Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card)
Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card)
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781305586871
Author: Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett
Publisher: Cengage Learning
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Chapter 31, Problem 32P


To determine

The number of electrons and the number of each species of quark in 1L water.


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Answer to Problem 32P

The number of electrons is 3.34×1026electrons_.

The numbers of each species of quark in 1L water are 9.36×1026 up quarks and 8.70×1026 down quarks.

Explanation of Solution

Write the expression for the number of protons.

Np=V(NAm)(np)        (I)

Here, Np is the number of proton, V is the volume, NA is the Avogadro number, m is the mass and np is the number of proton per molecule.

Write the expression for the number of neutrons.

Nn=V(NAm)(nn)        (II)

Here, Nn is the number of neutron and nn is the number of neutron per molecule.

Write the quark configuration of proton.


Write the quark configuration of neutron.


Write the expression for the number of up quark.

Nup quark=2Np+Nn        (III)

Here, Nup quark is the number of up quark.

Write the expression for the number of up quark.

Ndown quark=2Nn+Np        (IV)

Here, Ndown quark is the number of down quark.


To get neutral atom, the number proton and electron will be same.

Substitute, 1L for V, 6.02×1023molecules for NA, 18.0g for m, 10proton/molecule for np in equation (I) to find Np.

Np=[(1L)(1000g1L)](6.02×1023molecules18.0g)(10proton/molecule)=3.34×1026 protons

Thus, the number of electrons is 3.34×1026electrons_.

Substitute, 1L for V, 6.02×1023molecules for NA, 18.0g for m, 8proton/molecule for nn in equation (I) to find Nn.

Np=[(1L)(1000g1L)](6.02×1023molecules18.0g)(8proton/molecule)=2.68×1026 neutrons

Substitute, 3.34×1026 for Np, 2.68×1026 for Nn in equation (III) to find Nup quark.

Nup quark=2(3.34×1026)+(2.68×1026)=9.36×1026 up quarks

Substitute, 3.34×1026 for Np, 2.68×1026 for Nn in equation (IV) to find Ndown quark.

Ndown quark=2(2.68×1026)+(3.34×1026)=8.70×1026 down quarks

Thus, the numbers of each species of quark in 1L water are 9.36×1026 up quarks and 8.70×1026 down quarks.


To determine

The number of electrons and the number of each species of quark in body water.


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Answer to Problem 32P

The number of electrons is ~1028electrons_.

The numbers of each species of quark in body water are ~1029 up quarks and ~1029 down quarks.

Explanation of Solution

In human body total amount of water is 65kg.

Write the expression for the number of electron in human body.

Ne(Human)=VhumanNp        (V)

Here, Ne(human) is the number of electron in human body, Vhuman is the total volume of water in human body.

Write the expression for the number of up quark in human body.

Nup quark(human)=VhumanNup quark        (VI)

Here, Nup quark(human) is the number of up quark in human body.

Write the quark configuration of down quark in human body.

Ndown quark(human)=VhumanNdown quark        (VII)

Here, Ndown quark(human) is the number of down quark in human body.


Substitute, 65kg for Vhuman, 3.34×1026 protons for Np in equation (V) to find Ne(human).

Ne(Human)=(65kg)(3.34×1026 protons)~1028electrons

Thus, the number of electrons is ~1028electrons_.

Substitute, 65kg for Vhuman, 9.36×1026 up quarks for Nup quark in equation (VI) to find Nup quark(human).

Nup quark(human)=(65kg)(9.36×1026 up quarks)~1029 up quarks

Substitute, 65kg for Vhuman, 8.70×1026 down quarks for Ndown quark in equation (VII) to find Ndown quark(human).

Ndown quark(human)=(65kg)(8.70×1026 down quarks)~1029 down quarks

Thus, the numbers of each species of quark in body water are ~1029 up quarks and ~1029 down quarks.

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Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card)

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