Calculus Volume 2
Calculus Volume 2
17th Edition
ISBN: 9781938168062
Author: Gilbert Strang, Edwin Jed Herman
Publisher: OpenStax


Textbook Question
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Chapter 3.7, Problem 3SP

Laplace Transforms

In the last few chapters, we have looked at several ways to use integration for solving real-world problems. For this next project, we are going to explore a more advanced application of integration: integral transforms. Specifically, we describe the Laplace transform and some of its properties. The Laplace transform is used in engineering and physics to simplify the computations needed to solve some problems. It takes functions expressed in terms of time and trons/orms them to functions expressed in terms of frequency. It turns out that, in many cases, the computations needed to solve problems in the frequency domain are much simpler than those required in the time domain.

The Laplace transform is defined in terms of an integral as




Note that the input to a Laplace transform is a function of time, /(/), and the output is a function of frequency, F(j), Although many real-world examples require the use of complex numbers (involving the imaginary number i = V—1), in this project we limit ourselves to functions of real numbers.

Let's stan with a simple example. Here we calculate the Laplace transform of /(f) = t. We have

    Chapter 3.7, Problem 3SP, Laplace Transforms In the last few chapters, we have looked at several ways to use integration for , example  1

This is an improper integral, so we express it in terms of a limit, which gives

    Chapter 3.7, Problem 3SP, Laplace Transforms In the last few chapters, we have looked at several ways to use integration for , example  2

Now we use integration by pans to evaluate the integral. Note that we are integrating with respect to t, so we treat the variable s as a constant. We have

    u—t   dv    — dt

    du=dt v

  — — ye_ir.

Then we obtain

    = + +

     =    ~K + °1 -

     = JinL[[-i,-]-±[e--lj]

   - c  + c

    = 0-0 + -L



    2* s

1. Calculate the Laplace transform of /(/) = 1.

3.Calculate the Laplace transform of /(/) = : (Note, you will have to integrate by parts twice.)

Laplace transforms are often used to solve differential equations. Differential equations are not covered in detail until later in this book; but, for now, let’s look at the relationship between the Laplace transform of a function and the Laplace transform of its derivative.

Let’s start with the definition of the Laplace transform. We have

    WW! =    r™    r'

     = lim / e~st fifth.

4.Use integration by parts to evaluate Jjm^ e~sl fifth. (Let « = /{/) and dv — e '!dt.) After integrating by parts and evaluating the limit, you should see that


Thus, differentiation in the time domain simplifies to multiplication by s in the frequency domain.

The final thing we look at in this project is how the Laplace transforms of fit] and its antiderivative are

     related. Let g(r) — f(u}dii. Then,


lim /

;-* caj"     5.Use integration by parts to evaluate hrn^y e ’ g(t)dl. (Let u = gif) and dv = e dt. Note, by the way,

that we have defined gif, du — fifth.)

As you might expect, you should see that

     L|^(r)| = |-L[/(/)i.

Integration in the time domain simplifies to division by s in ±e frequency domain.

Blurred answer
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Chapter 3 Solutions

Calculus Volume 2

Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Find the integral by using the simplest method....Ch. 3.1 - Compute the definite integrals. 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Use a graphing...Ch. 3.1 - Derive the following formulas using the technique...Ch. 3.1 - Derive the following formulas using the technique...Ch. 3.1 - Derive the following formulas using the technique...Ch. 3.1 - State whether you would use integration by parts...Ch. 3.1 - State whether you would use integration by parts...Ch. 3.1 - State whether you would use integration by parts...Ch. 3.1 - State whether you would use integration by parts...Ch. 3.1 - State whether you would use integration by parts...Ch. 3.1 - State whether you would use integration by parts...Ch. 3.1 - Sketch the region bounded above by the curve, the...Ch. 3.1 - Sketch the region bounded above by the curve, the...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.1 - Find the volume generated by rotating the region...Ch. 3.2 - Fill in the blank to make a true statement. 69....Ch. 3.2 - Fill in the blank to make a true statement. 70....Ch. 3.2 - Use an identity to reduce the power of the...Ch. 3.2 - Use an identity to reduce the power of the...Ch. 3.2 - Evaluate each of the following integrals by...Ch. 3.2 - Evaluate each of the following integrals by...Ch. 3.2 - Evaluate each of the following integrals by...Ch. 3.2 - Evaluate each of the following integrals by...Ch. 3.2 - Evaluate each of the following integrals by...Ch. 3.2 - Evaluate each of the following integrals by...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - Compute the following integrals using the...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, find a general...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, find a general...Ch. 3.2 - Use the double-angle formulas to evaluate the...Ch. 3.2 - Use the double-angle formulas to evaluate the...Ch. 3.2 - Use the double-angle formulas to evaluate the...Ch. 3.2 - Use the double-angle formulas to evaluate the...Ch. 3.2 - Use the double-angle formulas to evaluate the...Ch. 3.2 - Use the double-angle formulas to evaluate the...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, evaluate the definite...Ch. 3.2 - Find the area of the region bounded by the graphs...Ch. 3.2 - Find the area of the region bounded by the graphs...Ch. 3.2 - A particle moves in a straight line with the...Ch. 3.2 - Find the average value of the function...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, solve the...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, solve the...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, solve the...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, solve the...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, solve the...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, use this information:...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, use this information:...Ch. 3.2 - For the following exercises, use this information:...Ch. 3.2 - For each pair of integrals, determine which one is...Ch. 3.2 - For each pair of integrals, determine which one is...Ch. 3.3 - Simplify the following expressions by writing each...Ch. 3.3 - Simplify the following expressions by writing each...Ch. 3.3 - Simplify the following expressions by writing each...Ch. 3.3 - Simplify the following expressions by writing each...Ch. 3.3 - Simplify the following expressions by writing each...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - Integrate using the method of trigonometric...Ch. 3.3 - In the following exercises, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.3 - In the following exercises, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.3 - In the following exercises, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.3 - In the following exercises, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.3 - In the following exercises, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.3 - In the following exercises, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Use the technique of completing the square to...Ch. 3.3 - Evaluate the integral without using calculus:...Ch. 3.3 - Find the area enclosed by the ellipse x24+y29=1 .Ch. 3.3 - Evaluate the integral dx 1 x 2 using two different...Ch. 3.3 - Evaluate the integral dxx x 2 1 using the...Ch. 3.3 - Evaluate the integral xx2+1 using the form 1udu ....Ch. 3.3 - State the method of integration you would use to...Ch. 3.3 - State the method of integration you would use to...Ch. 3.3 - Evaluate 11xdxx2+1Ch. 3.3 - Find the length of the arc of the curve over the...Ch. 3.3 - Find the surface area of the solid generated by...Ch. 3.3 - The region bounded by the graph of f(x)=11+x2 and...Ch. 3.3 - Solve the initial-value problem for y as a...Ch. 3.3 - Solve the initial-value problem for y as a...Ch. 3.3 - Solve the initial-value problem for y as a...Ch. 3.3 - An oil storage tank can he described as the volume...Ch. 3.3 - During each cycle, the velocity v (in feet per...Ch. 3.3 - Find the length of the curve y=16x2 between x=0...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Express the rational function as a sum or...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Evaluate the following integrals, which have...Ch. 3.4 - Evaluate the following integrals, which have...Ch. 3.4 - Evaluate the following integrals, which have...Ch. 3.4 - Evaluate the following integrals, which have...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use the method of partial fractions to evaluate...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use substitution to convert the integrals to...Ch. 3.4 - Use the given substitution to convert the integral...Ch. 3.4 - Use the given substitution to convert the integral...Ch. 3.4 - Graph the curve y=x1+x over the interval [0,5] ....Ch. 3.4 - Find the volume of the solid generated when the...Ch. 3.4 - The velocity of a particle moving along a line is...Ch. 3.4 - Solve the initial-value problem for x as a...Ch. 3.4 - Solve the initial-value problem for x as a...Ch. 3.4 - Solve the initial-value problem for x as a...Ch. 3.4 - Find the x-coordinate of the centroid of the area...Ch. 3.4 - Find the volume generated by revolving the area...Ch. 3.4 - Find the area bounded by y=x12x28x20 , y=0 , x=2 ,...Ch. 3.4 - Evaluate the integral dxx3+1 .Ch. 3.4 - For the following problems, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.4 - For the following problems, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.4 - For the following problems, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.4 - For the following problems, use the substitutions...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a table of integrals to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a CAS to evaluate the following integrals....Ch. 3.5 - Use a calculator or CAS to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a calculator or CAS to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a calculator or CAS to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a calculator or CAS to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a calculator or CAS to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use a calculator or CAS to evaluate the following...Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to evaluate the integrals. You may need...Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to evaluate the integrals. You may need...Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to evaluate the integrals. You may need...Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to evaluate the integrals. You may need...Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to evaluate the integrals. You may need...Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to evaluate the integrals. You may need...Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to perform the integration.Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to perform the integration.Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to perform the integration. 287....Ch. 3.5 - Use tables to perform the integration.Ch. 3.5 - Find the area y^4 4- 25x2) = 5, x — 0, y — 0, and...Ch. 3.5 - The region bounded between the curve V = .1 =. 0.3...Ch. 3.5 - Use substitution and a table of integrals to find...Ch. 3.5 - [T] Use an integral table and a calculator to find...Ch. 3.5 - (T] Use a CAS or tables to find the area of the...Ch. 3.5 - Find the length of the curve y = q- over [0, 8].Ch. 3.5 - Find the length of the curve y = exover [0,...Ch. 3.5 - Find the area of the surface formed by revolving...Ch. 3.5 - Find the average value of the function /(x) =___ _...Ch. 3.5 - 298. Approximate the arc length of the curve y —...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the following integrals using either...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate the integral to three decimal places...Ch. 3.6 - 316. Evaluate / —-7 exactly and show that the...Ch. 3.6 - Approximate using the midpoint rule with four...Ch. 3.6 - 318. Approximate J" US^1S the trapezoidal rule...Ch. 3.6 - Use the trapezoidal rule with four subdivisions to...Ch. 3.6 - Use the trapezoidal rule with four subdivisions to...Ch. 3.6 - Using Simpson’s rule with four subdivisions, find...Ch. 3.6 - Show that the exact value of / xe A dx = 1 — Find...Ch. 3.6 - Given J xe x dx = 1 — use the trapezoidal rule...Ch. 3.6 - Find an upper bound for the error in estimating /...Ch. 3.6 - Find an upper bound for the error in estimating...Ch. 3.6 - Find an upper bound for the error in estimating 10...Ch. 3.6 - Find an upper bound for the error in estimatingCh. 3.6 - Find an upper bound for the error in estimating I...Ch. 3.6 - Estimate the minimum number of subintervals needed...Ch. 3.6 - Determine a value of n such that the trapezoidal...Ch. 3.6 - Estimate the minimum number of subintervals + 4xVx...Ch. 3.6 - 332. Estimate the minimum number of subintervals...Ch. 3.6 - 333. Use Simpson’s rule with four subdivisions to...Ch. 3.6 - Use Simpsoifs rule with n — 14 to approximate (to...Ch. 3.6 - Ch. 3.6 - The length of the ellipse x = cicgs(Z), y =...Ch. 3.6 - Estimate the area of the surface generated by...Ch. 3.6 - Estimate the area of the surface generated by • 2...Ch. 3.6 - The growth rate of a certain tree (in feet) is...Ch. 3.6 - [T] Use a calculator to approximate J sm(/rA'k/-v...Ch. 3.6 - [T] Given j (3a2 — 2jrpjr = 100, approximate the...Ch. 3.6 - Given that we know the Fundamental Theorem of...Ch. 3.6 - The table represents the coordinates (x, y) that...Ch. 3.6 - Choose the correct answer. When Simpson’s rule is...Ch. 3.6 - The “Simpson” sum is based on the area under aCh. 3.6 - The error formula for Simpson’s rule depends...Ch. 3.7 - Laplace Transforms In the last few chapters, we...Ch. 3.7 - Laplace Transforms In the last few chapters, we...Ch. 3.7 - Laplace Transforms In the last few chapters, we...Ch. 3.7 - Laplace Transforms In the last few chapters, we...Ch. 3.7 - Laplace Transforms In the last few chapters, we...Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine whether the improper integrals converge...Ch. 3.7 - Determine the convergence of each of the following...Ch. 3.7 - Determine the convergence of each of the following...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the integrals. If the integral diverges,...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the improper integrals. Each of these...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the improper integrals. Each of these...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the improper integrals. Each of these...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the improper integrals. Each of these...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the improper integrals. Each of these...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate the improper integrals. Each of these...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate dx 5Vl -jv2 . (Be careful!) (Express your...Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate (Express the answer in exact form.)Ch. 3.7 - Evaluate dx 2 (x2-l)3/2Ch. 3.7 - Find the area of the region in the first quadrant...Ch. 3.7 - Find the area of the region bounded by the curve 7...Ch. 3.7 - Find the area under the curve (X+1)3'2 bounded on...Ch. 3.7 - Find the area under v = —-—~ 1 + x2in the first...Ch. 3.7 - Find the volume of the solid generated by...Ch. 3.7 - Find the volume of the solid generated by...Ch. 3.7 - Find the volume of the solid generated by...Ch. 3.7 - The Laplace transform of a continuous function...Ch. 3.7 - The Laplace transform of a continuous function...Ch. 3.7 - The Laplace transform of a continuous function...Ch. 3.7 - (see the Student Project). This definition is used...Ch. 3.7 - 405. Use the formula for arc length to show that...Ch. 3.7 - Show that /(jr) = r Oifx < 0 '.7e_7*ifx> 0 is a...Ch. 3.7 - Find the probability that x is between 0 and 0.3....Ch. 3 - For the fallowing exercises, determine whether the...Ch. 3 - For the fallowing exercises, determine whether the...Ch. 3 - For the fallowing exercises, determine whether the...Ch. 3 - For the fallowing exercises, determine whether the...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the integral...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the integral...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the integral...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the integral...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the integral...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the integral...Ch. 3 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, approximate the...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, approximate the...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, approximate the...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, evaluate the...Ch. 3 - For the following exercises, consider the gamma...Ch. 3 - 429* Extend to show that T(cf) — (a — 1)!,...Ch. 3 - [T] Use the graph to estimate the velocity every...Ch. 3 - [T] Using your function from the previous problem,...

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