SHANZ Telcom Ltd. employs James as their agent for distribution and sale of their phones & phone Accessories. The agency agreement provides that the agency will last for a period of two years commencing 1st January 2020 to 1st January 2022 and that James will receive a commission of 5% on every SHANZ Item sold. As a student of Business Law with full knowledge on Agency relationships, expound the commitment of SHANZ Telecom Ltd and James in the effective management of their contract.

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SHANZ Telcom Ltd. employs James as their agent for distribution and sale of their phones & phone Accessories. The agency agreement provides that the agency will last for a period of two years commencing 1st January 2020 to 1st January 2022 and that James will receive a commission of 5% on every SHANZ Item sold.

As a student of Business Law with full knowledge on Agency relationships, expound the commitment of SHANZ Telecom Ltd and James in the effective management of their contract. 


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