Given main(), define the Artist class (in file with constructors to initialize an artist's information, get methods, and a printInfo() method. The default constructor should initialize the artist's name to "unknown" and the years of birth and death to -1.printlnfo() displays "Artist:", then a space, then the artist's name, then another space, then the birth and death dates in one of three formats: • (XXXX to YYYY) if both the birth and death years are nonnegative • (XXXX to present) if the birth year is nonnegative and the death year is negative (unknown) otherwise Define the Artwork class (in file with constructors to initialize an artwork's information, get methods, and a printInfo() method. The default constructor should initialize the title to "unknown", the year created to -1. printInfo() displays an artist's information by calling the printInfo() method in, followed by the artwork's title and the year created. Declare a private field of type Artist in the Artwork class. Ex: If the input is: Pablo Picasso 1881 1973 Three Musicians 1921 the output is: Artist: Pablo Picasso (1881 to 1973) Title: Three Musicians, 1921 Ex: If the input is: Brice Marden 1938 -1 Distant Muses 2000 the output is: Artist: Brice Marden (1938 to present) Title: Distant Muses, 2000
public class Artwork {
// TODO: Declare private fields - title, yearCreated
// TODO: Declare private field artist of type Artist
// TODO: Define default constructor
// TODO: Define get methods: getTitle(), getYearCreated()
// TODO: Define second constructor to initialize
// private fields (title, yearCreated, artist)
// TODO: Define printInfo() method
// Call the printInfo() method in to print an artist's information
public class ArtworkLabel {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
String userTitle, userArtistName;
int yearCreated, userBirthYear, userDeathYear;
userArtistName = scnr.nextLine();
userBirthYear = scnr.nextInt();
userDeathYear = scnr.nextInt();
userTitle = scnr.nextLine();
yearCreated = scnr.nextInt();
Artist userArtist = new Artist(userArtistName, userBirthYear, userDeathYear);
Artwork newArtwork = new Artwork(userTitle, yearCreated, userArtist);

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