-ni mjy [lord], spoke, {I swear that] we stay 4 [xxx)ina qtla-t'i-r_zi la ii-ba-u awake [with him] and [do our wo)rk! May the 5 [xxxxxx]-'a-ti gods [...] not hold us responsible { ...... ] 6 [rxxxxxxblu-'ub (Remainder lost) rest broken away 311. Calming the ‘Farmer’ 83-1-18,136 CT 53 932 beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed) 1" [xxxxxx]'xxx 2" [xxxxxx)-nu-u-ni 3 [xxx)-id-"ti-ia "TA* xx X 4" [xxxlx-a ig-du-[ru]-"ur” 4 0. fri S [xx x)-tu i-na-d3-"Su-nis-5@'-ni s E ..... } wasb r.lgh.tened hi 6 [xxxi-gle-la-da-ni"L"ma 7 are bringing to him 7 [xxxLO).ENGAR lu la i-pal-lah ¢ [... which] frighten ... 8 [xxxx8JA-bi-5ii 7 The ‘farmer’ should not be afraid [of ir]. lg' {x X X X x X] pa-ni- ‘;lf UD-10"-KAM 8 [ ...... from] his heart " [xxxxxx]is-"sak™-na 9 11" [xxxxxx}a-hi-? 10 [t ..... Jon thi 10‘; = 12" [xxxxxxlx‘ru-séer® T AN 13 [xxxx x xlx-nu i-bla-dJ3-3i " L ...... strange e.ld [xxxxxx]-bi 12 [ .... ] them r.l [xxxxxxx]NUSES 13 I ...... ] there is % [x x x x x x x]x-na-Si-te 14 ... ] R ohleledipit 1 1 [ ...... ] do not anoint (Break) 310 LAS 141. Date: Esarhaddon. 311 LAS236. 249
STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X 17 am—mar té-en-sii-nu ha-as-su-u-ni 18 ina ti-ri-ik SA-bi mé-e-tu 19 TA* pa-an da-ba-bi an-ni-iu-u 20 3a LUGAL an-nu-te LU*.par-ri-su-te 21 3aina UGU ta-ab"-te id-bu-ub-u-ni 22 a-de-e 3a LUGAL ina pa-an e.23 as-Sur u DINGIR. GAL.MES TA* LU*. ARAD.MES-$u 24 i$-kun-u-ni 3a ina SA-bi 25 a-de-e ih-tu-u-ni r.1 a$-$ur u DINGIR.MES GAL.MES 2 uk-ta-si-iu-u ina SU.2 LUGAL 3 be-lf-ia i-sa-ak-nu-Su-nu 4 (a-ab-ti $a LUGAL tak-ta-34-su-nu S ke-e-ti re-eh-ti UN.MES gab-bu 6 a-na z-ia-a-ni ina pa-an LUGAL 7 i-sa-ak-nu 'GIM' §a LU.ASGAB 8 1.GI5.MES $a KU MES ip-ta-4§-3u-$u-nu 9 LUGAL be-lf pa-li-hu ¥a DINGIR.MES 10 3u-ii af-Sur 936-ma3 “EN u °PA 11 $ad-ta-kil-u-ka-ni : a-na 12 LUGAL DUMU—LUGAL la t-ra-mu-u 13 pa-lu-zi $a LUGAL DUMU—LUGAL 14 a-na sa-a-ti UD-me i-ka-a-nu 15 U.MES $a a-na LUGAL u-Je-bil-an-ni 16 a-na 2-%ii $u-nu U.GID U.PA.TI 17 i-qab-bu-nis-3ii-nu a-na a-he-i la mus-lu 18 $a a-ki il-du 3a qu-da-a-si 19 ka-bi-di i-qur a—dan-ni% i—su-ur-ri 20 LUGAL be-If i-qab-bi ma-a a-na mi-i-ni 21 da-an-qu a-na US,,.BOR.D[A.MES] 22 da-an-qu a-na M{ 3a ta-lfit-te) 23 da-an-qu mu-3al-li-ma-[nu) 24e i-se-nif us-se-bi-[la) 25¢ mu-$al-li-ma-nu ing GI5.N[A] 26e $a ™Mf' xxix'[0"] s.1 i—su-ur-ri LUGAL i-qab-bi ma-a an-na-ka Su-u 2 ina E LUGAL be-I{ i$-pur-an-ni-ni at-ta-lak remembered their orders died of throbbing heart. 19 Because of this speech of the king, A33ur and the great gods bound and handed over to the king these criminals who plotted against the (king’s) goodness and who, hav- ing concluded the king’s treaty together with his servants before A3Sur and the great gods, broke the treaty. The goodness of the King caught them up. However, they made all other people hateful in the eyes of the king, smearing them like a tanner with the oil of fish. 9 The king, my lord, is one who fears the gods. A¥%ur, Samas, Bel and Nabil, who have given you confidence, will not abandon the king and the crown prince, but will secure the rule of the king and the crown prince until far-off days. 15 The herbs which I am sending to the king are of two kinds; they are called ‘long plant’ and ‘staff of life’ and are different from each other. The one which looks like a base of an earring is important and very rare. 19 Perhaps the king will say: “What are they good for?” They are good for counter- spells, and they are good for a woman in lablour). 23 [ am also sending a ‘healer.” The ‘healer’ ... in the be[d] of ....... 1 Perhaps the king will say: “Is he here?” I have gone where the king, my lord sent me. 317. —— Bu 91-5-9,130 beginning broken away [x x x x]) ina SA [x x x} ina "'x x'-a-ti ina [x x x x] ta-ba-lag DI-mu S{A-bu $d LUGAL EN-ia) lu DUG.GA [[]) a-na [LUGAL EN-ia} ARAD-ka "ARAD—°na-na-a [lu DI-mu] a-na LUGAL EN-ia *MAS u [%gu-la) fu-ub SA-bi tu-ub U[ZU.MES] a-na LUGAL EN-ia lid-{di-nu) [xx] "x x X! a-na LUG[AL x x] WO -IANEWLWE - CT 53 157 (Beginning lost) 1 She will recover through { ...... ]. Allis well. [The king, my lord], can be glad. 4+ To [the king, my lord}: your servant Urad-Nanaya. [Good health] to the king, my lord! May Ninurta and [Gula] g[ive] happi- ness and ph([ysical] well-being to the king, my lord! 9 [...] to the kin[g ...... ] 2t 1g-gb'!-te written ta-AD-te on the tablet. 22 1a-l[it-te] CAD D 73b. 126 See coll. 317 LAS 256. Date: late 671/early 670 BC. 2 See coll. 256 URAD-NANAYA, CHIEF PHYSICIAN rest (about 4 lines) broken away (Break) Rev. beginning (about 4 lines) broken away 1" [xxx]xxx![xxx] 2" [xxx]x9MAS xfx x x] 3’ [LUGAL EN LUGAL.MES x[x x x] 4" x{xx]i-surixfxxx] 5" hli-tla-a-a la-ds-$i lu [x x x] 6" mi-i-nu $a hi-ta-a-a [x x x] 7 [xx])'a‘-na LU*.GAL-x[x x x] rest broken away 1 [xxxxxx]-nusaL[UGAL x x 2 [xxxxxx]-nima-aa-[xx 3 [xxxxxt]a’-mah-ha-a[s x x r2 [...] Ninurta [...] 3 [King, lo]rd of kings [ ...... ]. 5 There is no f[ault] of mine [...] ¢ whatever my faultis [ ...... ] 7 to the chief [...] (Remainder lost or too broken for transla- tion) 318. Treating the King’s Skin K 576 ABL 110 21) a-na LUGQL !aN-iad I To the king, my lord: your servant Urad- ARAD-ka "ARAD—na-na-a Nanaya. The very best of health to the king, 3 luSul-mu a—dan-ni§ a—dan-nis ) : . . S sy < my lord! May Ninurta and Gula give happi- S *MAS ugu-la ness and physical well-being to the king, my 6 DUG-ub lib-bi DUG-ub UZU lord! 7 a-na LUGAL EN-ia lid-di-nu 8 ina UGU un-di $a LUGAL be-ii 8 Concerning the rash about which the g [i.i‘-pur-an]_-ni ma-a king, my lord, {wrote to mje: “[With what] } l };’;«f;[t:g;ax B should they anofint] my [...]? (When) [...] is .r.l gam-rat - lun-{di] finished, the r[ash] subsides for the rest of the 2 re-eh-ti UD-mu-si-nu day™ 3 i-nu-hu - 1 MUSEN 3 the king should rub himself with bird 4 LUEAL lip-pi-Si-is fat; it should protect the king from drafts. The (53 EGG;P:-I‘:." 3;‘;3;-,« VES clean water with which the king regularly 7 zakuit : 50 LUGAL washes his hands in the washbowl should not 8 A.2MES-§i ka-a-a-ma-nu be hot. The rash will soon be gone (if the king 9 ina 'nar'-ma-ak-te acts in this way). 10 i-ma-su-u-ni Ile lula sar'-hu 12¢ ba-si un-di i-ha-li-qu s.1 [ina E LUGAL) i$-pur-an-ni-ni 1 {I] have gone [where the king] sent me. 2 [af)-ta-lak 319. Curing an Abscess Sm 1064 ABL 392 1 a-na LUGAL EN-ia 2 ARAD-ka ™ARAD—‘na-na-a 3 Iu $ul-mu ad—dan-ni§ ad—dan-nis ! To the king, my lord: your servant Urad- Nanaya. The very best of health to the king, my lord! May Ninurta and Gula give happi- r2 See coll. 318 LAS 255. Date: Esarhaddon. 76 li-sur' CAD Z 133b; me a.MES sic (me standing for a badly written colon?). si-2 Restored from no. 316 s.2. 319 LAS 254, 257 o E=—a—
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STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X URAD-NANAYA, CHIEF PHYSICIAN 4 a-na LUSAL EN-ia ness and physical well-being to the king, my 8 TA* ra-me-ni-ka about yourself?” S *MAS u‘gu-la lord! 9 ta-di-li-bi im—ma-te 9 6 DUG-ub lib-bi DUG-ub UZU.MES TR v when am I ever free? | take care of 7 a-na LUGAL EN-ia lid-di-nu 11 maf-fur—mu-kin—BALAMES-ia A_§§ur-mukm-pa1§ya; and as soon as I saw 8 Sul-mu ad—dan-nis 3 The baby is much better. I fastened an 12 a-na-ku a-du Su-la'-an-3i him I?ealthy (again), I came for the health of 18 "_"f: la-fiz-fi ) absorptive dressing on this abscess behind }3 g-mur-u-ni a-m;z gl-me the king. Si-1K-ru ha-ni-u : . : fee th a LUGAL at-1ai- i ; a la;-t al PI.2- i his ear, it rested loosely against its tip. 15¢ rima-a LUGAL be.lf 's Now, O king, my lord, I should be re- ta-al-i-ti ina UGU 16e ITI UD-me lu-ra’-mu-ni leased f ' ; 13 ur-ta-ki-is ina ap-pi-3u s.1 dul-lu me-me-ni le-pu-us i-la-a _ ostfl:u:r\.(:/l: e qullhn*lA;)th. TR DR LT e.l4 ir-tu-mu 2 a-mu-at 1s¢ 1 shall die. 15 Yesterday evening | opened the lint by which it was attached and removed the dress- ing on it. There was pus as much as the tip of (one’s) little finger on the dressing. 15 inati-ma-li r.l ki-i ba-di 2 Si-ir-fu $a ina 3A-bi 3 sa-bit-u-ni ap-ta-tar 4 ta-al-i-ti $d ina UGU 5 u-tu-li Sar-ku 6 ina UGU ta-al-i-te 7 8 321. Remedies for Nosebleed K 4704 (ABL 111) + K 7553 CT 53 105 i-ba-a8-3i am—mar SAG.DU % [a-na LU](.:anAL EN-i[ad] o ! [To the ki)jng, my lord: [your servant] 3U.SI se-hi-ir-te , 3 [;‘R??’ka ]rm ha-na-‘a ' Urad-Nanaya. The very best [of healt]h [to 9 DINGIR.MES-ka $tim-ma me-me-ni 9 By your gods, nobody had laid hands a [l Sul-m]u 'ad' —da, "Mm nfadd dan-ni§ the kiljng, my lord! May Ninurta and Gula 10 UzvU.A.2-54 ina UGU upon it he gave his word (for it). He is very [a-na LU]G-AL Sl AS u ‘gu-la i hapoi i i e . - ' 5 [DUG-ub $A)-bi DUG-ub UZU.MES give [happinjess and physical well-being [to 12 pii-Si it-ti-din well; the .kmg. my lord, can be glad. He will 6 [a-na LUGAL E]N-"ia! lid-di-nu the king], my [lo]rd! 13 3ul-mu ad—dan-nis be cured in 7 or 8 days. 7 £1Dl‘;mu ad—dan-nis a-na ™e]t-lu—AN—KI— ? (The prince) [E)tlu-3amé-erseti-mubal- 14e lib-bu $4 LUGAL EN-ia e L lissu [is doing very well. l? Iu -éa-a-ba s il g {;”:JGN%(:;JUg-]‘%.fr]r:ar]-ta-ka ! ¢ As to the tampolns [of mar]itakal-[seed] S. a-du UDMES 7 8 i-ba-lat 10 [$a LUGAL) be-If' i[s-pur}-an-ni about whic:.h [the king], my lord, wrote to me, }; [$a a-n)a MUD KIR, pa-'ra’'-si [those which] are (intended) to stop nasal . , [a-ki an-ni}-e e-pu-3u hemorrhage are prepared [as follo]ws: 320. Give Me a Month’s Leave, Please }3 F:-hm?r-nf-q]u [ma hg(j]) Gli’-EmN 13 [They cruJsh it, [mix] it with cedar « 530 ABL 109 T [:k;rq"fl'}:]'fi 2:‘“’ sreze-ol resin, [wra]p (the mixture) in red wool, and ' 16 [ina UGU i-man-n)i-u [reci]te an incantation [over it] and insert (the ; a-na Ll’;l;}fiL BN-ladna e y I To th;hklng, ml))relotrd:f ifl:u:t;e:vz;fit lil(fad- {g {ina na-h]i-[r[i i-fi]ak-ku-nu tampons) [in the nostrils]. ARAD-ka "ARAD—"na- i anaya: The very best of hea o the king, e. xxxxx])[lgi (Break) 3 ;) ,ff,";'{,'g :f;Nd_ai"a-mf ad—dan-ni§ my lord! May Ninurta and Gula give happi- 19 [xxxx)-u C ) ! - ness and physical well->eing to the king, my r.1 - [xNA,KA.GLNA].DIB.BA “! [... magne]tite 5 °MAS uYgu-la DUG-ub lib-bi lord! 2 [xxi-na-a)s-su-ku 2 [... they thrlow away 6 DUG-ub UZU.MES a-na LUGAL EN-ia ord: 3 7 ,, 7 lid-di-nu $ul-mu ad—dan-ni§ 7 A8Sur-mukin-palu’a is doing very well. 4 {g ?nz]UG‘;USEMnm.:-fi-u 3 [...] of styrax 8 a-na “:a&‘-_.i‘ur—[rr!.g-kt:n—‘B@Lfi;u:a ' The king should not b: afraid of this fever S [ina na-hi-ri) i-Sak-ku-nu _ * They recite [an incantation ove]r it and T which has two or three times seized him; his 6 [xxxSAHAR] 3d 'su-gi er-bet-te insert it [in the nostril). 0 1:1 i‘--pa-ldh N pulse is normal and sound; he is well. ’é [:'cxxirl.x Jd gc_i—dan:nzf ¢ They wrap [...] dust from crossroads 12 DI ta"-ri{ils' Sul-mu' $u'-ii 13 The baby, the crow/n prince and [all] the 9 {&at’;'fi(}%"‘_’xfi%’cz ina ‘na"-hi-ri ["";'] and very [ ...... in a tuf]t of wool, 13 Sul-mu a-na la'-ku-u children [of the king, my lord) are (likewise) 10 [i-Sak-ku)-nu NUMUN U.mar-ta-kal [reci]te [an incantation over it, and [inser]t it 14 a"-n[a) 'DUMU—MAN" a'-na' DUMU'MES' doing well. 11 [xxxx]-me 34 la i-ma-rag-u-ni in the nostril. e-:? [-LU%?;I{J EbN“slg[“%"b“] r1 Concerning the cure of the teeth about 12 [x x x a)-ki 56 Su-ti-u-ni 10 They take]) martakal-seed and [...] .2 .lf,:zafin-ni j'z.LU-G;;\L which the king wrote to me, [ will (now) }Z [xx Eb_l] {nagl}c_;l’.clat-mqn-ni-u jwhich are not crushed, [...] as it is, recite [an 3 Eprani rep i begin with it; there are a great number of : Bfi ;:!;15]‘: hll- n:.gaf-l;cu " incantation] over it, wrap [it in a tjuft of wool 4 a-na-63-3i ma-a’-du remedies for (aching) teeth. 16e [ina plu- . and insert it [in the opening of the n]ostril. . il plu-ut mal-i-ri ; g ?u-ul-{z Sa bi"nl-"l'f{’ ) r6 As to what the king, my lord, wrote to 17¢ [$a] u-Se-bil-an-ni '6 They should act according to the pre- a LUGAL De-il i3-pur-an-ni me: “Is it (true that) you have been concerned 18e [0] "e'-pu-si scription I have sent. 7 ma-ai-ba-d3-5i-i 112 3u-la'-an-5ii CAD A/1 113b (verified). ©16 [u-ra'-mu-ni Deller OrNS 30 349 i . 320 LAS 250. Date: 672-669 BC. 9-12 Characters defaced, but still recognizable. 9 hu-un'-fu': W 52 321 LAS251. Date: - no. 322. 7) Cf. nos.“3l9:8't"f‘!2n2!:7. 32‘32{:7; there is eno(uvgcl?firoeodr:: for the restored signs. wrongly hu-i'-"lu'). 8 Restoration doubtful; cf. nos. 319 r.14-15 and 323:11-12. 16 See coll. 258 259 [
STATE ARCHIVES OF ASSYRIA X rest (about S lines) broken away s.1 [u)-la-aLU*.A.ZU $a NA, mu-'sa" [xxxxx] 2 [0] is-se-$u lil-lik (Break) s1 [Altern]atively, a physician who [ ...... ] musu-stone may go with him. 325. Treating the Skin of the ‘Farmer’ K 1558 [a-na LU.ENGAR EN-ia] [ARAD-ka ™"ARAD—na-na-a] [lu Sul-mu ad—-dan-nis ad—dan-nis) [a-na LU.ENGAR EN-ia “MAS u %gu-la] [DUG-ub lib-bi DUG-ub UZU.MES a-nal [LU.ENGA]R EN-ig li[d-di-nu ina UGU bu- ul-fi $a pi->a-ri x[x x x x x x) lu-Se-ri-bu-u-[ni x x x x x] NUMUN GAZI".SAR x[x x x x x x] [$]a pi-i-$i [x x x x x x x x] ina AME[$ x x x x x X x x X] rest broken away Rev. beginning broken away 1’ 'de'-ii-qi "3 [xx x x x x) 2 l-is-di-ru[xx x x x x] 3" i—su-ur-ri be-lf 'i'-[qab-bi] 4’ ma-a UD-mu an-ni-u $d ta-d[ir-ti] 5" $u-ii a-na e-pa-$illa ta-a-ba dul-iu] 6 an-ni-u $a né-pa-d3-fu-ni x x x] 7' [UD-mu] $a ta-dir-[te x x x x x] 8 [xx]xx[xxxxxxx] rest broken away —CO O 00 AN R W - ot b CT 5352 I [To the ‘farmer,” my lord: your servant Urad-Nanaya. The very best of health to the ‘farmer,’ my lord!] May [Ninurta and Gula] gi[ve happiness and physical well-being to the ‘farme]r,” my lord! 6 [As to the cure] of the blotches [ ...... ], they should let me enter [...] 9 seed of the beet plant [...] 0 whose mouth [ ...... ] I in water [ ...... ] {Break) el is good [ ...... ] 2 they should do it regularly [ ...... 1. 3 Perhaps my lord will sa[y]: “This is a gloo[my] day [it is n]ot auspicious for performing (that)!” this [treatment] which we are performing {...] a gloom[y day ...... ] (Remainder lost) 326. Diarrhcea K 1090 beginning (about 10 lines) broken away fa-na e-li [u-Se-Sir-u)-"ni! a-na sap-lis u-Sab-u-ni ina bu-ul-ti gab-bu a-ki an-ni-ie-'e' qa-bi ina pi-i-$it i DUR-$u u-Se-sar-am-ma "N-ba-al-lu-ut [ina pi)t-"te' 36 a-mur-u-ni rest broken away bix[xx ~ - H 2 CT 53 23 (Beginning lost) I [Concerning the bile which he purged] upwards and which settled downwards, in the whole medical literature it is said as follows: ri “(If) he purges through his mouth and his anus, he will get well.” 4 [According to] what [ have seen [...} (Remainder lost) URAD-NANAYA, CHIEF PHYSICIAN 327. List of Remedies K 5584 (CT 53 290) (+) 83-1-18,843 (CT 53 956) (+) 83-1-18,279 (ABL 1157) [nap-Sal-ni Sa SA]JHAR.SUB.B[A] [x x x x x P]1.MES GIG.M[ES] [x x x x x] $Sim-mat [x x x x x §]a P1.2.MES [x x x x x SE].SA.A [x x x x x] 'e'-pa-se [xx x x x x]-bil [xxxxxx]-bil [xxxxxxx)x break of undetermined length I” is-sa-[x x x x x] 2" TUK.T[UK-$i x x x x} 3" "bu-ul-f{i x x x x) break of 3’ lines 7" nap-[$al-ni x x x x) 8 it [né-pe-Fe.MES x x) 9" bu-ul-ti [$a x x x] 10" nap-fal-ni x[x x x x] 11" & né-pe-[§e MES x x) 12" bu-ui-ti [$a x x x) 13° nap-Sal-ti [x x x x) 14° i né-[pe-se.MES x x] e.15" nap-3al-ti §6¢ SAHAR.[SUB.BA] O 00 ~JON L B N I $aXLTAGIR.2 [x x x] 2 uIGL2.MES x[x x x) 3 bu-ul-ti $a B[IR x x] 4 1NAA2-5i $a [ZAG x x] S 1NAA.2-$u SaK[AB x x] 6 $akal-la UzZ[U" x x] 7 né-pe-$e.MES [x x] 8 "Mzax[xxxxx] break of 3’ lines 12 [xxxxx])bulxx) 13 i-ma-"ta' nap-$al-[a-ti) 14 qu-ta-ri mas-gi-[a-n) 1S $a Su-gu-mé-[e P1.2] 16 [qlu-ta-ri $4 EN um-[x x} 17 [qlu-ta-ri KALAG.MES za-ni-[x x] 18 [$il-t)a-hu KUG.GI sa-qa-[x x] 19 [x x] DLMES KUG.G{I x x] 20 [xxxkx[xxxx] break of undetermined length I” [xxxxxxx]x-ba 2 [xxxxxxx)-d§ rest (2-3 lines) broken away s.1 ka-par pi-i nap-$al-[ni $a) KA.DIB.[BI.DA u né-pe-se) 2 $a KA.[DIB.BI].DA ABL 1157+ ! [Salve against le]prosy 2 [ ...... ] sick [e]ars I[ ...... ] paralysis ... o]f ears (Break) 2 repeated[ly gets ...] 3 cure fof ...... ] (Break) 7 sa[lve ...... ] 14 and riftes ...] 15 salve (against) lep[rosy] 1 from under the feet [of ...] 2 and the eyes [ ...... ] 3 cure of a ki[dney ...] 4 “If a person’s [right] hand [...]” s “If a person’s le[ft] hand [...])” ¢ of the whole flesh [...] 7 rtes [...] (Break) 12 [ ...... ] he will die. 13 Salv[es], fumigants, poti[ons] against buzzing [ears], 16 fumigants to go with the incantation N P '7 strong fumigants ...[...], 18 a golden [ar]row ...[...], 19 golden [ ...... ] (Break) 1 ‘Wiping of the mouth,’ salv[e against] aphas[ia and rites] z against ap[ha]sia. 325 LAS 257. Date: 669-111-14. 7 Sic. 2 Tablet: sILA.SAR. Rendering of kasiu according to Geller, AfO Beiheft 19 (1982) 193ff. 5 Cf. nos. 221:12, 277 r.11. etc. 326 LAS153. Datc: June, 669 BC. ~no. 217. 327 LAS 265 (+)266(+)267. -nos.323and 324. 113 {-ma-"ta" sic. At 262 263 !

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