Application of Anatomy Laboratory Activity (1)



California University of Pennsylvania *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Laboratory Activity Applications of Anatomy and Physiology – Exercise Prescription For this laboratory I would like to focus on some assessment tools that can allow us to greatly enhance our prescription of exercise. There are a multitude of assessments that can be utilized in fitness and wellness to assess function. We have discussed several throughout this course and recently you learned about some in this unit’s lecture. In this lab activity I would like to direct you to some resources outside the course that I have used to better understand and choose assessments. I would also like to give you some practice in interpreting assessments and using their data to make evidence based recommendations for exercise. To complete this lab, you will basically work through this document, completing the activities and providing responses in the appropriate areas. When complete, you will upload this document to the assignment dropbox for this week. Part 1 Upper Cross Syndrome – Static Posture Assessment and Exercise Prescription Please start by learning more about this posture. When we consider static posture issues we attempt to determine: 1) if muscles are tight, pulling structures out of alignment, 2) muscles are weak, allowing structures to go out of alignment, or 3) both! Here is an article from Healthline on upper cross(ed) syndrome . Healthline is not a peer reviewed source, however, I like their articles because they typically have numerous citations and links to their sources. Based on what you have read, what are two exercises you might utilize in a client with this posturing? In the box below, list two exercises, the structure(s) targeted by each exercise and the goal of the exercise. For example: Hamstring curl; Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris; strengthen the hamstring muscles. Part 2 Overhead Squat Assessment – Dynamic Posture Assessment and Exercise Prescription Dynamic (moving) assessments of posture allow us to learn some more about the body and areas of deficiency. I briefly introduced the Overhead Squat Assessment in this week’s presentation. You can learn more about it at the Fitness Trainer Academy website . There are numerous videos on performing FIT115 Week 8 Laboratory Activity
this assessment on the web, but here is one of the better ones, it’s from Axiom Fitness Academy . Feel free to check the web for more information on this assessment. I have also posted a NASM Overhead Squat Solutions Table for your information and as a resource for the questions below. Your activity for the Overhead Squat Assessment is to watch someone (or yourself in a mirror) do an overhead squat assessment and identify a Compensation (alteration in normal movement pattern). In the box below 1) describe the compensation, 2) identify what muscles may be involved and if they are underactive or overactive, 3) provide two exercises that you might recommend and the goals of these exercises (i.e. lengthen the tight muscle). There are many other tests that can be used to help identify targetable issues in a population. You should choose assessments that make sense for your client’s skills, abilities and performance goals. One test that is helpful for your more advanced/fit clients is the single leg squat test. Like the Overhead squat, it tests strength and coordination in a variety of lower extremity muscles. For a quick introduction to the single leg squat check out Dr. Abelson’s video . If you want to learn about this assessment in greater detail take a look at the information and videos on the No Regrets Personal Training page in regards to the single leg squat test there is lots of great information about this test and some of the compensations. Here are several tests that I have found to be useful, the last two have multiple tests. Keeping your target population in mind, check out some of the tests that you think would provide useful information for your potential client base. Sprint fatigue test Squat test Running/walking tests Other tests – Topend Sports Fitness Testing Finally, at the start of this course, you identified a target population. In the text box below, describe this population once again. Also, please answer the following questions: What compensation would your client be most likely to show in the Overhead Squat? Why do you think this is the case? From the tests above (remember the last link has lots of tests!), what test would you choose for your target population? Feel free to list one or two. Why did you choose this test for your population? What information would the test provide in relation to your client’s anatomy and physiology? Once you have answered the questions above, you are done! You can submit this document directly to the Lab Assignment Dropbox for this week. Please let me know if you have any questions. 2
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