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Apr 3, 2024





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opy Cat Company W24.pd T10f 3 ACC 2020 2024 Case Study Assignment You may work on this case study in teams of 2 or by yoursell. No other options, If you are working in a team of 2 please only submat your assignment once on Blackboard. Ensure your name(s) are listed on the document you subenit. Document name: “Last name (x2) = ACC 2020 Case Study” Feel free to use word, excel or other programs but please only submit one cohesive document either word or PDF Required: Read Copy Cat Company and prepare a report providing the following information, along with basic calcutations and explanations as 1o the numbers being used and rationale for your choices 1. We need to consider the special order from Maggie. Should you accept the special order with your 150,000 brochure capacity? 2. Would your answer to part (1) change if you had a 200,000 brochure capacity? Why? b. Should you accept the order if Maggie was only willing to pay $8.00 per 100 brochures? Why? 2. We need to consider the outsourcing option from Barbara, Do you believe it is worthwhile to outsource 30,000 brochures? Keeping your sales and production at 150,000 brochures 3. Should you outsource and accept the special order at the same time (assume your capacity is 150,000 brochures)? Why? 4. Ensure that the document you submit s professional. Feel free 10 use word, excel or other programs but please only submit one cohesive word or POF document. | will be looking for correct spelling, grammar, and formatting in your submission. [15 marks ~ scored based on rubric below) speliing, writing style formatting, confusing Criterlon | Poor o [Acceptable | Excellent =~ Professionalism and Numerous errors, Few errors, direct and No errors, direct and accuracy of grammar, unprofessional concise writing style, cancise writing style and formatting and unstructured Questionable choices Professionally content for text and data formatting with text formatting (e.g | and visual data overuse or misuse of bullets, no visual data) [ More than one Document not easy to | One docurmnent document submitted, follow and/or submitted, that is difficult to follow and understand cohesive and understand | undertandable, By completing this assignment and submitting through Blackboard, it is assumed that you have signed the following | pledge on my honor that | have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment Unauthornzed assistance on this assignment is information outside of your textbook and notes from this course or discussion with your teammate. Your assignments will be sent through SafeAssign to check for plagiarism and copying as well as Al assistance detection, Do not share/copy/post this case study anywhere ~ it is for use in this class only. Copy Cat Company Liamn Skate reflected on both offers he had received in the past couple of days. First, Maggie Lowe, 2 friend of Skate's and the owner of her own company in nearby Detroit, Michigan, had called to see If Skate's printing company, Copy Cat Company, could accommaodate a special prnting order next month In addition, Barbara Lau, the owner of a local one-room printing operation in Birmingham, Michigan, called ABC Printing, had stopped by to see if Copy Cat Company could use some help printing color brochures over the next few months, Company Background Skate's company, Copy Cat Company, printed elaborate high-quality color brochures in its facilty located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, It paimaniy served other businesses in the Southeast Michigan area, although it did have some clients in western Michigan and as far north as the Traverse City region of the state. Monthly production at its Ann Arbor facility was running at around full capacity of 150,000 brochures per month. Skate owned and managed the company. He employed one sales representative and one printing press operator, although he frequently relied on temporary labor to help in the printing process as needed to accommaodate any changes in printing volume. Skate felt that many of his costs were fixed, but that some costs varied with the number of brochures he printed and sold. Exhibit 1 contains information related to Copy Cat’s monthly operating costs for the company's current activity level of 150,000 brochures per month The company typically priced its printing services at an average of 520 per 100 brochures printed Historically, Skate had encountered litthe variation in pricing from job to job, although occasionally, special situations did arise. He wondered how he should handle those special situations. He didnt have 2 “rule of thumb” he cmW
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