Aanu Grewal ARTH 2060
Indigenous Arts of the Americas December 21
, 2021
Response #11
Discuss Praba Pilar’s art practice with corn in terms of 1-3 key words from the first
chapter of our textbook on North American Arts (you could consult our slides from the
first week, or the book chapter itself). In doing so, answer the question: what connections
do you see between North and South American Indigenous arts practices in Pilar’s work? Three key words from Praba Pilar’s art practice that can be used to discuss the connections
between North and South American Indigenous art’s practices would Be Worn, be exhibited as
art, and Mediate relationships in a community and between communities. These three key words
from the first chapter of our textbook resonate the most when talking about the connections
between North and South American Indigenous arts practices. One thing I realized that both
communities have is the importance of Indigenous art. Both North and South American
Indigenous arts are used in multiple ways however, the first connection I had found was that
need for their art to be worn by the communities themselves. The communities take pride in their
art often connecting them to their culture, so as a result they wear it to show the pride they have
in their culture. Another connection was the North and South American Indigenous art’s
practices would be exhibited as art in many showcases, online in modern day, etc. This was
needed to showcase the beauty behind the art, the meaning behind the piece, etc. Lastly, I noticed
the large amount of influence the art had on mediating relationships in a community and between
a community. Many indigenous individuals come together due to multiple different factors an
example being the No More Stolen Sisters movement, however, a large factor is the beloved art