Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introducing The Economic Way Of ThinkingChapter 1.6 - Why Do Economists Disagree?Chapter 1.7 - Careers In EconomicsChapter 1.A - Applying Graphics To EconomicsChapter 2 - Productions Possibilities, Opportunity Costs, And Economic GrowthChapter 2.6 - Sources Of Economic GrowthChapter 2.7 - Present Investment And The Future Production Possibilities CurveChapter P1 - Introduction To EconomicsChapter 3 - Market Demand And SupplyChapter 3.6 - Nonprice Determinants Of Supply
Chapter 3.7 - A Market Supply And Demand AnalysisChapter 3.A - Consumer Surplus, Proudcer Suplus, And Market EfficencyChapter 4 - Markets In ActionChapter 4.2 - Can The Laws Of Supply And Demand Be Repealed?Chapter 4.3 - Market FailureChapter 5 - Price Elasticity Of Demand And SupplyChapter 5.3 - Determinants Of Price Elasticity Of DemandChapter 6 - Consumer Choice TheoryChapter 6.1 - From Utility To The Law Of DemandChapter 6.2 - Income And Substitution Effects And The Law Of DemandChapter 6.A - Indifference Curve AnalysisChapter 7 - Proudction CostsChapter 7.5 - Long-run Production CostsChapter P2 - Microeconomics FundamentalsChapter 8 - Perefect CompetitionChapter 8.5 - Long-run Supply Curves Under Perfect CompetitionChapter 9 - MonopolyChapter 9.4 - Comparing Monopoly And Perfect CompetitionChapter 10 - Monopolistic Competition And OligoplyChapter 10.1 - The Monopolistic Competition Market StructureChapter 10.6 - Review Of The Four Market StructuresChapter 11 - Labor MarketsChapter 11.3 - Employer PowerChapter P3 - Market StructureChapter 12 - Income Distribution, Poverty, And DiscriminationChapter 12.4 - Reform ProposalsChapter 12.5 - DiscriminationChapter 13 - Antitrust And RegulationChapter 13.2 - Key Antitrust CasesChapter 13.5 - Three Cases For Government RegulationChapter 13.6 - Imperfect InformationChapter 14 - Environmental EconomicsChapter 14.2 - Achieving Environmental EfficiencyChapter P4 - Microeconomics Policy IssuesChapter 15 - International Trade And FinanceChapter 15.4 - Arguments For ProtectionChapter 15.6 - Exchange RatesChapter 16 - Economies In TransitionChapter 16.3 - Economies In TransitionChapter 17 - Growth And Less Developed CountriesChapter 17.2 - Economic Growth And Development Around The WorldChapter P5 - The International Economy
Book Details
Help students visualize economics in action with the most pedagogically rich, complete text on the market: Irvin Tucker's MICROECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 9E. This dynamic book offers a clear, engaging writing style ideal for students at all levels. Written by a national award-winning educator, MICROECONOMICS FOR TODAY provides a unique textual and visual learning system that presents and reinforces core concepts, then immediately assesses comprehension to ensure understanding. The author highlights the latest information on economic growth, income distribution, federal deficits, environmental issues, and other economic developments while applying concepts to everyday life.
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Microeconomics For Today (MindTap Course List) homework problems. See examples below:
Scarcity is a situation in which human wants are greater than the available resources. A low...The human wants are unlimited though there are only limited resources. The scarcity of resources...Scarcity is obviously shortage. The shortage of supply to the existing demand in the economy is...Table 1 shows the market price spent and the maximum wiliness to pay by the different potential...If people buy a good with higher price, they demand higher quality for that good. Generally, as per...The equilibrium demand and supply of milk in the economy can be obtained at the point of...Chapter 5, Problem 1SQPThe general formula for calculating price elasticity of demand is given below. Price elasticity of...Chapter 5, Problem 14SQP
Since utility is a subjective concept, the given information is not sufficient to compare the...Manager’s salary is an explicit cost because salary is a direct cost that is involved in the process...The market is the place where the buyers and sellers interact with each other and the exchange of...A perfectly competitive firm will not advertise. Under perfect competition, all the firms sell...The local water service is a single firm which delivers unique product because there is no...Monopoly is a market condition in which there are no close substitutes present in the economy for...The given statement is incorrect because the employers do not supply the job, but workers supply...The firms produce the goods and services that are demanded by the people in the economy. The...The economic development is achieved when the economic price increases per head of the population in...The Sheman act of 1890 is the first antitrust law which is introduced with the aim of prohibiting...When a competitive industry sells pollution generating product, the price of the product will be...The economic growth is the increase in the inflation adjusted market value of goods and services in...The opportunity cost of producing a commodity can be calculated by dividing the total quantity of...People’s preferences are different according to where they live and those preferences may finally...Industrially advanced countries (IAC) have high income or high per capita GDP. The production in...
More Editions of This Book
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Mindtap Economics, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access Card For Tucker's Microeconomics For Today, 10th
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Microeconomics for Today - With MindTap
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Microeconomics for Today (Looseleaf)
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9th Edition
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11th Edition
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11th Edition
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Bundle: Microeconomics For Today, Loose-leaf Version, 9th + Lms Integrated For Mindtap Economics, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access Card
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Microeconomics For Today (MindTap Course List)
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