Discuss 6 challenges (3 short term and 3 long term) the team faces including the behaviors of the  team members that could be adding or taking away from the team being effective. In your response,  be sure to apply concepts/models/theories and insights from your readings.  2. Assess Ames’s role within the context of team dynamics. What is she trying to achieve? What is at  risk for her?  3. As a consultant, to Ames, how would you recommend that she addresses: • The challenges as discussed in (1)? • Her ability to be an effective leader of the team?

Understanding Business
12th Edition
Author:William Nickels
Publisher:William Nickels
Chapter1: Taking Risks And Making Profits Within The Dynamic Business Environment
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1CE
Related questions

1. Discuss 6 challenges (3 short term and 3 long term) the team faces including the behaviors of the 
team members that could be adding or taking away from the team being effective. In your response, 
be sure to apply concepts/models/theories and insights from your readings. 
2. Assess Ames’s role within the context of team dynamics. What is she trying to achieve? What is at 
risk for her? 
3. As a consultant, to Ames, how would you recommend that she addresses:
• The challenges as discussed in (1)?
• Her ability to be an effective leader of the team?


Please provide detail answer to each questions. Thank you

Case Study Question
The Caribbean Team "Vibes" or "Not": Another Day in the Life of a Call Centre
In a rare moment alone in her office, Jennifer Ames reflected on the past 10 years of her career at
GerberGoodstart Corporation (GGC) She could easily chart her successes: She had taken on challenges
and produced results where her colleagues had failed; she had increased the diversity of the work force in
every unit she had led; she had successfully launched new products and developed several new markets. In
fact, just a few months before, Ames had been part of a team that had led a highly successful launch of
several GGC product lines into the Latin American market. That success and the ensuing demand for its
products drove GGC to centralize customer support in a call center in Kingston, Jamaica and to create
Ames's new position: senior director for global customer support. Ames had studied other call-center
models and created a team of four as a prototype for customer support. She had a goal of scaling up as the
business expanded.
But as she sat in her office, looking at the latest financials and mentally reviewing the events of a disturbing
meeting earlier that morning, she saw the failure of her prototype looming large. The call response times
were on an upward trajectory that would quickly plunge her budget into the red if the trend continued. Even
worse, only one short month into her new position, Ames was worried that her team was stonewalling her.
She was deeply troubled by the interaction she had just observed: there was friction among her staff
members that was dividing them along Jamaican-versus-non-Jamaican lines.
The team consisted of three Jamaicans from the Kingston, Jamaica, headquarters and one Costa Rican from
the Central American sales office. The three Jamaicans, already thinking about customer support, had spent
the past few months working with product developers to create the web-based training videos that provided
step-by-step product use information, as well as testing competitor products. The employee from Costa
Rica had also spent time with the product development team and had been an outstanding sales
representative. She had transferred from the Central American sales office to join the Kingston call center.
The problem was that the Jamaicans were angry about the work habits of the Costa Rican member whose
call times were longer than theirs, so they accused her of effectively lowering their pay. During that
morning's meeting, things had deteriorated into a verbal onslaught that culminated in one of the Jamaican
members calling the Costa Rican member a "chatty Latina." After that, the conflict got personal and highly
emotional. Was this the "cultural iceberg" she'd heard so much about? And what exactly should she do to
steer the team away from it?
Products in the Baby Space
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MGMT3061 Team Building and Management - Course Information. Academic Year 2022/2023, Semester 2
When Ames had joined GGC 10 years earlier, it was a small U.S. company selling baby formula. Since
then, it had expanded to sell various maternal and infant-care products. Aside from baby formula, GGC's
most profitable product lines included phototherapy devices for the treatment of jaundice (often called light
boxes) and a sophisticated line of neonatal heart and breathing monitors. GGC's institutional customers
included hospitals and nongovernmental organizations that cared for at-risk populations. The company also
sold smaller versions of the phototherapy devices and baby monitors to families at home and for midwives
to use. All manufacturing and distribution took place in the United States.
By 2011, GGC executives were ready to expand sales of phototherapy and monitoring devices into Latin
American markets. The decision was based largely on the region's lack of competitors in the maternal and
infant-care product segments and a low entry barrier. Ames had been part of the team that executed the
launch. They had decided to hire locals in each of their markets to create a Latin American sales unit and
to focus on direct-marketing distribution channels to institutional customers (hospitals and NGOs).
The channel choice was important because many international organizations, such as UNICEF and the
World Health Organization, had international codes of responsible marketing that GGC had decided were
in line with its values. The codes, which primarily targeted food and milk-substitute products, were not
law in the United States, but they offered guidelines that GGC considered good business practices; they
would be used to guide executive decisions, avoid bad press (there were many international watchdogs in
the baby product space), ensure the correct use of GGC products, and avoid international lawsuits.
Following these codes meant adopting practices such as never marketing directly to mothers or families,
training retailers and asking them to provide a point-of-purchase demonstration of the equipment, and
having customer support available after the point of purchase to provide training and consistent and
objective advice, and further information—including information about the potential benefits of competing
The product rollout to institutional customers in Latin America was a huge success. Within a year, GGC
had established ten sales units: two in Mexico, three in Central America, and five in South America. During
the first few months of the expansion, the sales representatives were able to provide some degree of
customer support because their clients tended to be large hospitals- sales representatives would train a
few hospital employees who, in turn, would be the support people in their hospitals (a train-the-trainers
By the end of that year, however, the management team realized that it did not have the infrastructure to
provide customer support for all of the sales it was generating. As customer volume grew, the sales force
was too busy to provide reliable customer support. The sales force was paid on commission, so was less
interested in providing adequate customer support and was not necessarily made up of the best people to
do so. Employees in the manufacturing plant were more privy to company information about competitors
and infant-care guidelines as well as warranty and care information. Instead of relying on its sales force,
the management team decided to provide customer support via call centers and, after much discussion, to
establish these call centers in-house instead relying on outsourcing. During GGC's original market
research, potential Latin American customers made it clear that being able to speak directly to the
company to talk to the same two or three people about their case rather than having to rely on retailers
or third-party support- would make them more likely to buy GGC products. Given that the consistency
and accuracy of information from customer service was essential to follow code and avoid lawsuits and
high insurance premiums, GGC decided to first establish Jamaican-based call center supplemented by
web-based video training. The company did this for two reasons. First, the management team wanted to
closely monitor the calls to be able to communicate quickly with quality control in order to provide onsite
training that was updated on a monthly basis. Second, it wanted to build trust with its customers. Ames
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MGMT3061 Team Building and Management - Course Information. Academic Year 2022/2023, Semester 2
was in charge of making this happen. She immediately pulled four people, who spoke fluent Spanish, from
the sales side of the organization to serve as customer support representatives in the call center.
Differences in the Call Center Team
As with most call centers, the team was rewarded based on how many calls it handled. In light of their large
and growing customer base, the team found itself with high call volume. Ames believed it was important
to keep calls short for two reasons. First, it was important to avoid long customer hold times in order to
create greater ease for customers. Second, she had been given a fixed percentage of company profit to
devote to call-center compensation. She did extensive analysis over a six-month period about realistic
estimates of the length of time that her team of four could spend with each customer. She had the sales team
document the time spent on customer support, used new customer forecasts and did a handful of scenarios
with existing customers to get an average time estimate for a typical call. She then divided the amount of
money she had to spend by the number of customers she anticipated would call each day, and determined
that she could afford to have representatives spend about seven minutes with each customer. This number
was roughly the same as her event-by-event "scenario trials."
In order to stay within her budget, she decided that each representative's pay would be docked by $1.00
per minute after seven minutes of conversation with a customer. While the representatives were
compensated with an annual salary, which was paid to them in monthly pay periods, she decided to make
their monthly pay contingent on the team maintaining a daily seven minute call average. So the team
members' monthly pay was calculated as their salary minus $1.00 for each minute of each day that the
team average was over seven minutes. She believed this would encourage the call-center members to
collaborate (rather than compete) with one another about the best strategies for quick and helpful service.
Ames was discouraged that, at the end of their first month of working together, the team members' call
response average was a little over two minutes off target.
She was also getting complaints from the three Jamaican team members. They calculated that together the
three spent an average of five and a half minutes with each customer; when customers wanted further
information, the employees referred them to the training videos. In contrast, they observed that the Costa
Rican member, Maria Enriquez, spent about 15 minutes with each customer, often walking the customer
through the videos over the phone. These longer calls were affecting the compensation of all members, and
the Jamaicans were angry.
At the most recent weekly team meeting, the tension had been palpable. The Jamaicans on the team
understood Enriquez's point about the need for customer satisfaction, but they believed that helping
customers solve problems and referring them to the training video was good enough. The complaints in
the meeting went like this:
Jill Henley: This goes beyond being annoyed about how much Maria talks, it now affects my pay-it's
being docked. When she does a call, it goes way past product information; she carries on about family, gets
wrapped up in their problems, laughs and jokes but the thing that really put me over the edge was when
she told someone she'd put the kids who used our equipment on her prayer list! Maria acts like a therapist
instead of providing technical support. For the love of Pete, we sell medical equipment! The less you talk,
the more you listen, and the better you do your job.
Jordan Burton: Maria talks so much that my mouth hurts—and I'm being penalized because of it. There
is no off switch. She thinks her approach is a success. So, she builds relationships with her customers, but
we're here to provide information. We have training videos for a reason and she needs to refer customers
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MGMT3061 Team Building and Management - Course Information. Academic Year 2022/2023, Semester 2
to those videos, not watch the things with the caller while she's got them on the phone!
Transcribed Image Text:Case Study Question The Caribbean Team "Vibes" or "Not": Another Day in the Life of a Call Centre In a rare moment alone in her office, Jennifer Ames reflected on the past 10 years of her career at GerberGoodstart Corporation (GGC) She could easily chart her successes: She had taken on challenges and produced results where her colleagues had failed; she had increased the diversity of the work force in every unit she had led; she had successfully launched new products and developed several new markets. In fact, just a few months before, Ames had been part of a team that had led a highly successful launch of several GGC product lines into the Latin American market. That success and the ensuing demand for its products drove GGC to centralize customer support in a call center in Kingston, Jamaica and to create Ames's new position: senior director for global customer support. Ames had studied other call-center models and created a team of four as a prototype for customer support. She had a goal of scaling up as the business expanded. But as she sat in her office, looking at the latest financials and mentally reviewing the events of a disturbing meeting earlier that morning, she saw the failure of her prototype looming large. The call response times were on an upward trajectory that would quickly plunge her budget into the red if the trend continued. Even worse, only one short month into her new position, Ames was worried that her team was stonewalling her. She was deeply troubled by the interaction she had just observed: there was friction among her staff members that was dividing them along Jamaican-versus-non-Jamaican lines. The team consisted of three Jamaicans from the Kingston, Jamaica, headquarters and one Costa Rican from the Central American sales office. The three Jamaicans, already thinking about customer support, had spent the past few months working with product developers to create the web-based training videos that provided step-by-step product use information, as well as testing competitor products. The employee from Costa Rica had also spent time with the product development team and had been an outstanding sales representative. She had transferred from the Central American sales office to join the Kingston call center. The problem was that the Jamaicans were angry about the work habits of the Costa Rican member whose call times were longer than theirs, so they accused her of effectively lowering their pay. During that morning's meeting, things had deteriorated into a verbal onslaught that culminated in one of the Jamaican members calling the Costa Rican member a "chatty Latina." After that, the conflict got personal and highly emotional. Was this the "cultural iceberg" she'd heard so much about? And what exactly should she do to steer the team away from it? Products in the Baby Space THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES OPEN CAMPUS Page 23 of 28 MGMT3061 Team Building and Management - Course Information. Academic Year 2022/2023, Semester 2 When Ames had joined GGC 10 years earlier, it was a small U.S. company selling baby formula. Since then, it had expanded to sell various maternal and infant-care products. Aside from baby formula, GGC's most profitable product lines included phototherapy devices for the treatment of jaundice (often called light boxes) and a sophisticated line of neonatal heart and breathing monitors. GGC's institutional customers included hospitals and nongovernmental organizations that cared for at-risk populations. The company also sold smaller versions of the phototherapy devices and baby monitors to families at home and for midwives to use. All manufacturing and distribution took place in the United States. By 2011, GGC executives were ready to expand sales of phototherapy and monitoring devices into Latin American markets. The decision was based largely on the region's lack of competitors in the maternal and infant-care product segments and a low entry barrier. Ames had been part of the team that executed the launch. They had decided to hire locals in each of their markets to create a Latin American sales unit and to focus on direct-marketing distribution channels to institutional customers (hospitals and NGOs). The channel choice was important because many international organizations, such as UNICEF and the World Health Organization, had international codes of responsible marketing that GGC had decided were in line with its values. The codes, which primarily targeted food and milk-substitute products, were not law in the United States, but they offered guidelines that GGC considered good business practices; they would be used to guide executive decisions, avoid bad press (there were many international watchdogs in the baby product space), ensure the correct use of GGC products, and avoid international lawsuits. Following these codes meant adopting practices such as never marketing directly to mothers or families, training retailers and asking them to provide a point-of-purchase demonstration of the equipment, and having customer support available after the point of purchase to provide training and consistent and objective advice, and further information—including information about the potential benefits of competing products. The product rollout to institutional customers in Latin America was a huge success. Within a year, GGC had established ten sales units: two in Mexico, three in Central America, and five in South America. During the first few months of the expansion, the sales representatives were able to provide some degree of customer support because their clients tended to be large hospitals- sales representatives would train a few hospital employees who, in turn, would be the support people in their hospitals (a train-the-trainers model). By the end of that year, however, the management team realized that it did not have the infrastructure to provide customer support for all of the sales it was generating. As customer volume grew, the sales force was too busy to provide reliable customer support. The sales force was paid on commission, so was less interested in providing adequate customer support and was not necessarily made up of the best people to do so. Employees in the manufacturing plant were more privy to company information about competitors and infant-care guidelines as well as warranty and care information. Instead of relying on its sales force, the management team decided to provide customer support via call centers and, after much discussion, to establish these call centers in-house instead relying on outsourcing. During GGC's original market research, potential Latin American customers made it clear that being able to speak directly to the company to talk to the same two or three people about their case rather than having to rely on retailers or third-party support- would make them more likely to buy GGC products. Given that the consistency and accuracy of information from customer service was essential to follow code and avoid lawsuits and high insurance premiums, GGC decided to first establish Jamaican-based call center supplemented by web-based video training. The company did this for two reasons. First, the management team wanted to closely monitor the calls to be able to communicate quickly with quality control in order to provide onsite training that was updated on a monthly basis. Second, it wanted to build trust with its customers. Ames Page 24 of 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES OPEN CAMPUS MGMT3061 Team Building and Management - Course Information. Academic Year 2022/2023, Semester 2 was in charge of making this happen. She immediately pulled four people, who spoke fluent Spanish, from the sales side of the organization to serve as customer support representatives in the call center. Differences in the Call Center Team As with most call centers, the team was rewarded based on how many calls it handled. In light of their large and growing customer base, the team found itself with high call volume. Ames believed it was important to keep calls short for two reasons. First, it was important to avoid long customer hold times in order to create greater ease for customers. Second, she had been given a fixed percentage of company profit to devote to call-center compensation. She did extensive analysis over a six-month period about realistic estimates of the length of time that her team of four could spend with each customer. She had the sales team document the time spent on customer support, used new customer forecasts and did a handful of scenarios with existing customers to get an average time estimate for a typical call. She then divided the amount of money she had to spend by the number of customers she anticipated would call each day, and determined that she could afford to have representatives spend about seven minutes with each customer. This number was roughly the same as her event-by-event "scenario trials." In order to stay within her budget, she decided that each representative's pay would be docked by $1.00 per minute after seven minutes of conversation with a customer. While the representatives were compensated with an annual salary, which was paid to them in monthly pay periods, she decided to make their monthly pay contingent on the team maintaining a daily seven minute call average. So the team members' monthly pay was calculated as their salary minus $1.00 for each minute of each day that the team average was over seven minutes. She believed this would encourage the call-center members to collaborate (rather than compete) with one another about the best strategies for quick and helpful service. Ames was discouraged that, at the end of their first month of working together, the team members' call response average was a little over two minutes off target. She was also getting complaints from the three Jamaican team members. They calculated that together the three spent an average of five and a half minutes with each customer; when customers wanted further information, the employees referred them to the training videos. In contrast, they observed that the Costa Rican member, Maria Enriquez, spent about 15 minutes with each customer, often walking the customer through the videos over the phone. These longer calls were affecting the compensation of all members, and the Jamaicans were angry. At the most recent weekly team meeting, the tension had been palpable. The Jamaicans on the team understood Enriquez's point about the need for customer satisfaction, but they believed that helping customers solve problems and referring them to the training video was good enough. The complaints in the meeting went like this: Jill Henley: This goes beyond being annoyed about how much Maria talks, it now affects my pay-it's being docked. When she does a call, it goes way past product information; she carries on about family, gets wrapped up in their problems, laughs and jokes but the thing that really put me over the edge was when she told someone she'd put the kids who used our equipment on her prayer list! Maria acts like a therapist instead of providing technical support. For the love of Pete, we sell medical equipment! The less you talk, the more you listen, and the better you do your job. Jordan Burton: Maria talks so much that my mouth hurts—and I'm being penalized because of it. There is no off switch. She thinks her approach is a success. So, she builds relationships with her customers, but we're here to provide information. We have training videos for a reason and she needs to refer customers Page 25 of 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES OPEN CAMPUS MGMT3061 Team Building and Management - Course Information. Academic Year 2022/2023, Semester 2 to those videos, not watch the things with the caller while she's got them on the phone!
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