Table 1. "Forward" Current Mass Readings Wire Card Current (amps) 0.40 Mass Force Wire Card Current Mass Force | (grams) 0.15 |Lengths (Newtons) Lengths |(amps) (grams) (Newtons) IL 0.00147 3L 0.40 0.46 0.00451 3.2 cm 0.80 0.32 0.00314 0.80 0.92 0.00903 1.20 0.45 0.00441 1.20 1.38 0.01354 1.60 0.61 0.00598 1.60 1.84 0.01805 2L 0.40 0.27 0.00265 0.40 0.80 0.56 0.00549 0.80 1.20 0.83 0.00814 1,20 1.60 1.12 0.01099 1.60

Introductory Circuit Analysis (13th Edition)
13th Edition
Author:Robert L. Boylestad
Publisher:Robert L. Boylestad
Chapter1: Introduction
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1P: Visit your local library (at school or home) and describe the extent to which it provides literature...
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The only question I need answered is at the bottom of the page: How would you explain the +/- readings of the digital weighing machine during the experiment? 


If you would like to correct my answer to the question above this one, I would be very greatful but understand if you are unable to! thank you!

PHY 213
Lab 9 write-up
Name: Victoria Ferguson
Magnetic Force on a Current in a Wire
Calculate the weight force for each entry in both Table 1 and Table 2. Record
the value in Newtons.
slope = IB
2. Select the values from Table 1 that have the same current, I = 0.40 amps. Make a
graph with Force on the vertical axis and wire length (1L, 2L, 3L) on the horizontal
axis. Use the Graphical Analysis software to plot the graph and attach a copy with
the lab record.
Table 1. "Forward" Current Mass Readings
Wire Card
Wire Card
slope = LB
3. Find the slope of the line. The slope will have a value of current x magnetic field.
Since the current is known, calculate a value for the magnetic field strength, using
the value of I. Enter the calculated magnetic field in Table 3 below.
3.2 cm
Table 3. Force vs length graph
Current = 0.40 amps
B= 0.11875 T
0.032 m
0.00147 N
Slope = 0.0475
0.064 m
0.00265 N
0.096 m
0.00451 N
4. Four different currents were made to pass through each wire card, 1L, 2L, and 3L. Make a graph with Force
on the vertical axis and current ( 0.40 A, 0.80A, 1.20 A, and 1.60 A ) on the horizontal axis.
10. Switch the leads at the power supply so that the current flows through the wires in the opposite direction
to what has been done above. Repeat Steps 2 through 9 of this procedure and fill out Table 2.
5. Find the slope of the line. The slope will have a value of length x magnetic field. Since the length is
known, calculate a value for the magnetic field strength, measuring the length of the horizontal part of the
wire with no loops. Enter the calculated magnetic field in Table 4 below.
Table 2. "Reverse" Current Mass Readings
Table 4. Force vs current graph
Length = 0.032 m
B= 0.115625 T
0.4 amps
0.00147 N
Wire Card
Wire Card
Slope = 0.0037
0.8 amps
0.00314 N
- 0.18
1.2 amps
0.00441 N
- 0.33
1.6 amps
0.00598 N
Questions: Answer on a separate piece of paper and attach to the lab report...
1. What is the difference (%) in the values of magnetic field in Table 3 and 4?
[(0.11875 – 0.115625) / (0.115625)] x 100% = 2.70%
2. What would be the force on the wire if there were four loops on the board?
The force would be 4 times greater.
3. How would you explain the +/- readings of the digital weighing machine during the experiment?
Transcribed Image Text:PHY 213 Lab 9 write-up Name: Victoria Ferguson Analysis: ↑F Magnetic Force on a Current in a Wire 1. Calculate the weight force for each entry in both Table 1 and Table 2. Record the value in Newtons. slope = IB 2. Select the values from Table 1 that have the same current, I = 0.40 amps. Make a graph with Force on the vertical axis and wire length (1L, 2L, 3L) on the horizontal axis. Use the Graphical Analysis software to plot the graph and attach a copy with the lab record. Table 1. "Forward" Current Mass Readings Wire Card Current Mass Force Wire Card Current Mass Force Lengths (amps) (grams) (Newtons) Lengths (amps) (grams) (Newtons) IL 0.40 0.15 0.00147 3L 0.40 0.46 0.00451 slope = LB 3. Find the slope of the line. The slope will have a value of current x magnetic field. Since the current is known, calculate a value for the magnetic field strength, using the value of I. Enter the calculated magnetic field in Table 3 below. 3.2 cm 0.80 0.32 0.00314 0.80 0.92 0.00903 →I 1.20 0.45 0.00441 1.20 1.38 0.01354 Table 3. Force vs length graph 1.60 0.61 0.00598 1.60 1.84 0.01805 Length Force Current = 0.40 amps B= 0.11875 T 2L 0.40 0.27 0.00265 0.40 0.032 m 0.00147 N Slope = 0.0475 0.80 0.56 0.00549 0.80 0.064 m 0.00265 N 1.20 0.83 0.00814 1.20 0.096 m 0.00451 N 1.60 1.12 0.01099 1.60 4. Four different currents were made to pass through each wire card, 1L, 2L, and 3L. Make a graph with Force on the vertical axis and current ( 0.40 A, 0.80A, 1.20 A, and 1.60 A ) on the horizontal axis. 10. Switch the leads at the power supply so that the current flows through the wires in the opposite direction to what has been done above. Repeat Steps 2 through 9 of this procedure and fill out Table 2. 5. Find the slope of the line. The slope will have a value of length x magnetic field. Since the length is known, calculate a value for the magnetic field strength, measuring the length of the horizontal part of the wire with no loops. Enter the calculated magnetic field in Table 4 below. Table 2. "Reverse" Current Mass Readings Table 4. Force vs current graph Current Force Length = 0.032 m B= 0.115625 T 0.4 amps 0.00147 N Wire Card Current Mass Force Wire Card Current Mass Force Lengths (amps) (grams) (Newtons) Lengths (amps) (grams) (Newtons) Slope = 0.0037 0.8 amps 0.00314 N IL 0.40 - 0.18 -0.00177 3L 0.40 -0.50 -0.00491 1.2 amps 0.00441 N 0.80 - 0.33 -0.00324 0.80 -1.00 -0.09810 1.6 amps 0.00598 N 1.20 -0.58 -0.00569 1.20 -1.50 -0.01472 1.60 -0.71 -0.00697 1.60 -1.98 -0.01942 Questions: Answer on a separate piece of paper and attach to the lab report... 2L 0.40 -0.24 -0.00235 0.40 1. What is the difference (%) in the values of magnetic field in Table 3 and 4? -0.00461 0.80 [(0.11875 – 0.115625) / (0.115625)] x 100% = 2.70% 2. What would be the force on the wire if there were four loops on the board? 0.80 -0.47 1.20 -0.69 -0.00677 1,20 The force would be 4 times greater. 3. How would you explain the +/- readings of the digital weighing machine during the experiment? 1.60 -0.92 -0.00903 1.60
The main objective of this activity is to measure the effects of a magnetic field on a current passing through a
conductive wire. In the course of this exploration, several supporting objectives will be verified, even if only by
inference. These are:
1. Connect the first wire lead card in a series circuit with the DC power supply and a DMM to read direct
current. The wire card is placed between two magnets which are set on a digital balance using cardboard
spacers to avoid any interaction between them.
1. A magnetic field does not exert a force on stationary, unbound charges.
2. The magnetic force on a current running through a wire is not in the direction of the magnetic field.
3. The magnetic force on a current running through a wire is not in the direction of the flow of charges. That
is, the magnetic force is not in the direction of the current.
4. The magnetic force on a current running through a wire has a simple functional relation to the amount of
current in the wire and the length of wire that is immersed in the magnetic field.
5. Weight is a force.
2. Secure the wire card in a pendulum clamp. Attach the pendulum clamp to
a lab stand. Place two pieces of cardboard on a digital balance and place
the magnet assembly on top of the cardboard. Lower the wire card so that
the horizontal section(s) of wire on the card are reasonably centered in the
magnet gap. Tighten the pendulum clamp on the lab stand.
See the figure of full lab set-up below.
3. WITH THE POWER OFF, connect the + terminal of the power supply
to the DMM using a wire lead with banana plugs on both ends.
A magnetic field exerts a force, FB , on a moving charged particle. The magnitude of FB is
Connect the – terminal of the power supply to one of the bare wires on the
wire card, using a wire lead with a banana plug on one end and a banana plug / alligator clip combination.
FB = q v B sine
(Eq. 1)
Connect the other port of the DMM to the remaining bare wire on the wire card using a wire lead with a
banana plug on one end and a banana plug / alligator clip combination.
where q is the charge in Coulombs, v is the magnitude of the velocity ( speed, m/s ) of the charge, B is the
magnitude of the magnetic field strength (Tesla), and 0 is the angle between the direction of the magnetic
field and the direction of the charge velocity.
4. Turn on the digital balance. Check if the digital balance with the magnet on top reads zero. If not, press
"Tare Print' to set this to zero. This means if the magnet feels a upward force, the reading will be negative
and positive for downward force. Ensure that it is set to read mass in grams. The wire card should not
touch the magnets, nor the balance pan.
Electric current is a collection of charges in deliberate and confined motion; thus, a magnetic field also exerts a
force on a current-carrying conductor (a wire).
TURNED ON. Turn on the power supply. Adjust the current on the power supply until the DMM reads the
first current value in Table 1. Record the mass reading (including the +/- sign) at this current value.
The magnitude and direction of the magnetic force on a current-carrying wire depends on four parameters:
2 The length of the wire that is immersed in the magnetic field, L.
The magnitude of the current, I.
3 The strength of the magnetic field, B. 4 The angle, 0, between the magnetic field and the current.
6. Turn off the power supply. Check the
tare value of the balance. Adjust, as
The magnitude of the magnetic force exerted on wires is given by
FB = IL B sin0.
(Eq. 2)
7. Fill in Table 1 by adjusting the current
to each of the four values in Table 1 for
The design of this activity is to keep the angle 0 as close to 90°
as is feasible. In this case, Equation 2 simplifies to
given length of wire (1L, 2L, or 3L) in
the magnetic field region. Record the
mass reading from the balance
(including sign) at each current value.
Check the tare of the balance between
(Eq. 3)
DC power supply, digital balance with 0.01 g readability, DMM used as an ammeter, three wire lead cards,
permanent magnets with a fixed gap, cardboard spacers, lab stand, pulley hanger bar; clamps, wire leads and
alligator clips.
8. When done with the four readings for
the first wire card, carefully mount a
new card into the pendulum clamp. Complete the table for the four current values by recording the mass
readings at each current setting. Tare the balance between readings.
Repeat the previous Step 8 of this procedure for the third wire card.
Transcribed Image Text:Objective: The main objective of this activity is to measure the effects of a magnetic field on a current passing through a conductive wire. In the course of this exploration, several supporting objectives will be verified, even if only by inference. These are: Set-Up: 1. Connect the first wire lead card in a series circuit with the DC power supply and a DMM to read direct current. The wire card is placed between two magnets which are set on a digital balance using cardboard spacers to avoid any interaction between them. 1. A magnetic field does not exert a force on stationary, unbound charges. 2. The magnetic force on a current running through a wire is not in the direction of the magnetic field. 3. The magnetic force on a current running through a wire is not in the direction of the flow of charges. That is, the magnetic force is not in the direction of the current. 4. The magnetic force on a current running through a wire has a simple functional relation to the amount of current in the wire and the length of wire that is immersed in the magnetic field. 5. Weight is a force. 2. Secure the wire card in a pendulum clamp. Attach the pendulum clamp to a lab stand. Place two pieces of cardboard on a digital balance and place the magnet assembly on top of the cardboard. Lower the wire card so that the horizontal section(s) of wire on the card are reasonably centered in the magnet gap. Tighten the pendulum clamp on the lab stand. See the figure of full lab set-up below. 3. WITH THE POWER OFF, connect the + terminal of the power supply to the DMM using a wire lead with banana plugs on both ends. Theory: A magnetic field exerts a force, FB , on a moving charged particle. The magnitude of FB is Connect the – terminal of the power supply to one of the bare wires on the wire card, using a wire lead with a banana plug on one end and a banana plug / alligator clip combination. FB = q v B sine (Eq. 1) Connect the other port of the DMM to the remaining bare wire on the wire card using a wire lead with a banana plug on one end and a banana plug / alligator clip combination. where q is the charge in Coulombs, v is the magnitude of the velocity ( speed, m/s ) of the charge, B is the magnitude of the magnetic field strength (Tesla), and 0 is the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the charge velocity. 4. Turn on the digital balance. Check if the digital balance with the magnet on top reads zero. If not, press "Tare Print' to set this to zero. This means if the magnet feels a upward force, the reading will be negative and positive for downward force. Ensure that it is set to read mass in grams. The wire card should not touch the magnets, nor the balance pan. Electric current is a collection of charges in deliberate and confined motion; thus, a magnetic field also exerts a force on a current-carrying conductor (a wire). 5. DO NOT TOUCH THE BARE WIRES OR THE ALLIGATOR CLIPS WITH THE POWER SUPPLY TURNED ON. Turn on the power supply. Adjust the current on the power supply until the DMM reads the first current value in Table 1. Record the mass reading (including the +/- sign) at this current value. The magnitude and direction of the magnetic force on a current-carrying wire depends on four parameters: 2 The length of the wire that is immersed in the magnetic field, L. The magnitude of the current, I. 3 The strength of the magnetic field, B. 4 The angle, 0, between the magnetic field and the current. 6. Turn off the power supply. Check the tare value of the balance. Adjust, as needed. The magnitude of the magnetic force exerted on wires is given by FB = IL B sin0. (Eq. 2) 7. Fill in Table 1 by adjusting the current to each of the four values in Table 1 for The design of this activity is to keep the angle 0 as close to 90° as is feasible. In this case, Equation 2 simplifies to given length of wire (1L, 2L, or 3L) in the magnetic field region. Record the mass reading from the balance (including sign) at each current value. Check the tare of the balance between readings. FB = IL B (Eq. 3) 81666 Equipment: DC power supply, digital balance with 0.01 g readability, DMM used as an ammeter, three wire lead cards, permanent magnets with a fixed gap, cardboard spacers, lab stand, pulley hanger bar; clamps, wire leads and alligator clips. 8. When done with the four readings for the first wire card, carefully mount a new card into the pendulum clamp. Complete the table for the four current values by recording the mass readings at each current setting. Tare the balance between readings. 9. Repeat the previous Step 8 of this procedure for the third wire card.
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