Problem 1MC:
Every complete statement ends with a __________. a. period b. parenthesis c. semicolon d. ending...Problem 2MC:
The following data 72 'A' Hello World 2.8712 are all examples of __________. a. variables b....Problem 3MC:
A group of statements, such as the contents of a class or a method, are enclosed in a. braces {} b....Problem 4MC:
Which of the following are not valid assignment statements? (Indicate all that apply.) a. total = 9;...Problem 5MC:
Which of the following are nor valid println statements? (Indicate all that apply.) a....Problem 7MC:
This key word is used to declare a named constant. a. constant b. namedConstant c. final d. concreteProblem 11MC:
Which Scanner class method would you use to read a string as input? a. nextString b. nextLine c....Problem 12MC:
Which Scanner class method would you use to read a double as input? a. nextDouble b. getDouble c....Problem 13MC:
You can use this class to display dialog boxes. a. JOptionPane b. BufferedReader c....Problem 16TF:
True or False: A left brace in a Java program is always followed by a right brace later in the...Problem 18TF:
True or False: Variable names may begin with a number.Problem 19TF:
True or False: You cannot change the value of a variable whose declaration uses the final key word.Problem 21TF:
True or False: If one of an operators operands is a double, and the other operand is an int, Java...Problem 1PTO:
What will the following code segments print on the screen? 1. int freeze = 32, boil = 212; freeze =...Problem 3PTO:
System.out.print(I am the incredible); System.out.print(computing\nmachine); System.out.print(\nand...Problem 1FTE:
Find the Error There are a number of syntax errors in the following program. Locate as many as you...Problem 3AW:
Write assignment statements that perform the following operations with the variables a, b, and c. a....Problem 4AW:
Assume the variables result, w, x, y, and z are all integers, and that w = 5, x = 4, y = 8, and z =...Problem 6AW:
Modify the following program so it prints two blank lines between each line of text. public class {...Problem 7AW:
What will the following code output? int apples = 0, bananas = 2, pears =10; apples += 10; bananas...Problem 8AW:
What will the following code output? double d = 12.9; int i = (int)d; System.out.println(i);Problem 11AW:
Convert the following pseudocode to Java code. Be sure to declare the appropriate variables. Store...Problem 13AW:
Write the code to set up all the necessary objects for reading keyboard input. Then write code that...Problem 15AW:
A program has a float variable named total and a double variable named number. Write a statement...Problem 1SA:
Is the following comment a single-line style comment or a multi-line style comment? / This program...Problem 2SA:
Is the following comment a single-line style comment or a multi-line style comment? // This program...Problem 9SA:
Briefly describe the difference between variable assignment and variable initialization.Problem 10SA:
What is the difference between comments that start with the // characters and comments that start...Problem 11SA:
Briefly describe what programming style means. Why should your programming style be consistent?Problem 12SA:
Assume that a program uses the named constant PI to represent the value 3.14. The program uses the...Problem 13SA:
Assume the file Sales Average, java is a Java source file that contains documentation comments....Problem 1PC:
Name, Age, and Annual Income Write a program that declares the following: a String variable named...Problem 2PC:
Name and Initials Write a program that has the following String variables: firstName, middleName,...Problem 3PC:
Personal Information Write a program that displays the following information, each on a separate...Problem 5PC:
Sales Prediction The East Coast sales division of a company generates 62 percent of total sales....Problem 6PC:
Land Calculation One acre of land is equivalent to 43,560 square feet. Write a program that...Problem 7PC:
Sales Tax Write a program that will ask the user to enter the amount of a purchase. The program...Problem 8PC:
Cookie Calories A bag of cookies holds 40 cookies. The calorie information on the bag claims that...Problem 9PC:
Miles-per-Gallon A cars miles-per-gallon (MPG) can be calculated with the following formula:...Problem 10PC:
Test Average Write a program that asks the user to enter three test scores. The program should...Problem 11PC:
Circuit Board Profit An electronics company sells circuit boards at a 40 percent profit. If you know...Problem 13PC:
Restaurant Bill Write a program that computes the tax and tip on a restaurant bill. The program...Problem 14PC:
Male and Female Percentages Write a program that asks the user for the number of males and the...Problem 15PC:
Stock Commission Kathryn bought 600 shares of stock at a price of 21.77 per share. She must pay her...Problem 16PC:
Energy Drink Consumption A soft drink company recently surveyed 12,467 of its customers and found...Problem 17PC:
Ingredient Adjuster A cookie recipe calls for the following ingredients: 1.5 cups of sugar cup of...Problem 18PC:
Word Game Write a program that plays a word game with the user. The program should ask the user to...Problem 19PC:
Stock Transaction Program Last month Joe purchased some stock in Acme Software, Inc. Here are the...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction To Computers And JavaChapter 1.3 - Computer Systems: Hardware And SoftwareChapter 1.5 - What Is A Program Made Of?Chapter 1.6 - The Programming ProcessChapter 1.7 - Object-oriented ProgrammingChapter 2 - Java FundamentalsChapter 2.1 - The Parts Of A Java ProgramChapter 2.2 - The Print And Println Methods, And The Java ApiChapter 2.3 - Variables And LiteralsChapter 2.4 - Primitive Data Types
Chapter 2.5 - Arithmetic OperatorsChapter 2.6 - Combined Assignment OperatorsChapter 2.7 - Conversion Between Primitive Data TypesChapter 2.9 - The String ClassChapter 2.11 - CommentsChapter 2.14 - Dialog BoxesChapter 3 - Decision StructuresChapter 3.1 - The If StatementChapter 3.2 - The If-else StatementChapter 3.3 - Nested If StatementsChapter 3.4 - The If-else-if StatementChapter 3.5 - Logical OperatorsChapter 3.6 - Comparing String ObjectsChapter 3.8 - The Conditional Operator (optional)Chapter 3.9 - The Switch StatementChapter 3.10 - Displaying Formatted Output With System.out.printf And String.formatChapter 4 - Loops And FilesChapter 4.1 - The Increment And Decrement OperatorsChapter 4.2 - The While LoopChapter 4.3 - Using The While Loop For Input ValidationChapter 4.5 - The For LoopChapter 4.6 - Running Totals And Sentinel ValuesChapter 4.10 - Introduction To File Input And OutputChapter 4.11 - Generating Random Numbers With The Random ClassChapter 5 - MethodsChapter 5.1 - Introduction To MethodsChapter 5.2 - Passing Arguments To A MethodChapter 5.4 - Returning A Value From A MethodChapter 6 - A First Look At ClassesChapter 6.1 - Objects And ClassesChapter 6.2 - Writing A Simple Class, Step By StepChapter 6.3 - Instance Fields And MethodsChapter 6.4 - ConstructorsChapter 6.7 - Scope Of Instance FieldsChapter 6.9 - Focus On Object-oriented Design: Finding The Classes And Their ResponsibilitiesChapter 7 - Arrays And The Arraylist ClassChapter 7.1 - Introduction To ArraysChapter 7.2 - Processing Array ElementsChapter 7.3 - Passing Arrays As Arguments To MethodsChapter 7.6 - String ArraysChapter 7.7 - Arrays Of ObjectsChapter 7.10 - Arrays With Three Or More DimensionsChapter 7.11 - The Selection Sort And The Binary Search AlgorithmsChapter 7.13 - The Arraylist ClassChapter 8 - A Second Look At Classes And ObjectsChapter 8.1 - Static Class MembersChapter 8.8 - The This Reference VariableChapter 8.9 - Enumerated TypesChapter 9 - Text Processing And More About Wrapper ClassesChapter 9.2 - Character Testing And Conversion With The Character ClassChapter 9.3 - More String MethodsChapter 9.4 - The Stringbuilder ClassChapter 9.5 - Tokenizing StringsChapter 9.6 - Wrapper Classes For The Numeric Data TypesChapter 10 - InheritanceChapter 10.1 - What Is Inheritance?Chapter 10.2 - Calling The Superclass ConstructorChapter 10.3 - Overriding Superclass MethodsChapter 10.4 - Protected MembersChapter 10.6 - The Object ClassChapter 10.7 - PolymorphismChapter 10.8 - Abstract Classes And Abstract MethodsChapter 10.9 - InterfacesChapter 11 - Exceptions And Advanced File I/oChapter 11.1 - Handling ExceptionsChapter 11.2 - Throwing ExceptionsChapter 11.3 - Advanced Topics: Binary Files, Random Access Files, And Object SerializationChapter 12 - Javafx: Gui Programming And Basic ControlsChapter 12.1 - Graphical User InterfacesChapter 12.2 - Introduction To ]avafxChapter 12.3 - Creating ScenesChapter 12.4 - Displaying ImagesChapter 12.5 - More About The Hbox, Vbox, And Gridpane Layout ContainersChapter 12.6 - Button Controls And EventsChapter 12.7 - Reading Input Wit H Textfi Eld ControlsChapter 12.8 - Using Anonymous Inner Classes And Lambda Expressions To Handle EventsChapter 12.9 - The Borderpane Layout ContainerChapter 13 - Javafx: Advanced ControlsChapter 13.1 - Styling Javafx Applications With CssChapter 13.2 - Radiobutton ControlsChapter 13.3 - Checkbox ControlsChapter 13.4 - Listview ControlsChapter 13.5 - Combobox ControlsChapter 13.6 - Slider ControlsChapter 13.7 - Textarea ControlsChapter 13.8 - MenusChapter 13.9 - The Filechooser ClassChapter 14 - Javafx: Graphics, Effects, And MediaChapter 14.1 - Drawing ShapesChapter 14.2 - AnimationChapter 14.3 - EffectsChapter 14.4 - Playing Sound FilesChapter 14.5 - Playing VideosChapter 14.6 - Handling Key EventsChapter 15 - RecursionChapter 15.2 - Solving Problems With RecursionChapter 16 - DatabasesChapter 16.1 - Introduction To Database Management SystemsChapter 16.2 - Tables, Rows, And ColumnsChapter 16.3 - Introduction To The Sql Select StatementChapter 16.4 - Inserting RowsChapter 16.5 - Updating And Deleting Existing RowsChapter 16.6 - Creating And Deleting Tables
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for STARTING OUT W/JAVA PLUS ACCESS >IP< homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1.3, Problem 1.1CPCPU (Central Processing Unit): CPU is called as the Heart of a Computer, because it stores and...Chapter 1, Problem 1PTRChapter 1, Problem 11SAChapter 1, Problem 12SAReason for hiding object’s data: If the object’s data is hidden, then accidental corruption or...Chapter 1, Problem 15SAChapter 2, Problem 1MCChapter 3, Problem 1MC
Chapter 4, Problem 1MCChapter 5, Problem 1MCChapter 6, Problem 1MCChapter 7, Problem 1MCChapter 8, Problem 1MCChapter 9, Problem 1MCChapter 10, Problem 1MC“throw” an exception: To “throw” an exception means to generate an exception object. When an...TextField: In JavaFX, “TextField” is one of the primary controls that contain a rectangular space...Chapter 13, Problem 1MCChapter 14, Problem 1MCFour: The depth of the recursion depends on the number of times the method calls itself. Explanation...Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): The technology that makes communication of java application with...
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Starting Out With Java: From Control Structures Through Objects, Student Value Edition (7th Edition)
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MyLab Programming with Pearson eText -- Access Code Card -- for Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects
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Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects (7th Edition) (What's New in Computer Science)
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Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects (7th Edition) (What's New in Computer Science)
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Starting Out With Java: From Control Structures Through Data Structures (gaddis Series)
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Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (4th Edition) (What's New in Computer Science)
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Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures (3rd Edition)
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