Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2_ Module 2 Exam



Portage Learning *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by ChefDovePerson971

Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Module 2 Exam Study online at https://quizlet.com/_emly54 1. This layer of the meninges is tightly attached to the brain. Pia mater (menix) 2. The _______ fissure separates the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Median longitudinal 3. What is the purpose of the blood-brain barri- er? Describe its maintenance from a cellular level. to prevent harmful sub- stances from entering the brain, it has impermeable brain capillaries, due to the glial cell's astrocytes. Mainte- nance of the blood-brain-bar- rier is important to provide a stable chemical environment for the nervous system. 4. All the following are functions of the hypo- thalamus except: Relays sensory impulses to the cerebrum 5. What is the largest portion of the brain? Cerebrum 6. This region of the brain acts to coordinate multiple sources of sensory information. Association area 7. A patient is having difficulty understanding language but is still able to speak fluently. The patient's dermatomes are intact. Which area of the brain is most likely damaged? Wernicke's area 8. Describe how memories are stored and re- trieved in the brain. Include a specific brain region. Memories are not stored in one specific area with- in the brain but instead are stored throughout the cere- bral hemispheres. The hip- pocampus acts as a memory center to help with memory storage and retrieval. The in- volvement of the limbic sys- tem explains why emotional- 1 / 6
Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Module 2 Exam Study online at https://quizlet.com/_emly54 ly charged events result in our most vivid memories. 9. Which statement is false concerning the brainstem? The midbrain portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord. 10. Which of the following is false concerning the cerebellum? The cerebellar peduncles are located posteriorly. 11. Alzheimer's disease impacts which re- gion(s) of the brain? Occipital lobe , Frontal lobe , Parietal lobe , Hippocampus 12. Which of the following is false concerning a CVA? An ischemic stroke is also known as a "brain bleed". 13. A patient is unable to extend his fourth and fifth digits when asked to open his hand. What is most likely the cause? Ulnar nerve damage 14. Label the following spinal cord regions in the diagram below: 1: _____________________ 5: _____________________ 6: _____________________ 9: _____________________ 11: ____________________ 1: Posterior (Dorsal) column 5: Anterior median fissure 6: Posterior (Dorsal) horn 9: Dorsal root 11: DRG (Dorsal Root gan- glion) 15. What cranial nerve is highlighted in blue (also indicated by the arrow) in the figure below? Abducens 16. 2 / 6
Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Module 2 Exam Study online at https://quizlet.com/_emly54 What type of nerve is the cranial nerve below and what does it control? (Highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow) Mixed: Facial muscles and Taste 17. Which of the following is true about the trigeminal nerve? The maxillary branch re- ceives information from the upper lip. 18. Use the figure below to answer the following questions. Answer by writing the letter (A-J) from the figure that corresponds with the correct cranial nerve. This cranial nerve receives information from the retina. This cranial nerve is responsible for the sen- sation of the digestive tract. This cranial nerve controls movement of the eye laterally. This cranial nerve receives sensory informa- tion for hearing. This cranial nerve is responsible for volun- tarily moving the tongue. 1. B. (Optic) 2. I. (Vagus) 3. E. (Abducens) 4. G. (Vestibulocochlear) 5. J. (Hypoglossal 6.) A (OL- FACTORY ) 7.) 19. Label the nerves (A-C) in the figure below: A: _________________ B: _________________ C: _________________ A-Radial B- Ulnar C- Median 3 / 6
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