How does skepticlam differ from cynicism

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Expert Solution
Step 1 : Introduction

Skepticism, also known as Skepticism in Western philosophy, is a skeptical attitude outlined in various fields of knowledge. Skeptics challenge the effectiveness or credibility of these claims by asking what principles they are based on or what they establish. They questioned whether some of such arguments were intentional, unquestionable, or necessarily true and challenged the rational basis of accepted beliefs. In everyday life, practically everyone doubts the claims of some wisdom; But philosophical skeptics doubt the possibility of any knowledge beyond the content of direct experience. Skepticos' original Greek meaning "an interrogator", was dissatisfied and still searching for the truth.

From antiquity, skeptics have developed arguments to undermine the claims of dogmatic philosophers, scientists, and theologians. Skeptical arguments against a variety of theories and their employees are crucial in shaping both the problems and solutions presented in the curriculum of Western philosophy.


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