'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioLinear, Fs)); % Plot spline interpolation ax5 subplot(6, 1, 5, 'Parent', fig); plot (ax5, interpolatedTime, audioSpline, 'm'); title(ax5, 'Spline Interpolation'); xlabel(ax5, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax5, 'Amplitude'); % Button for spline interpolation uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Spline', 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position', [0.88, 0.27, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the fifth subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioSpline, Fs)); %Plot PCHIP interpolation ax6 subplot(6, 1, 6, 'Parent', fig); plot (ax6, interpolatedTime, audioPCHIP, 'c'); title (ax6, 'PCHIP Interpolation'); xlabel(ax6, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax6, 'Amplitude'); % Button for PCHIP interpolation uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play PCHIP', 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position', [0.88, 0.12, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the sixth subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioPCHIP, Fs)); disp('GUI is ready. Use the buttons to play audio signals.'); run. Question 1. Do you notice any differences in the interpolation results? Please summarize your observations in this Question 2. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 20? Please use your own language to explain why this is the case. Question 3. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 2? Please use your own language to explain why this is the case. % interpolationDemo.m % This script records a 3-second audio segment, performs downsampling, % interpolates the signal using four methods, and provides a GUI with buttons % next to corresponding subplots for playback. % % Record a 3-second audio signal (high quality) %--- Fs = 44100; nBits = 16; nChannels = 1; recObj audiorecorder (Fs, nBits, nChannels); disp('Please start speaking. Three seconds of audio will be recorded...'); recordblocking (recObj, 3); disp('End of Recording. '); audioData getaudiodata (recObj); originalTime % (0:length(audioData)-1) Fs; % Time axis for the original signal % Downsample the audio signal to simulate data loss downsampleFactor = 10; downsampledData = audioData(1: downsampleFactor: end); Fs_down Fs/downsampleFactor; % Define downsampling factor % Keep every 4th sample % New sampling frequency downsampledTime = (0:length(downsampled Data)-1)/ Fs_down; % Time axis for the downsampled signal disp('Downsampling completed.'); % % Interpolate the downsampled signal % interpolatedTime = originalTime; % Use the original time vector for interpolation % Nearest neighbor audioNearest interp1 (downsampledTime, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'nearest', 'extrap'); % Linear interpolation audioLinear interp1 (downsampled Time, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'linear', 'extrap'); % Spline interpolation audioSpline interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'spline', 'extrap'); % PCHIP interpolation audioPCHIP = interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'pchip', 'extrap'); disp('Interpolation completed.'); % * Create GUI for playback and visualization % fig = figure('Name', 'Audio Playback GUI', 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 700]); set(fig, 'Units', 'normalized'); % Set the figure to normalized units %Plot original signal ax1 subplot(6, 1, 1, 'Parent', fig); plot(ax1, originalTime, audioData, 'k'); title(axl, 'Original Signal'); xlabel(ax1, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax1, 'Amplitude'); % Button for original signal uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Original', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... Position', [0.88, 0.87, 0.1, 0.05], % Right of the first subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioData, Fs)); % Plot downsampled signal ax2 = subplot(6, 1, 2, 'Parent', fig); stem(ax2, downsampled Time, downsampledData, 'r'); title(ax2, 'Downsampled Signal'); xlabel(ax2, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax2, 'Amplitude'); % Button for downsampled signal uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Downsampled',. 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.88, 0.72, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the second subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound(downsampledData, Fs_down)); * Plot nearest neighbor interpolation ax3 = subplot(6, 1, 3, 'Parent', fig); plot(ax3, interpolatedTime, audioNearest, 'g'); title(ax3, 'Nearest Neighbor Interpolation'); xlabel(ax3, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax3, 'Amplitude'); % Button for nearest neighbor interpolation uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Nearest', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... Position', [0.88, 0.57, 0.10, 0.05], ... % Right of the third subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound(audioNearest, Fs)); % Plot linear interpolation ax4 = subplot(6, 1, 4, 'Parent', fig); plot(ax4, interpolatedTime, audioLinear, 'b'); title(ax4, 'Linear Interpolation'); xlabel(ax4, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax4, 'Amplitude'); % Button for linear interpolation uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Linear', . 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position', [0.88, 0.42, 0.1, 0.05], ... Right of the fourth subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioLinear, Fs)); % Plot spline interpolation ax5 subplot(6, 1, 5, 'Parent', fig); plot (ax5, interpolatedTime, audioSpline, 'm'); title(ax5, 'Spline Interpolation'); xlabel(ax5, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax5, 'Amplitude'); % Button for spline interpolation uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Spline', 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position', [0.88, 0.27, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the fifth subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioSpline, Fs)); %Plot PCHIP interpolation ax6 subplot(6, 1, 6, 'Parent', fig); plot (ax6, interpolatedTime, audioPCHIP, 'c'); title (ax6, 'PCHIP Interpolation'); xlabel(ax6, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax6, 'Amplitude'); % Button for PCHIP interpolation uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play PCHIP', 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position', [0.88, 0.12, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the sixth subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioPCHIP, Fs)); disp('GUI is ready. Use the buttons to play audio signals.'); run. Question 1. Do you notice any differences in the interpolation results? Please summarize your observations in this Question 2. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 20? Please use your own language to explain why this is the case. Question 3. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 2? Please use your own language to explain why this is the case. % interpolationDemo.m % This script records a 3-second audio segment, performs downsampling, % interpolates the signal using four methods, and provides a GUI with buttons % next to corresponding subplots for playback. % % Record a 3-second audio signal (high quality) %--- Fs = 44100; nBits = 16; nChannels = 1; recObj audiorecorder (Fs, nBits, nChannels); disp('Please start speaking. Three seconds of audio will be recorded...'); recordblocking (recObj, 3); disp('End of Recording. '); audioData getaudiodata (recObj); originalTime % (0:length(audioData)-1) Fs; % Time axis for the original signal % Downsample the audio signal to simulate data loss downsampleFactor = 10; downsampledData = audioData(1: downsampleFactor: end); Fs_down Fs/downsampleFactor; % Define downsampling factor % Keep every 4th sample % New sampling frequency downsampledTime = (0:length(downsampled Data)-1)/ Fs_down; % Time axis for the downsampled signal disp('Downsampling completed.'); % % Interpolate the downsampled signal % interpolatedTime = originalTime; % Use the original time vector for interpolation % Nearest neighbor audioNearest interp1 (downsampledTime, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'nearest', 'extrap'); % Linear interpolation audioLinear interp1 (downsampled Time, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'linear', 'extrap'); % Spline interpolation audioSpline interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'spline', 'extrap'); % PCHIP interpolation audioPCHIP = interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'pchip', 'extrap'); disp('Interpolation completed.'); % * Create GUI for playback and visualization % fig = figure('Name', 'Audio Playback GUI', 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 700]); set(fig, 'Units', 'normalized'); % Set the figure to normalized units %Plot original signal ax1 subplot(6, 1, 1, 'Parent', fig); plot(ax1, originalTime, audioData, 'k'); title(axl, 'Original Signal'); xlabel(ax1, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax1, 'Amplitude'); % Button for original signal uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Original', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... Position', [0.88, 0.87, 0.1, 0.05], % Right of the first subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioData, Fs)); % Plot downsampled signal ax2 = subplot(6, 1, 2, 'Parent', fig); stem(ax2, downsampled Time, downsampledData, 'r'); title(ax2, 'Downsampled Signal'); xlabel(ax2, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax2, 'Amplitude'); % Button for downsampled signal uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Downsampled',. 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.88, 0.72, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the second subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound(downsampledData, Fs_down)); * Plot nearest neighbor interpolation ax3 = subplot(6, 1, 3, 'Parent', fig); plot(ax3, interpolatedTime, audioNearest, 'g'); title(ax3, 'Nearest Neighbor Interpolation'); xlabel(ax3, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax3, 'Amplitude'); % Button for nearest neighbor interpolation uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Nearest', ... 'Units', 'normalized', ... Position', [0.88, 0.57, 0.10, 0.05], ... % Right of the third subplot 'Callback', @(~,~) sound(audioNearest, Fs)); % Plot linear interpolation ax4 = subplot(6, 1, 4, 'Parent', fig); plot(ax4, interpolatedTime, audioLinear, 'b'); title(ax4, 'Linear Interpolation'); xlabel(ax4, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax4, 'Amplitude'); % Button for linear interpolation uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Linear', . 'Units', 'normalized', ... 'Position', [0.88, 0.42, 0.1, 0.05], ... Right of the fourth subplot
Programming Logic & Design Comprehensive
9th Edition
Chapter12: Event-driven Gui Programming, Multithreading, And Animation
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 2FTB
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Solve the 3 questions using MATLAB code & show your work on how pretty please
!['Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioLinear, Fs));
% Plot spline interpolation
ax5 subplot(6, 1, 5, 'Parent', fig);
plot (ax5, interpolatedTime, audioSpline, 'm');
title(ax5, 'Spline Interpolation');
xlabel(ax5, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax5, 'Amplitude');
% Button for spline interpolation
uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Spline',
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [0.88, 0.27, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the fifth subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioSpline, Fs));
%Plot PCHIP interpolation
subplot(6, 1, 6, 'Parent', fig);
plot (ax6, interpolatedTime, audioPCHIP, 'c');
title (ax6, 'PCHIP Interpolation');
xlabel(ax6, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax6, 'Amplitude');
% Button for PCHIP interpolation
uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play PCHIP',
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [0.88, 0.12, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the sixth subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioPCHIP, Fs));
disp('GUI is ready. Use the buttons to play audio signals.');
Question 1. Do you notice any differences in the interpolation results? Please summarize your observations in this
Question 2. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 20? Please use your own
language to explain why this is the case.
Question 3. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 2? Please use your own
language to explain why this is the case.](/v2/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.bartleby.com%2Fqna-images%2Fquestion%2F2323f944-68c6-4ffb-b4bd-7709a3866c17%2Fa3b5fa9a-f6bf-40a7-ab36-056a31006b2a%2Fo84qs5h_processed.png&w=3840&q=75)
Transcribed Image Text:'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioLinear, Fs));
% Plot spline interpolation
ax5 subplot(6, 1, 5, 'Parent', fig);
plot (ax5, interpolatedTime, audioSpline, 'm');
title(ax5, 'Spline Interpolation');
xlabel(ax5, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax5, 'Amplitude');
% Button for spline interpolation
uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Spline',
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [0.88, 0.27, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the fifth subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioSpline, Fs));
%Plot PCHIP interpolation
subplot(6, 1, 6, 'Parent', fig);
plot (ax6, interpolatedTime, audioPCHIP, 'c');
title (ax6, 'PCHIP Interpolation');
xlabel(ax6, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax6, 'Amplitude');
% Button for PCHIP interpolation
uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play PCHIP',
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [0.88, 0.12, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the sixth subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioPCHIP, Fs));
disp('GUI is ready. Use the buttons to play audio signals.');
Question 1. Do you notice any differences in the interpolation results? Please summarize your observations in this
Question 2. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 20? Please use your own
language to explain why this is the case.
Question 3. What will happen if you change the downsampleFactor from 10 to 2? Please use your own
language to explain why this is the case.
![% interpolationDemo.m
% This script records a 3-second audio segment, performs downsampling,
% interpolates the signal using four methods, and provides a GUI with buttons
% next to corresponding subplots for playback.
% Record a 3-second audio signal (high quality)
Fs = 44100;
nBits = 16;
nChannels = 1;
recObj audiorecorder (Fs, nBits, nChannels);
disp('Please start speaking. Three seconds of audio will be recorded...');
recordblocking (recObj, 3);
disp('End of Recording. ');
audioData getaudiodata (recObj);
(0:length(audioData)-1) Fs; % Time axis for the original signal
% Downsample the audio signal to simulate data loss
downsampleFactor = 10;
downsampledData = audioData(1: downsampleFactor: end);
Fs_down Fs/downsampleFactor;
% Define downsampling factor
% Keep every 4th sample
% New sampling frequency
downsampledTime = (0:length(downsampled Data)-1)/ Fs_down; % Time axis for the downsampled signal
disp('Downsampling completed.');
% Interpolate the downsampled signal
interpolatedTime = originalTime; % Use the original time vector for interpolation
% Nearest neighbor
audioNearest interp1 (downsampledTime, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'nearest', 'extrap');
% Linear interpolation
audioLinear interp1 (downsampled Time, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'linear', 'extrap');
% Spline interpolation
audioSpline interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'spline', 'extrap');
% PCHIP interpolation
audioPCHIP = interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'pchip', 'extrap');
disp('Interpolation completed.');
* Create GUI for playback and visualization
fig = figure('Name', 'Audio Playback GUI', 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 700]);
set(fig, 'Units', 'normalized'); % Set the figure to normalized units
%Plot original signal
ax1 subplot(6, 1, 1, 'Parent', fig);
plot(ax1, originalTime, audioData, 'k');
title(axl, 'Original Signal');
xlabel(ax1, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax1, 'Amplitude');
% Button for original signal
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Original', ...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
Position', [0.88, 0.87, 0.1, 0.05], % Right of the first subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioData, Fs));
% Plot downsampled signal
ax2 = subplot(6, 1, 2, 'Parent', fig);
stem(ax2, downsampled Time, downsampledData, 'r');
title(ax2, 'Downsampled Signal');
xlabel(ax2, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax2, 'Amplitude');
% Button for downsampled signal
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Downsampled',.
'Units', 'normalized',
'Position', [0.88, 0.72, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the second subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound(downsampledData, Fs_down));
* Plot nearest neighbor interpolation
ax3 = subplot(6, 1, 3, 'Parent', fig);
plot(ax3, interpolatedTime, audioNearest, 'g');
title(ax3, 'Nearest Neighbor Interpolation');
xlabel(ax3, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax3, 'Amplitude');
% Button for nearest neighbor interpolation
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Nearest', ...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
Position', [0.88, 0.57, 0.10, 0.05], ... % Right of the third subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound(audioNearest, Fs));
% Plot linear interpolation
ax4 = subplot(6, 1, 4, 'Parent', fig);
plot(ax4, interpolatedTime, audioLinear, 'b');
title(ax4, 'Linear Interpolation');
xlabel(ax4, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax4, 'Amplitude');
% Button for linear interpolation
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Linear', .
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [0.88, 0.42, 0.1, 0.05],
Right of the fourth subplot](/v2/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.bartleby.com%2Fqna-images%2Fquestion%2F2323f944-68c6-4ffb-b4bd-7709a3866c17%2Fa3b5fa9a-f6bf-40a7-ab36-056a31006b2a%2F6ls197_processed.png&w=3840&q=75)
Transcribed Image Text:% interpolationDemo.m
% This script records a 3-second audio segment, performs downsampling,
% interpolates the signal using four methods, and provides a GUI with buttons
% next to corresponding subplots for playback.
% Record a 3-second audio signal (high quality)
Fs = 44100;
nBits = 16;
nChannels = 1;
recObj audiorecorder (Fs, nBits, nChannels);
disp('Please start speaking. Three seconds of audio will be recorded...');
recordblocking (recObj, 3);
disp('End of Recording. ');
audioData getaudiodata (recObj);
(0:length(audioData)-1) Fs; % Time axis for the original signal
% Downsample the audio signal to simulate data loss
downsampleFactor = 10;
downsampledData = audioData(1: downsampleFactor: end);
Fs_down Fs/downsampleFactor;
% Define downsampling factor
% Keep every 4th sample
% New sampling frequency
downsampledTime = (0:length(downsampled Data)-1)/ Fs_down; % Time axis for the downsampled signal
disp('Downsampling completed.');
% Interpolate the downsampled signal
interpolatedTime = originalTime; % Use the original time vector for interpolation
% Nearest neighbor
audioNearest interp1 (downsampledTime, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'nearest', 'extrap');
% Linear interpolation
audioLinear interp1 (downsampled Time, downsampled Data, interpolatedTime, 'linear', 'extrap');
% Spline interpolation
audioSpline interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'spline', 'extrap');
% PCHIP interpolation
audioPCHIP = interp1(downsampledTime, downsampledData, interpolatedTime, 'pchip', 'extrap');
disp('Interpolation completed.');
* Create GUI for playback and visualization
fig = figure('Name', 'Audio Playback GUI', 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 700]);
set(fig, 'Units', 'normalized'); % Set the figure to normalized units
%Plot original signal
ax1 subplot(6, 1, 1, 'Parent', fig);
plot(ax1, originalTime, audioData, 'k');
title(axl, 'Original Signal');
xlabel(ax1, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax1, 'Amplitude');
% Button for original signal
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Original', ...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
Position', [0.88, 0.87, 0.1, 0.05], % Right of the first subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound (audioData, Fs));
% Plot downsampled signal
ax2 = subplot(6, 1, 2, 'Parent', fig);
stem(ax2, downsampled Time, downsampledData, 'r');
title(ax2, 'Downsampled Signal');
xlabel(ax2, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax2, 'Amplitude');
% Button for downsampled signal
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Downsampled',.
'Units', 'normalized',
'Position', [0.88, 0.72, 0.1, 0.05], ... % Right of the second subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound(downsampledData, Fs_down));
* Plot nearest neighbor interpolation
ax3 = subplot(6, 1, 3, 'Parent', fig);
plot(ax3, interpolatedTime, audioNearest, 'g');
title(ax3, 'Nearest Neighbor Interpolation');
xlabel(ax3, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax3, 'Amplitude');
% Button for nearest neighbor interpolation
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Nearest', ...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
Position', [0.88, 0.57, 0.10, 0.05], ... % Right of the third subplot
'Callback', @(~,~) sound(audioNearest, Fs));
% Plot linear interpolation
ax4 = subplot(6, 1, 4, 'Parent', fig);
plot(ax4, interpolatedTime, audioLinear, 'b');
title(ax4, 'Linear Interpolation');
xlabel(ax4, 'Time (s)'); ylabel(ax4, 'Amplitude');
% Button for linear interpolation
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Play Linear', .
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [0.88, 0.42, 0.1, 0.05],
Right of the fourth subplot
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