Solutions for Numerical Analysis
Problem 1ES:
Use the forward-difference formulas and backward-difference formulas to determine each missing entry...Problem 3ES:
The data in Exercise 1 were taken from the following functions. Compute the actual errors in...Problem 5ES:
Use the most accurate three-point formula to determine each missing entry in the following tables.Problem 6ES:
Use the most accurate three-point formula to determine each missing entry in the following tables.Problem 7ES:
The data in Exercise 5 were taken from the following functions. Compute the actual errors in...Problem 8ES:
The data in Exercise 6 were taken from the following functions. Compute the actual errors in...Problem 10ES:
Use the formulas given in this section to determine, as accurately as possible, approximations for...Problem 11ES:
The data in Exercise 9 were taken from the following functions. Compute the actual errors in...Problem 13ES:
Use the following data and the knowledge that the first five derivatives of f are bounded on [1, 5]...Problem 22ES:
In a circuit with impressed voltage (t) and inductance L, Kirchhoffs first law gives the...Problem 23ES:
In Exercise 9 of Section 3.4, data were given describing a car traveling on a straight road. That...Problem 24ES:
Derive an O(h4) five-point formula to approximate f(x0) that uses f (x0 h), f (x0), f (x0 + h), f...Problem 25ES:
Use the formula derived in Exercise 24 and the data of Exercise 21 to approximate f (0.4) and f...Problem 26ES:
a. Analyze the round-off errors, as in Example 4, for the formula f(x0)=f(x0+h)f(x0)hh2f(0). b. Find...Problem 28ES:
Derive a method for approximating f (x0) whose error term is of order h2 by expanding the function f...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1.1 - Review Of CalculusChapter 1.2 - Round-off Errors And Computer ArithmeticChapter 1.3 - Algorithms And ConvergenceChapter 2.1 - The Bisection MethodChapter 2.2 - Fixed-point IterationChapter 2.3 - Newton’s Method And Its ExtensionsChapter 2.4 - Error Analysis For Iterative MethodsChapter 2.5 - Accelerating ConvergenceChapter 3.1 - Interpolation And The Lagrange PolynomialChapter 3.2 - Data Approximation And Neville’s Method
Chapter 3.3 - Divided DifferencesChapter 3.4 - Hermite InterpolationChapter 3.5 - Cubic Spline InterpolationChapter 3.6 - Parametric CurvesChapter 4.1 - Numerical DifferentiationChapter 4.2 - Richardson’s ExtrapolationChapter 4.3 - Elements Of Numerical IntegrationChapter 4.4 - Composite Numerical IntegrationChapter 4.5 - Romberg IntegrationChapter 4.6 - Adaptive Quadrature MethodsChapter 4.7 - Gaussian QuadratureChapter 4.8 - Multiple IntegralsChapter 4.9 - Improper IntegralsChapter 5.3 - Higher-order Taylor MethodsChapter 11.3 - Finite-difference Methods For Linear Problems
Book Details
This well-respected book introduces readers to the theory and application of modern numerical approximation techniques. Providing an accessible treatment that only requires a calculus prerequisite, the authors explain how, why, and when approximation techniques can be expected to work - and why, in some situations, they fail. A wealth of examples and exercises develop readers' intuition, and demonstrate the subject's practical applications to important everyday problems in math, computing, engineering, and physical science disciplines. Three decades after it was first published, Burden, Faires, and Burden's Numerical Analyses remains the definitive introduction to a vital and practical subject.
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
9th Edition
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9th Edition
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Numerical Analysis
9th Edition
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8th Edition
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Analisis Numerico/ Numerical Analysis (spanish Edition)
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10th Edition
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