Type For each policy, the solution should capture the following: Field Policy number Description Alphanumeric Unique identifier for the policy Ex: A1234 Policy Owner Alphanumeric Yearly Premium Decimal Full name of the policy owner Dollar amount for the yearly premium paid for the insurance Validations • Must have a length of 5 characters •Required, cannot be blank • Required For each automobile policy, the solution should also capture the following: Field Vehicle ID No (VIN) Make Type Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Model Alphanumeric Description Unique Id for the vehicle Ex: 2GCEC1 Name of manufacturer Ex: Dodge Name of model Ex: Charger Validations •Required, cannot be blank •Must have a length of 7 characters ⚫Required, cannot be blank Required, cannot be blank For each home policy, the solution should also capture the following: Field Street Address Year Built Type Alphanumeric Numeric Description Home address Ex: 123 Main Street Year that the home was built Ex: 2022 Deductible Decimal Dollar amount for the deductible for any claims Validations • Required, cannot be blank • Must be a number between 1800- 2022 • Required For each life insurance policy, the solution should also capture the following: Field Beneficiary Name Type Alphanumeric Description Full name for the beneficiary for the policy Validations •Required, cannot be blank Face Value Decimal Dollar amount of • Required the policy
Please answer Java OOP homework scenario below:
You have been hired by the National Insurance Company to create a program to track insurance policies for all its customers. National Insurance provides three types of insurance: automobile, home and life insurance. The program should be able to track up to 100 policies.
Based on the provided information, create an efficient, object-oriented solution with good design principles that will allow a user to manage policies. To do this, the solution should have a menu with the following capabilities:
- Add Policy
o This capability will allow a user to add a policy. The user should specify if the policy is for home, auto, or life. Once the type of policy has been selected, the user should be prompted for all required fields for the policy type.
- Remove Policy
o This capability will allow a user to select any policy and remove it from the list.
- View policies
o This capability will allow a user to see all the policies. All policy fields should be displayed and formatted
- Quit
o This capability will allow a user to end working with the solution. It will print a message thanking the user for using the solution.
Other Requirements:
- Your solution must use object-oriented techniques, including appropriate constants, constructors, accessors, validating mutators, and special purpose methods, including a toString() method. No points earned for a procedural solution.
- Your solution must contain reasonably appropriate validation. Try to think about what might be considered appropriate as you are designing your solution beyond what has already been explicitly provided.
- Your solution must demonstrate use of arrays
- Your solution must demonstrate the concept of inheritance.
- Your solution must be designed as a modular solution using methods other than main, with each method performing one task.
- Your solution must not import any Java library other than JOptionPane.
- Your solution may not use regular expressions for validation.
- Your solution may not use any functions or language constructs not covered during IT 106 or this semester’s IT 206 without prior authorization from your instructor, even if you know other functions or language constructs. We want everyone to be on the same "playing field", regardless of previous programming exposure, and get practice with algorithmic design to solve problems (the intent of the course). Using something existing not discussed in class does not give you as much practice as solving the problem yourself. Doing this may lead to a substantial grade penalty, a grade of zero, or an Honor Code inquiry. When in doubt, ask!
1) List and describe the purpose of each class that will be needed to solve this problem
- You must separately identify (list) and describe the purpose of each class. One or two sentences per class should be sufficient.
2) Data Definition Class(es) - Create a detailed UML Class Diagram, listing and explaining all class variables, accessors, mutators, special purpose methods, and constructors associated to each data definition class.
3) Write a well-documented, efficient Java program that implements the solution design you identified in 1 to 3 above. Include appropriate documentation as identified in the documentation expectations document.

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