Numerical Analysis - 3rd Edition - by Sauer,  Tim - ISBN 9780134696454

Numerical Analysis
3rd Edition
Sauer, Tim
Publisher: Pearson,
ISBN: 9780134696454

Solutions for Numerical Analysis

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Chapter 2.1 - Gaussian EliminationChapter 2.2 - The Lu FactorizationChapter 2.3 - Sources Of ErrorChapter 2.4 - The Pa = Lu FactorizationChapter 2.5 - Iterative MethodsChapter 2.6 - Methods For Symmetric Positive-definite MatricesChapter 2.7 - Nonlinear Systems Of EquationsChapter 3.1 - Data And Interpolating FunctionsChapter 3.2 - Interpolation ErrorChapter 3.3 - Chebyshev InterpolationChapter 3.4 - Cubic SplinesChapter 3.5 - Bézier CurvesChapter 4.1 - Least Squares And The Normal EquationsChapter 4.2 - A Survey Of ModelsChapter 4.3 - Qr FactorizationChapter 4.4 - Generalized Minimum Residual (gmres) MethodChapter 4.5 - Nonlinear Least SquaresChapter 5.1 - Numerical DifferentiationChapter 5.2 - Newton-cotes Formulas For Numerical IntegrationChapter 5.3 - Romberg IntegrationChapter 5.4 - Adaptive QuadratureChapter 5.5 - Gaussian QuadratureChapter 6.1 - Initial Value ProblemsChapter 6.2 - Analysis Of Ivp SolversChapter 6.3 - Systems Of Ordinary Differential EquationsChapter 6.4 - Runge–kutta Methods And ApplicationsChapter 6.5 - Variable Step-size MethodsChapter 6.6 - Implicit Methods And Stiff EquationsChapter 6.7 - Multistep MethodsChapter 7.1 - Shooting MethodChapter 7.2 - Finite Difference MethodsChapter 7.3 - Collocation And The Finite Element MethodChapter 8.1 - Parabolic EquationsChapter 8.2 - Hyperbolic EquationsChapter 8.3 - Elliptic EquationsChapter 8.4 - Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsChapter 9.1 - Random NumbersChapter 9.2 - Monte Carlo SimulationChapter 9.3 - Discrete And Continuous Brownian MotionChapter 9.4 - Stochastic Differential EquationsChapter 10.1 - The Fourier TransformChapter 10.2 - Trigonometric InterpolationChapter 10.3 - The Fft And Signal ProcessingChapter 11.1 - The Discrete Cosine TransformChapter 11.2 - Two-dimensional Dct And Image CompressionChapter 11.3 - Huffman CodingChapter 11.4 - Modified Dct And Audio CompressionChapter 12.1 - Power Iteration MethodsChapter 12.2 - Qr AlgorithmChapter 12.3 - Singular Value DecompositionChapter 12.4 - Applications Of The SvdChapter 13.1 - Unconstrained Optimization Without DerivativesChapter 13.2 - Unconstrained Optimization With Derivatives

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Numerical Analysis
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780321783677
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780134699370
Numerical Analysis, Books A La Carte Edition (3rd Edition)
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