ch 7 quiz



McKendree University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 13, 2024





Uploaded by weilerj06

Question 1 (Mandatory) (2 points) Absorption costing is required for reporting to which of the following groups? A) The SEC B) The IRS C) Senior Management D) The IMA E) A and B only Question 2 (Mandatory) (2 points) The equation to find Contribution Margin under absorption costing is: A) Sales - Variable Costs B) Absorption costing does not calculate Contribution Margin C) Sales - Variable Costs - Fixed Costs D) Sales - Fixed Costs E) Gross Profit + Fixed Costs Question 3 (Mandatory) (2 points) Under absorption costing, which of the following costs are applied to manufactured inventory? A) All fixed costs B) All manufacturing costs C) All variable costs D) All administrative costs E) All period costs Question 4 (Mandatory) (2 points) Under variable costing, Gross Profit is equal to:
A) Sales - Variable Costs B) Variable costing does not calculate Gross Profit C) Sales - Variable Costs - Fixed Costs D) Contribution Margin - Fixed Costs E) Sales - Fixed Costs Question 5 (Mandatory) (2 points) Which of the following correctly represents how to calculate absorption net income? A) Variable net income + (Change in Inventory units x Fixed Overhead Rate) B) Variable net income – (Change in Inventory units x Fixed Overhead Rate) C) Variable net income + (Change in Inventory units x Variable Overhead Rate) D) Variable net income – (Change in Inventory units x Variable Overhead Rate) E) None of the above Question 6 (Mandatory) (2 points) Which of the following costs would be applied to manufactured inventory under variable costing? A) Rental payments on administrative offices B) Cost of raw materials C) Salary of factory manager D) Rental payments on factory E) Commissions to sales persons Question 7 (Mandatory) (2 points) Which of the following costs would be subtracted from Revenue to calculate Contribution Margin on a Variable Income Statement? A) Direct Materials costs
B) Sales commissions C) Variable Manufacturing Overhead D) Direct Labor Wages E) All of the above Question 8 (Mandatory) (3 points) Which of the following costs would not be subtracted from Revenue to calculate Gross Profit on an Absorption Income Statement? A) Direct Materials costs B) Sales commissions C) Variable Manufacturing Overhead D) Direct Labor Wages E) All of the above would be subtracted Question 9 (Mandatory) (3 points) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using variable costing? A) Inventory values tend to be overstated. B) Two sets of accounting records must be maintained. C) CVP relationships are more difficult to determine than under absorption costing. D) Per-customer or per-product contribution margin is obscured. E) All of the above Question 10 (Mandatory) (3 points) Which of the following is a drawback to absorption costing as opposed to variable costing? A) Management cannot accurately price products because non-manufacturing overhead is not applied to inventory B) Managers can manipulate earnings by simply producing more than is sold in a period
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