State whether each of the following situations is an express or an implied contract: a) Joe boards a bus. Two stops later the conductor comes to Joe to collect his fare. b) George fills his car at the petrol station. George then goes inside to pay for the petrol. c) Anne loses her licence for speeding. She offers the car to Fred for $3,000 as she won’t need it for some time. Fred agrees to buy the car. d) Jack employs Anne to mow his lawns for $45

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State whether each of the following situations is an express or an implied contract:
a) Joe boards a bus. Two stops later the conductor comes to Joe to collect his fare.
b) George fills his car at the petrol station. George then goes inside to pay for the petrol.
c) Anne loses her licence for speeding. She offers the car to Fred for $3,000 as she won’t need it for some time. Fred agrees to buy the car.
d) Jack employs Anne to mow his lawns for $45
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