Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Science Of PsychologyChapter 1.2 - Summarize The Basic Ideas And The Important People Behind The Early Approaches Known As Gestalt, Psychoanalysis And BehaviorismChapter 1.3 - Summarize The Basic Ideas Behind The Seven Modern Perspectives In PsychologyChapter 1.4 - Differentiate Between The Various Types Of Professionals Within The Field Of PsychologyChapter 1.9 - Recall Two Common Sources Of Problems In An Experiment And Some Ways To Control For These EffectsChapter 1.10 - Identify Some Of The Common Ethical Guidelines For Doing Research With PeopleChapter 1.11 - Explain Why Psychologists Sometimes Use Animals In Their ResearchChapter 1.12 - Recall The Basic Criteria For Critical Thinking That People Can Use In Their Everyday LivesChapter 2 - The Biological PerspectiveChapter 2.3 - Describe How Neurons Use Neurotransmitters To Communicate With Each Other And With The Body
Chapter 2.5 - Differentiate The Roles Of The Somatic And Autonomic Nervous SystemChapter 2.6 - Explain Why The Pituitary Gland Is Known As The "master Gland"Chapter 2.7 - Recall The Role Of Various Endocrine GlandsChapter 2.9 - Compare And Contrast Neuroimaging Techniques For Mapping The Structure And Function Of The Brain OrChapter 2.13 - Name The Parts Of The Cortex That Are Responsible For Higher Forms Of Thought, Such As LanguageChapter 2.14 - Explain How Some Brain Functions Differ Between The Left And Right HemispheresChapter 2.15 - Identify Some Potential Causes Of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity DisorderChapter 3 - Sensation And PerceptionChapter 3.3 - Explain Why Some Sensory Information Is IgnoredChapter 3.6 - Compare And Contrast Two Major Theories Of Color Vision, And Explain How Color-deficient Vision OccursChapter 3.9 - Identify Types Of Hearing Impairment And Treatment Options For EachChapter 3.11 - Explain How The Sense Of Smell WorksChapter 3.12 - Describe How We Experience The Sensations Of Touch, Pressure, Temperature, And PainChapter 3.13 - Describe The Systems That Tell Us About Balance And Position And Movement Of Our BodiesChapter 3.16 - Identify Some Common Visual Illusions And The Factors That Influence Our Perception Of ThemChapter 3.17 - Describe How The Neuroscientific Study Of Magic Can Help To Explain Visual And Cognitive IllusionsChapter 4 - ConsciousnessChapter 4.2 - Differentiate Between The Different Levels Of ConsciousnessChapter 4.6 - Differentiate Among The Various Sleep DisordersChapter 4.8 - Identify The Commonalities And Differences In The Content Of People's DreamsChapter 4.10 - Compare And Contrast Two Views Of Why Hypnosis WorksChapter 4.12 - Identify The Effects And Dangers Of Using StimulantsChapter 4.14 - Identify The Effects And Dangers Of Using HallucinogensChapter 4.15 - Describe How The Workings Of Our Consciousness Can Explain "supernatural" VisitationsChapter 5 - LearningChapter 5.3 - Apply Classical Conditioning To Examples Of Phobias, Taste Aversions, And Drug DependencyChapter 5.5 - Differentiate Between Primary And Secondary Reinforcers And Positive And Negative ReinforcementChapter 5.9 - Describe How Operant Conditioning Is Used To Change Animal And Human BehaviourChapter 5.12 - Summarize Seligman's Studies On Learned HelplessnessChapter 5.13 - Describe The Process Of Observational LearningChapter 5.14 - List The Four Elements Of Observational LearningChapter 5.15 - Describe An Example Of Conditioning In The Real WorldChapter 6 - MemoryChapter 6.2 - Explain How He Different Models Of Memory WorksChapter 6.3 - Describe The Process Of Sensory MemoryChapter 6.5 - Explain The Process Of Long-term Memory, Including Nondeclarative And Declarative FormsChapter 6.7 - Differentiate The Retrieval Processes Of Recall And RecognitionChapter 6.9 - Explain How The Constructive Processing View Of Memory Retrieval Accounts For Forgetting And Inaccuracies In MemoryChapter 6.11 - Identify Some Common Reasons People Forget ThingsChapter 6.13 - Identify The Biological Cause Of AmnesiaChapter 6.14 - Explain How Sleep, Exercise, And Diet Affect MemoryChapter 7 - Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, And LanguageChapter 7.5 - Recall Some Characteristics Of Creative, Divergent ThinkingChapter 7.8 - Identify Ways To Evaluate The Quality Of A TestChapter 7.9 - Define Intellectual Disability, Giftedness, And Emotional IntelligenceChapter 7.10 - Evaluate The Influence Of Heredity And Environment On The Development Of IntelligenceChapter 7.14 - Summarize The Research On The Ability Of Animals To Communicate And Use Their LanguageChapter 7.15 - Identify Some Methods For Improving Your Cognitive HealthChapter 8 - Development Across The Life SpanChapter 8.3 - Summarize The Role Of Chromosomes And Genes In Determining The Transmission Of Traits And The Inheritance Of DisordersChapter 8.4 - Explain The Process Of Fertilization, Including The Twinning ProcessChapter 8.5 - Describe The Three Stages Of Prenatal DevelopmentChapter 8.6 - Describe The Physical And Sensory Changes That Take Place In Infancy And ChildhoodChapter 8.8 - Identify The Development Of Personality, Relationships, And Self-concept In Infancy And ChildhoodChapter 8.11 - Describe How The Adolescent Search For Personal Identity Influences Relationships With OthersChapter 8.16 - Describe Kubler-ross's Theory Of Death And Dying, And Identify Some Criticisms Of This TheoryChapter 8.17 - Compare And Contrast Some Cross-cultural Differences In Views Of Death And DyingChapter 9 - Motivation And EmotionChapter 9.3 - Explain The Characteristics Of The Three Types Of NeedsChapter 9.5 - Describe How Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs And Self-determination Theories Explain MotivationChapter 9.7 - Recognize Some Of The Factors That Contribute To ObesityChapter 9.10 - Identify The Key Elements In The Cognitive Arousal And Cognitive-mediational Theories Of EmotionChapter 10 - Sexuality And GenderChapter 10.2 - Explain How Sex Characteristics DevelopChapter 10.3 - Identify The Psychological, Biological, Environmental, And Cultural Influences On GenderChapter 10.4 - Compare And Contrast Different Views Of How Gender Roles DevelopChapter 10.5 - Describe How Men And Women Differ In Thinking, Social Behaviour, And PersonalityChapter 10.6 - Identify The Four Stages Of A Sexual-response CycleChapter 10.8 - Identify Some Influences On The Development Of Sexual OrientationChapter 10.9 - Describe The Causes And Symptoms Of Some Common Sexually Transmitted InfectionsChapter 10.10 - Explain Why The Number Of Hiv And Aids Case In Russia Is Increasing So DramaticallyChapter 11 - Stress And HealthChapter 11.2 - Identify Three Types Of External Events That Can Cause StressChapter 11.3 - Identify Psychological Factors In StressChapter 11.9 - Identify Social And Cultural Factors That Influence Stress ReactionsChapter 11.13 - Explain How Religious Beliefs Can Affect The Ability To Cope With StressChapter 11.14 - Define Mindfulness Meditation And Describe Its Use In Coping With The Effects Of StressChapter 12 - Social PsychologyChapter 12.2 - Explain How Our Behavior Is Impacted By The Presence Of OthersChapter 12.4 - Identify Factors That Make Obedience More LikelyChapter 12.6 - Describe How Attitudes Can Be ChangedChapter 12.9 - Describe The Process Of Explaining One's Own Behaviour And The Behaviour Of OthersChapter 12.11 - Describe Theories Of How Prejudice Is Learned And How It Can Be OvercomeChapter 12.15 - Identify The Factors Influencing Why People Help OthersChapter 12.16 - Define Social NeuroscienceChapter 13 - Theories Of PersonalityChapter 13.4 - Evaluate The Influence Of Freudian Theory On Modern Personality TheoriesChapter 13.6 - Evaluate The Strengths And Limitations Of The Behavioral And Social Cognitive Learning Views Of PersonalityChapter 13.8 - Evaluate The Strengths And Limitations Of The Humanistic View Of PersonalityChapter 13.11 - Evaluate The Strengths And Limitations Of The Trait View Of PersonalityChapter 13.13 - Summarize Current Research On The Heritability Of PersonalityChapter 13.14 - Identify The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Interviews, Behavioral Assessments, And Personality Inventories To Measure PersonalityChapter 13.15 - Identify The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Projective Personality TestsChapter 13.16 - Identify Some Biological Bases Of PersonalityChapter 14 - Psychological DisordersChapter 14.1 - Explain How Our Definition Of Abnormal Behavior And Thinking Has Changed Over TimeChapter 14.3 - Describe How Psychological Disorders Are Diagnosed And ClassifiedChapter 14.6 - Identify Potential Causes Of Anxiety, Trauma, And Stress DisordersChapter 14.8 - Summarize Explanations For Dissociative DisordersChapter 14.10 - Compare And Contrast Behavioral, Social Cognitive, And Biological Explanations For Depression And Other Disorders Of MoodChapter 14.11 - Identify The Symptoms And Risk Factors Associated With Anoxeria Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge-eating DisorderChapter 14.12 - Describe Types Of Sexual Dysfunction And Explain How They May DevelopChapter 14.14 - Evaluate The Biological And Environmental Influences On SchizophreniaChapter 14.16 - Identify Potential Causes Of Personality DisordersChapter 14.17 - Identify Some Ways To Overcome Test AnxietyChapter 15 - Psychological TherapiesChapter 15.1 - Describe How The Treatment Of Psychological Disorders Has Changed Throughout HistoryChapter 15.3 - Identify The Basic Elements Of The Humanistic Therapies Known As Person-centered Therapy And Gestalt TherapyChapter 15.5 - Summarize The Goals And Basic Elements Of Cognitive-behavioral TherapiesChapter 15.7 - Identify The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Group TherapyChapter 15.9 - Identify The Factors That Influence The Effectiveness Of TherapyChapter 15.10 - Categorize Types Of Drugs Used To Treat Psychological DisordersChapter 15.12 - Identify Some Of The Newer Technologies Being Used To Treat Psychological DisordersChapter 15.13 - Describe How Virtual Reality Can Be Used In PsychotherapyChapter A - Statistics In PsychologyChapter A.1 - Explain Why Statistics Are Important To Psychologists And Psychology MajorsChapter A.4 - Identify The Types Of Statistics Used To Examine Variations In DataChapter A.6 - Explain How Statistics Are Used To Predict One Score From AnotherChapter B - Applied Psychology And Psychology CareersChapter B.1 - Define Applied PsychologyChapter B.6 - Define How Psychology Interacts With Other Career FieldsChapter B.8 - Describe How The I/o Field Has Evolved Throughout Its HistoryChapter B.9 - Identify Techniques Used By Sports PsychologistsChapter PIA - Psychology In ActionChapter PIA.1 - The Science Of PsychologyChapter PIA.2 - The Biological PerspectiveChapter PIA.3 - Sensation And PerceptionChapter PIA.4 - ConsciousnessChapter PIA.5 - LearningChapter PIA.6 - MemoryChapter PIA.7 - Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, And LearningChapter PIA.8 - Development Across The Life Span
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Reasons for the correct statement: Behavior is the study of expressions, emotions, movement and...Reasons for the correct statement: A neuron is composed of an axon, a cell body, and dendrites....Sensory receptors present in the sense organs are specialized forms of neural receptors. These...Reasons for the correct statement: Waking consciousness is when thoughts, sensation, and feelings...Reasons for the correct statement: Learning is a process when an individual grasps an information...Reasons for the correct statement: In the first step the information is sent to the memory system...Reasons for the correct statement: Researchers have found that it takes longer to picture a mental...Reason for the correct statement: Cohort effect is defined as the developmental impact that occurs...Reasons for the correct statement: Eli’s motivation is called intrinsic motivation in which a person...
Reasons for the correct statement: The primary sex characteristics are the characteristics with...Reasons for the correct statement: Eustress appraised from positive events which make a person to...Reasons for the correct statement: Saul admits that he conforms so as to be liked by others; this...Reasons for the correct statement: Temperament is the inborn character of an individual; it reflects...Reasons for the correct statement: Exorcism is defined as a religious or spiritual practice for...Reasons for the correct statement: Insight is understanding the motives and actions of an...Reason for the correct statement: The frequency distribution is a tabular or graphical...Reasons for the correct statement: A psychiatrist is a person that posses a medical doctorate degree...Reasons for the correct statement: Visualization helps in learning as it affects the learner’s...
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