Identify the conditions that foster individual, team, and organizational effectiveness and the disruptive forces that can derail them.
- Identify the conditions that foster individual, team, and organizational effectiveness and the disruptive forces that can derail them.
- Analyze and evaluate evidence related to managing people and develop evidence-based solutions to people management problems.
Identify a “real world” event or problem that deals with some of the course concepts or theories that were covered in class.
Briefly describe the event or situation
Discuss how applying course concepts or theories might be useful (i.e., did the person suffer from not understanding a fundamental organizational behavior theory?
Is a company succeeding because of an insightful application of a specific organizational behavior topic?
Did using a technique we cover in class help you to achieve a goal or solve a personal problem?).
Engage in thoughtful reflection by discussing the implications of the situation you describe for the future (i.e., What do you think the person should be doing next?
What should the company be considering in terms of future practices and policies? etc.).
The main objective in conducting this reflection is to convince me that you understand the chosen organizational behavior concepts/theories and how to apply them to a real, dynamic situation.
Apply the concepts or theories that helped (a) deepen your understanding of organizational behavior theory and (b) helped (or could help) the situation you describe.
Theories to consider:
- Ethical Decision making at work
- Designing a Motivating work Environment
- Power, Influence and Politics at work

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps