Problem 1PE:
When sodium reacts with molecular oxygen, O2, the product is sodium peroxide, Na2O2, which contains...Problem 3PE:
The chlorite ion, ClO2, is a potent disinfectant, and solutions of it are sometimes used to...Problem 4PE:
Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in...Problem 6PE:
Chlorine dioxide, ClO2, is used to kill bacteria in the dairy industry, meat industry, and other...Problem 7PE:
The following equation is nor balanced. Explain why the equation is nor balanced, and balance it...Problem 8PE:
Practice Exercise 5.8
The element technetium (atomic number 43) is radioactive and one of its...Problem 9PE:
Practice Exercise 5.9
Consider the following half-reaction balanced for an acidic solution:
What is...Problem 11PE:
Write the balanced half-react ions for the reaction of zinc with hydrogen ions. (Hint: Be sure to...Problem 13PE:
Suppose an aqueous mixture is prepared containing magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), copper(II) sulfate...Problem 16PE:
Write a balanced equation for the combustion of propylene glycol, C3H8O2, a solvent used for...Problem 5RQ:
If the oxidation number of nitrogen in a certain molecule changes from +3to-2 during a reaction, is...Problem 8RQ:
What are the net charges on the left and right sides of the following equations? Add electrons as...Problem 9RQ:
In Question 5.8, which half-reaction represents oxidation? Which represents reduction? 5.8 What arc...Problem 10RQ:
The following equation is not balanced. Ag+Fe2+Ag++Fe Why? Use the ion-electron method to balance...Problem 11RQ:
5.11 What is a nonoxidizing acid? Give two examples. What is the oxidizing agent in a nonoxidizing...Problem 15RQ:
What is a single replacement reaction?Problem 16RQ:
If a metal is able to react with a solution of HCl, where must the metal stand relative to hydrogen...Problem 19RQ:
Where in the activity series do we find the best reducing agents? Where do we find the best...Problem 20RQ:
When manganese reacts with silver ions, is manganese oxidized or reduced? Is it an oxidizing agent...Problem 24RQ:
If one of the impurities in diesel fuel has the formula C2H6S, what products will be formed when it...Problem 29RQ:
Assign oxidation numbers to the atoms in the following: (a)ClO4,(b)Cl-,(c)SF6,and(d)Au(NO3)3.Problem 31RQ:
Assign oxidation numbers to each atom in the following: (a)NaOBr,(b)NaBrO2,(c)NaBrO3,and(d)NaBrO4.Problem 32RQ:
Assign oxidation numbers to the elements following: (a)MnCl2,(b)MnO4,(c)MnO42,and(d)MnO2.Problem 35RQ:
Titanium burns in pure nitrogen to form TiN. What are the oxidation states of titanium and nitrogen...Problem 36RQ:
5.36 Zirconia, which is , is used to make ceramic knives. What are the oxidation states of zirconium...Problem 37RQ:
5.37 Ozone, , is an allotrope of oxygen and is one of the oxidants responsible for the haze over the...Problem 38RQ:
5.38 The other major air pollutant is . What are the oxidation numbers of the atoms in ?
Problem 39RQ:
For the following reactions, identify the substance oxidized, the substance reduced, the oxidizing...Problem 40RQ:
5.40 For the following reactions, identify the substance oxidized, the substance reduced, the...Problem 41RQ:
When chlorine is added to drinking water to kill bacteria, some of the chlorine is changed into ions...Problem 42RQ:
One pollutant in smog is nitrogen dioxide. NO2. The gas has a reddish brown color and is responsible...Problem 50RQ:
5.50 Hydroiodic acid reduces chlorine to hydrochloric acid and iodine. Write a balanced net ionic...Problem 52RQ:
Corn is grown for human consumption, feeding livestock, and producing ethanol for fuel. The starches...Problem 54RQ:
Laundry bleach such as Clorox is a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl. Write a balanced...Problem 56RQ:
Chlorine is a good bleaching agent because it is able to oxidize substances that are colored to give...Problem 57RQ:
Write balanced molecular, ionic, and net ionic equations for the reactions of the following metals...Problem 58RQ:
5.58 Write balanced molecular, ionic, and net ionic equations for the reactions of the following...Problem 64RQ:
Hot, concentrated sulfuric acid is a fairly strong oxidizing agent. Write a balanced net ionic...Problem 65RQ:
Use Table 5.3 to predict the outcome of the following reactions. If no reaction occurs, write N.R....Problem 66RQ:
5.66 Use Table 5.3 to predict the outcome of the following reactions. If no reaction occurs, write...Problem 67RQ:
The following reactions occur spontaneously. Pu+3Tl+Pu3++3TlRu+Pt2+Ru2++Pt2Tl+Ru2+2Tl++Ru List the...Problem 68RQ:
The following reactions occur spontaneously. 2Y+3Ni2+2Y3++3Ni2Mo+3Ni2+2Mo3++3NiY3++MoY+Mo3+ List the...Problem 70RQ:
When chromium metal is dipped into a solution of nickel(II) chloride, some Cr dissolves and Ni metal...Problem 75RQ:
5.75 Write balanced chemical equations for the complete combustion (in the presence of excess...Problem 76RQ:
Write balanced chemical equations for the complete combustion (in the presence of excess oxygen) of...Problem 77RQ:
5.77 Write balanced equations for the combustion of the hydrocarbons in Problem 5.75 in (a) a...Problem 78RQ:
5.78 Write balanced equations for the combustion of the hydrocarbons in Problem 5.76 in (a) a...Problem 79RQ:
5.79 The metabolism of carbohydrates such as glucose, , produces the same products as combustion in...Problem 80RQ:
Methanol, CH3OH, has been suggested as an alternative to gasoline as an automotive fuel. Write a...Problem 81RQ:
Write the balanced equation for the combustion of dimethylsulfide, (CH3)2S, in an abundant supply of...Problem 82RQ:
5.82 Thiophene, , is an impurity in crude oil and is a source of pollution if not removed. Write an...Problem 83RQ:
Write chemical equations for the reaction of oxygen with (a) zinc, (b) aluminum, (c) magnesium, and...Problem 87RQ:
In an acidic solution, permanganate ion reacts with tin(II) ion to give manganese(II) ion and...Problem 88RQ:
5.88 In an acidic solution, bisulfite ion reacts with chlorate ion to give sulfate ion and chloride...Problem 90RQ:
Potable water (drinking water) should not have manganese concentrations in excess of 0.05 mg/mL. If...Problem 91RQ:
5.91 Sulfites are used worldwide in the wine industry as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents....Problem 92RQ:
Methylbromide, CH3Br, is used in agriculture to fumigate soil to rid it of pests such as nematodes....Problem 93RQ:
A sample of a copper ore with a mass of 0.4225 g was dissolved in acid. A solution of potassium...Problem 94RQ:
5.94 A 1.362 g sample of an iron ore that contained was dissolved in acid and all of the iron was...Problem 95RQ:
5.95 Hydrogen peroxide, , solution can be purchased in drug stores for use as an antiseptic. A...Problem 96RQ:
5.96 Sodium nitrite, , is used as a preservative in meat products such as frankfurters and bologna....Problem 99RQ:
Both calcium chloride and sodium chloride are used to melt ice and snow on roads in the winter. A...Problem 100RQ:
5.100 One way to analyze a sample for nitrite ion is to acidify a solution containing and then...Problem 101RQ:
Use oxidation numbers to show that the fermentation of glucose, C6H12O6, to carbon dioxide and...Problem 109RQ:
In Problem 5-108, were all of the experiments described actually necessary to establish the order?...Problem 111RQ:
5.111 In each of the following pairs, choose the metal that would most likely react more rapidly...Problem 112RQ:
Use Table 5.3 to predict whether the following displacement reactions should occur. If no reaction...Problem 113RQ:
Sucrose, C12H22O11, is ordinary table sugar. Write a balanced chemical equation representing the...Problem 115RQ:
5.115 Lead(IV) oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to give chlorine. The unbalanced equation for the...Problem 117RQ:
A copper bar with a mass of 12.340 g is dipped into 235 ml. of 0.125 M AgNO3 solution. When the...Problem 119RQ:
5.119 As described in the Chemistry Outside the Classroom 5.1, silver tarnishes in the presence of...Problem 120RQ:
Titanium(IV) can be reduced to titanium(III) by the addition of zinc metal. Sulfur dioxide can be...Problem 121RQ:
A researcher planned to use chlorine gas in an experiment and wished to trap excess chlorine to...Problem 122RQ:
5.122 A sample of a tin ore weighing 0.3000 g was dissolved in an acid solution and all the tin in...Problem 123RQ:
Biodiesel is formed from the reaction of oils with methanol or ethanol. One of the products is...Problem 124RQ:
*5.124 In June 2002, the Department of Health and Children in Ireland began a program to distribute...Problem 125RQ:
An organic compound contains carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur. A sample of it with a mass of 1.045 g was...Problem 126RQ:
*5.126 A mixture is made by combining with . Initially, the concentration in the mixture is 0.400...Problem 127RQ:
A solution containing 0.1244 g of K2C2O4 was acidified, changing the C2O42- ions to H2C2O4. The...Problem 128RQ:
It was found that a 20.0 mL portion of a solution of oxalic acid, H2C2O4, requires 6.25 mL of...Problem 129RQ:
A 15.00 mL sample of a solution containing oxalic acid, H2C2O4, was titrated with 0.02000MKMnO4. The...Problem 130RQ:
A solution with a volume of 500.0 mL contained a mixture of SO32-andS2O32-.A100.0mL portion of the...Problem 132RQ:
We described the ion-electron method for balancing redox equations in Section 5.2. Can you devise an...Problem 133RQ:
Assuming that a chemical reaction with DNA could lead to damage causing cancer, would a very strong...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 0 - A Very Brief History Of ChemistrChapter 1 - Scientific MeasurementChapter 2 - Elements, Compounds, And The Periodic TableChapter 3 - The Mole And StoichiometryChapter 4 - Molecular View Of Reactions In Aqueous SolutionsChapter 5 - Oxidation–reduction ReactionChapter 6 - Energy And Chemical ChangeChapter 7 - The Quantum Mechanical AtomChapter 8 - The Basics Of Chemical BondingChapter 9 - Theories Of Bonding And Structure
Chapter 10 - Properties Of GasesChapter 11 - Intermolecular Attractions And The Properties Of Liquids And SolidsChapter 12 - Mixtures At The Molecular Level: Properties Of SolutionsChapter 13 - Chemical KineticChapter 14 - Chemical EquilibriumChapter 15 - Acids And Bases, A Molecular LookChapter 16 - Acid–base Equilibria In Aqueous SolutionsChapter 17 - Solubility And Simultaneous EquilibriaChapter 18 - ThermodynamicsChapter 19 - ElectrochemistryChapter 20 - Nuclear Reactions And Their Role In ChemistryChapter 21 - Metal ComplexesChapter 22 - Organic Compounds, Polymers, And Biochemicals
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We offer sample solutions for EBK STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL TO ACCOMPA homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 0, Problem 1PEChapter 1, Problem 1PEChapter 2, Problem 1PEChapter 3, Problem 1PEa) CaI2 CaI2 consists of calcium and iodine atoms. Calcium is in the group 2A and has a charge of 2+...Chapter 5, Problem 1PEGiven information: The pudding contains 140 Cal per serving. Nutritional calories are related to...Chapter 7, Problem 1PEChapter 8, Problem 1PE
Chapter 9, Problem 1PEGaseous molecules have a very weak force of attraction within them; therefore they are free to move...The graph is as: As the intensity of the attractive force is reduced constantly, the variation in...Chapter 12, Problem 1PEChapter 13, Problem 1PEChapter 14, Problem 1PEChapter 15, Problem 1PEGiven information: The molarity of the hydronium ion is 12 M. The moles of HCl in the solution is 12...Chapter 17, Problem 1PEChapter 18, Problem 1PEChapter 19, Problem 1PEGiven information: The rest mass of tennis ball is 57.7 g. The mass of the tennis ball is calculated...The most common oxidation state of silver Ag is +1 is when it loses one electron and becomes Ag+...a) The molecular formula of the given organic compound consists of 6 carbon atoms and 14 hydrogen...
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