Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects (7th Edition) (What's New in Computer Science)
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Chapter 15, Problem 1MC
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When a method is called from the main method then, it calls itself four times and the depth of the recursion will be four.

Hence, the correct option is “B”.

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Explanation of Solution


The depth of the recursion depends on the number of times the method calls itself.

Explanation for incorrect options:


The depth of the recursion depends on the number of times the method calls itself and it is given that the method calls itself four times.

Hence, option “A” is wrong.


The depth of the recursion depends on the number of times the method calls itself and it is given that the method calls itself four times.

Hence, the option “C” is wrong.


The depth of the recursion depends on the number of times the method calls itself and it is given that the method calls itself four times.

Hence, the option “D” is wrong.

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