The multinomial logit choice model determines the mode split. The following utilitymodel was developed to predict the H-year mode split between two TAZs 1 and 2:Um: Ui = Bi - 0.05TTi - 0.25COSTiwhereUi = Utility value for mode iBi = Mode specific constant for mode iTTi = Travel time per trip for mode i, in minuteCOSTi = Travel cost per trip per person for mode i, in dollar.The modal attributes areMode Bi TTi COSTiAutoCarpoolTransit2.11.20.01621302.500.800.75Assuming that the total attractions over the entire morning commuting period from TAZ 2 to TAZ 1are 7,000 person trips and each vehicle on average consumes 400 ft2 land in the parking lot (Note:transit is run by an outside transit company, which does not use the parking lots).a) What is the mode share for auto, carpool, and transit between TAZs 1 and 2?b) Assuming that the average auto and carpool occupancies are 1.0 and 3.2, respectively, how manyautos and carpools will use the parking lots?c) The industrial companies that attract the travel into TAZ 1 need more space. They want to use theland they own more productively. The only place to get extra space is from their large parkinglots. The companies decide to implement a massive program that encourages vanpool and transituse (i.e., the carpool mode is replaced by vanpool and the new transportation modes become auto,vanpool, and transit). Assuming no parking charge before the massive program and nowemployees who arrive in a vanpool need to pay a parking fee of $1.00 per day per vehicle (i.e.,$1.00 parking charge for 2 trips in additional to travel cost of $2.50 per trip per person) andemployees who enter a company lot in an auto will have to pay a parking fee of $3.00 per day pervehicle (i.e, $3.00 parking charge for 2 trips for vanpool person trips). The vans will hold anaverage of 7.0 persons and each of whom will pay $1.00 per 5-day week to cover administrativecosts (i.e, $1.00 additional charge for 10 trips for vanpool person trips). Those who ride transitwill be free of charge because the companies will buy transit passes for their employees (i.e.,COSTi for the transit mode is now from $0.75 down to 0). Suppose that the auto travel timeremains unchanged. The average travel time by vanpool on surface streets will be 9 minuteslonger than that by auto, because of the time needed for pickup and/or rendezvous. However,vanpool and transit travel time on the freeway will be an average of 7 minutes shorter than that ofautos on the freeway because of a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane that is being installed forpassenger cars or vans with 5 or more occupants. The vanpool mode constant in the utilityfunction Bi is 1.0. The transit mode constant Bi in the utility function is now 0.3 after the transitcompany adjusting it schedule and transit routes. Determine total acres of land that can berecovered from the massive program (1 acre = 43,560 ft2)
The multinomial logit choice model determines the mode split. The following utility
model was developed to predict the H-year mode split between two TAZs 1 and 2:
Um: Ui = Bi - 0.05TTi - 0.25COSTi
Ui = Utility value for mode i
Bi = Mode specific constant for mode i
TTi = Travel time per trip for mode i, in minute
COSTi = Travel cost per trip per person for mode i, in dollar.
The modal attributes are
Mode Bi TTi COSTi
Assuming that the total attractions over the entire morning commuting period from TAZ 2 to TAZ 1
are 7,000 person trips and each vehicle on average consumes 400 ft2 land in the parking lot (Note:
transit is run by an outside transit company, which does not use the parking lots).
a) What is the mode share for auto, carpool, and transit between TAZs 1 and 2?
b) Assuming that the average auto and carpool occupancies are 1.0 and 3.2, respectively, how many
autos and carpools will use the parking lots?
c) The industrial companies that attract the travel into TAZ 1 need more space. They want to use the
land they own more productively. The only place to get extra space is from their large parking
lots. The companies decide to implement a massive program that encourages vanpool and transit
use (i.e., the carpool mode is replaced by vanpool and the new transportation modes become auto,
vanpool, and transit). Assuming no parking charge before the massive program and now
employees who arrive in a vanpool need to pay a parking fee of $1.00 per day per vehicle (i.e.,
$1.00 parking charge for 2 trips in additional to travel cost of $2.50 per trip per person) and
employees who enter a company lot in an auto will have to pay a parking fee of $3.00 per day per
vehicle (i.e, $3.00 parking charge for 2 trips for vanpool person trips). The vans will hold an
average of 7.0 persons and each of whom will pay $1.00 per 5-day week to cover administrative
costs (i.e, $1.00 additional charge for 10 trips for vanpool person trips). Those who ride transit
will be free of charge because the companies will buy transit passes for their employees (i.e.,
COSTi for the transit mode is now from $0.75 down to 0). Suppose that the auto travel time
remains unchanged. The average travel time by vanpool on surface streets will be 9 minutes
longer than that by auto, because of the time needed for pickup and/or rendezvous. However,
vanpool and transit travel time on the freeway will be an average of 7 minutes shorter than that of
autos on the freeway because of a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane that is being installed for
passenger cars or vans with 5 or more occupants. The vanpool mode constant in the utility
function Bi is 1.0. The transit mode constant Bi in the utility function is now 0.3 after the transit
company adjusting it schedule and transit routes. Determine total acres of land that can be
recovered from the massive program (1 acre = 43,560 ft2)

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