1 Module -1 Discussion Getting Started



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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BIO-210-H7562 Intro to Anatomy & Physiology 1-1 Discussion: Getting Started Hi Class mates, I am Charlene Johnson. This is my first semester at SNHU. I am studying Healthcare Administration. My current profession is a Healthcare Business Administrator for a medical college with in children’s hospital. The topics covered in Intro to Anatomy & Physiology is related to my profession. The topics will help me understand basic anatomical terminology when encountering patient’s charts, coding protocols, financial operations and operational data. The topic will also help me be a great asset to the doctors and nurses I support. My knowledge can leverage my efforts to creating best business practices for their office and provide a pleasant office experience for their patients. After reviewing the outcomes for this course, these outcomes mean, I should be able to identify the function of cells, organs, and tissues of the human body by the end of the course. I will be able to analyze and identify the most important areas of the human body and apply them to health experiences for myself or others. These outcomes can be relevant to my professional and personal experiences. In my current professional experience I will be able to communicate more effectively with other healthcare professionals. As a Healthcare Business Administrator, I will be able to understand medical terms used by physicians to ask relevant questions that could lead to more efficient business practice, enhanced patient experience, and innovative tools. In my personal experiences, I will can understand my own body functions to be able to articulate health concerns to my doctor in a more productive way. After reviewing the course syllabus and the assignment guidelines for your Module One activities, I will need the learning resources listed in the MasteringA&P section. Those resources are purchase and register for the course MasteringA&P Pearson eText, Integration Support, course homework, and MasteringA&P Study Area. The instructor and fellow classmates can also help me reach the outcomes of the course. The instructor, Professor Unachukwu, can welcome to give and receive constructive feedback, respond to student’s questions in a timely manner, and keep the class on track with reminders and weekly motivating check-ins. My fellow classmates can help me understand different viewpoints of the topics and discussions. Thanks Professor Unachukwu, for providing the resources and information I’ll need to succeed in the course. -Charlene Johnson
Response: Hi Jessika, Welcome to the class! Big cuddles to you for doing something for yourself and starting the journey to getting your bachelor’s degree. I am also studying Healthcare Administration at SNHU. I am currently a Healthcare Business Administrator at children’s hospital. I think you would love this field. It so rewarding know that your work is contributing to better health to someone. We definitely pick a great institution to study Healthcare Administration. SNHU allows working people like us to have the flexibility to learn and provides so many resources to make sure we are successful. This course in particular, has so many learning resources such as videos within the e-text to further explain the material and MasteringA&P Study Area. Have a successful semester! -Charlene J. Hi Josh, You are on the right path. Education can be the door to opportunities to help provide you with the life you envision for yourself. I too feel it is imperative to manage time wisely to complete assignments. Another thing is putting procrastination to aside. Picking up the “Do It Now” mindset will help us be successful as well. I stumbled up on learning videos with in the Pearson e-text. They explain the learning material and include a couple of questions and answers. I found this helpful tool to help me finish the homework assignments. Wishing you the best successful semester. -Charlene J.
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