Devry HRM340 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 This course focuses on the strategic value that technology has brought to HR and the business. As a result, HR is a strategic partner in companies. How, specifically, has technology created this strategic partnership? Share an example. What values have resulted from this strategic partnership? DQ 2 You have been asked by one of your internal customers to develop a plan that aligns with his organization’s annual goals. What information will you need to begin developing your plan? What process might you follow to develop this plan, which must be presented to the leadership team (cite the theoretical process chosen/reviewed)? Thoroughly explain each step of your plan. Devry HRM340 Week 2 Discussion DQ1 & DQ2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 Share one HR function that you would automate and explain why. What value would that automation bring to the HR department as well as to the business from a strategic standpoint? Be thorough in your validation to automate. DQ 2 Based on your text and supplemental readings, what are some of the potential problems associated with employee self-service? After sharing some problems facing self-service, how would you address those problems? What is your professional opinion related to management self-service, where managers have access to more employee information through HRIS systems? Devry HRM340 Week 3 Discussion DQ1 & DQ2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 HR has faced and continues to face an array of changes within the HR functions. As a result, this requires careful planning to institute changes that involve technology and automation. How might you put together a plan for an HR office that currently only has an employee database and no other automated HR functions? The HR director states that the business is simply too small (1,000 employees). Build your business case. DQ 2 Many organizations are turning to technology to improve employee development programs. What are some ways in which training has been influenced by technology? By HR technology? What are the benefits and risks as it relates to employee development? Devry HRM340 Week 4 Discussion DQ1 & DQ2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 Many of you have received performance appraisals during your professional career. Sometimes, those appraisals are late, inaccurate, or simply not provided. What value does implementing a performance management program bring to the business? How can technology impact that value? DQ 2 What do compensation, benefits, and payroll all have in common as related to employees? Share an example of how HR technology can impact the value and efficiency of each of these HR functions: compensation, benefits, and payroll.week 5DQ 1Think about how companies used to advertise for jobs. Think about how people used to apply for jobs. Recruiting for employees was often a laborious task. How has HR technology impacted how we recruit employees? How has technology changed how candidates apply for jobs? What are the pros and cons with recruitment technology?DQ 2Once we’ve recruited candidates, we then have to find a way to determine whether they are right for the job. Share one HR technology method used for candidate selection (be sure to read your classmate’s postings first—please do not repeat methods). Explain how the HR technology process works for that method. How has technology impacted how we track job applicants?week 6DQ 1After reviewing the RFP Tutorial from the lecture this week, share your thoughts about the steps outlined for creating an RFP. What value does an RFP bring to finding and buying the right HRIS system? What are some of the risks in using an RFP process?DQ 2There are many ways in which someone can gain access to employee data. Share some of those ways and how you would address them after the fact. How would you prevent them from occurring again? How might you involve your information systems (IS) team in securing employee data?week 7DQ 1Change is a given. Explain how you would manage an HR technological change. What process might you use (cite theory as appropriate) to implement technological changes in a traditionally people-focused business? Thoroughly explain your process and decision.DQ 2Technology has changed the role and some functions of HR. Have these changes resulted in HR losing sight of its role towards employee relations and support? While companies are seeing the value in moving to a technological-based business, how might HR technology impact the “human” side of “human resource?”HR Technology Case Scenario: Three-Stage″>Objective|″>Guidelines for All Papers|″>Case Scenario: Fictitious Business Description|″>Grading”>Back to TopApply the theories reviewed in class related to analyzing an HR function and determining the type of HRIS application necessary to automate and create a strategic alliance for this HR department. Students will have an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to a professional business application.Guidelines for All”>Back to TopThis project is completed in three stages.The first two assignments (Stages I and II of the project) are worth 100 points each.The final project (Stage III) is worth 280 points.Stage I is due Week 2.Stage II is due Week 5.Stage III, the Final Project, is due Week 7.Theory: There should be theory provided throughout all stages of this business plan to substantiate decisions made. All theory must be cited following APA format guidelines (APA Manual, fifth or sixth edition). Anything copied word for word must be inside quotes and properly cited in text and on the reference list according to APA format guidelines. Any information that is not your own thought (theory) must also be cited. There should be no more than 5% of quoted material (information copied word for word) in any of these three assignments.Introduction: The purpose is to (a) introduce the subject and its importance, and (b) preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.Conclusion: summarizes the main ideas and major support points from the body of your paper. This is not simply rephrasing the introduction or reviewing what was shared in the paper, but also providing a closing paragraph for the reader.All papers must follow the following formatting guidelines.Double spacedOne-inch margins (on all sides)Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure should be correct.The title page includes (1) title of the document, (2) your name, and (3) DeVry University, all centered and double spaced.Headers are helpful throughout the paper to ensure that all assignment criteria are included, and they help with topical flow and keep the paper organized.Case Scenario: Fictitious Business”>Back to TopCastle’s Family Restaurant has eight restaurants in the northern California area with approximately 300–340 employees. Most of the employees are part time, with approximately 40% of them full time. The operations manager, Jay Morgan, also acts as the HR manager and travels to each location each week to take care of scheduling, recruiting, hiring, and answering questions for the employees as needed. He also takes care of payroll using an Excel spreadsheet and has a computer application to print payroll checks. Mr. Morgan approaches you, an HR consultant, for a proposal. Due to the increase in gasoline costs, he would like to greatly reduce his travel time for visiting each location each week and wonders if there is anything you can suggest to him to help him complete his HR tasks in a cost-effective manner. He hopes there is some way he can do part of his HR tasks from his office instead of traveling to each location.Stage I (due Week 2)Using the case scenario above, provide an assessment of the current business. Describe the company in terms of size, type of business, and so on. Explain why you think an HRIS is needed. As the owner of your own HR consulting firm, write a 2–4-page paper that includes the following paper headings, which are denoted in all caps.INTRODUCTION: provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.BUSINESS ASSESSMENT: the name, type, and size of business you’re assisting. Make assumptions in your business description using theory as needed and include the information in your paper for this case scenario. These assumptions would include background about a restaurant work environment and industry.IDENTIFIED PROBLEMS: Review all HR problems identified. I recommend making a list of HR functions that you believe could be more efficient based on the information provided in the scenario. From that list, choose one HR function for analysis, which will be the main focus for your business plan. You want to explain why you chose that HR function as your first item, and substantiate with theory.HRIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Explain how automation might create a more efficient process from the HR function chosen. How might an HRIS application assist the business?CONCLUSION: The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.Stage II (due Week 5)Provide a detailed description of the HRIS application(s) chosen for the business. What type of HRIS might create a more efficient process for the HR function chosen? This is not a copy/paste of information from a vendor website, but an analysisand business plan to share with your customer. As the owner of your own HR consulting firm, write a 2–4-page paper that includes the following paper headings, which are denoted in all caps.INTRODUCTION: provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.HRIS TYPE: Now that you’ve conducted some research in the previous assignment, you should have a good foundation to take the next step in your business plan. You should have a good review of the scenario and have conducted some research on HRIS systems, and now your next step is to choose a type of HRIS. Share the type of system you plan to implement to help your customer. This must be substantiated in this paper to your customer from a theoretical perspective.HRIS VENDOR CHOICE: Now that you have an HRIS type chosen, you need to conduct research to find an HRIS vendor. You want to do a compare and contrast in this section of at least two vendors. Then, choose a vendor. Explain why you chose this vendor over another/others. Include the Web address and proper citations for the vendor applications compared. You must have theory to support your decision.CONCLUSION: The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.Stage III (Final Project, due Week 7)At this point of the project, you have identified the problem and a technology solution for the business. Now, you want the business to accept the idea.Using your text, the previous stages completed with feedback provided, and the business plan template (see Doc Sharing), write a business plan to give your customer that details the risks, assumptions, impact, and so on of the proposed implementation of the HRIS.This stage of the project should be a professional document that you would present to a customer leadership team to accept your business plan.See the Business Plan Template in Doc Sharing for details of each section required.Do not copy and paste Stage I and Stage II information into this Final Course Project. Stages I and II are considered raw data. You are now finalizing and summarizing. You are applying critical thinking skills to the data you’ve collected.Submit your business plan to the Week 7: Course Project Stage III Dropbox by the deadline.See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.Grading”>Back to TopStage I AssignmentCategoryPointsAssignment ExpectationIntroduction/Conclusion10Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.Content Theory STAGE IBusiness Assessment (20 points)Identified Problems (30 points)HRIS Needs Assessment (30 points)80All key elements of assignment are covered in a substantive way. Discussions of topics outlined in project are stated clearly, are supported by specific details (examples or analysis), and are organized logically. The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.Readability10Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and flow is maintained throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling and word usage are correct.Total100A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.Stage II AssignmentCategoryPointsAssignment ExpectationIntroduction/Conclusion10Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.Content Theory STAGE IIHRIS Type (40 points)HRIS Vendor (40 points)80All key elements of assignment are covered in a substantive way. Discussions of topics outlined in project are stated clearly, are supported by specific details (examples or analysis), and are organized logically. The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.Readability10Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and flow is maintained throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling and word usage are correct.Total100A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.Final Course ProjectCategoryPointsAssignment ExpectationIntroduction/Conclusion20Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.ContentExecutive Summary (30 points)Company Review (30 points)Business Analysis (50 points)HRIS Type Comparison (50 points)HRIS Recommendation (50 points)210All key elements of assignment are covered in a substantive way. Discussions of topics outlined in project are stated clearly, are supported by specific details (examples or analysis), and are organized logically. The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice, and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.Business Plan Professionalism30Overall project should be presented in a professionaldocument. Font type should be professional and readable. There should be font consistency. Formatting should not distract from document content. Professionalism is also accomplished by ensuring that all content is present, the document has topical flow and is readable, and is a document that a customer would read and accept as a viable recommendation.Readability20Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and flow is maintained throughout paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling and word usage are correct.Total280A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Devry HRM340 Week 1 Discussion DQ1
& DQ2 Latest 2015 November
DQ 1
This course focuses on the strategic value that technology has
brought to HR and the business. As a result, HR is a strategic partner in
companies. How, specifically, has technology created this strategic
DQ 2
You have been asked by one of your internal customers to develop a
plan that aligns with his organizationâs annual goals. What information will
you need to begin developing your plan? What process might you follow to
develop this plan, which must be presented to the leadership team (cite the
theoretical process chosen/reviewed)? Thoroughly explain each step of your
Devry HRM340 Week 2 Discussion DQ1
& DQ2 Latest 2015 November
DQ 1
Share one HR function that you would automate and explain why.
What value would that automation bring to the HR department as well as to the
business from a strategic standpoint? Be thorough in your validation to
DQ 2
Based on your text and supplemental readings, what are some of the
potential problems associated with employee self-service? After sharing some
problems facing self-service, how would you address those problems? What is
your professional opinion related to
have access to more employee information through HRIS systems?
Devry HRM340 Week 3 Discussion DQ1
& DQ2 Latest 2015 November
DQ 1
HR has faced and continues to face an array of changes within the
HR functions. As a result, this requires careful planning to institute changes
that involve technology and automation. How might you put together a plan for
an HR office that currently only has an employee database and no other automated
HR functions? The HR director states that the business is simply too small
(1,000 employees). Build your business case.
DQ 2
Many organizations are turning to technology to improve employee
development programs. What are some ways in which training has been influenced
by technology? By HR technology? What are the benefits and risks as it relates
to employee development?
Devry HRM340 Week 4 Discussion DQ1
& DQ2 Latest 2015 November
DQ 1
Many of you have received performance appraisals during your professional
career. Sometimes, those appraisals are late, inaccurate, or simply not
provided. What value does implementing a performance management program bring
to the business? How can technology impact that value?
DQ 2
What do compensation, benefits, and payroll all have in common as
related to employees? Share an example of how HR technology can impact the
value and efficiency of each of these HR functions: compensation, benefits, and
payroll.week 5DQ 1Think about how companies used to advertise for
jobs. Think about how people used to apply for jobs. Recruiting for
employees was often a laborious task. How has HR technology impacted how
we recruit employees? How has technology changed how candidates apply
for jobs? What are the pros and cons with recruitment technology?DQ 2Once
weâve recruited candidates, we then have to find a way to determine
whether they are right for the job. Share one HR technology method used
for candidate selection (be sure to read your classmate’s postings
firstâplease do not repeat methods). Explain how the HR technology
process works for that method. How has technology impacted how we track
job applicants?week 6DQ 1After reviewing the RFP Tutorial from the
lecture this week, share your thoughts about the steps outlined for
creating an RFP. What value does an RFP bring to finding and buying the
right HRIS system? What are some of the risks in using an RFP process?DQ 2There
are many ways in which someone can gain access to employee data. Share
some of those ways and how you would address them after the fact. How
would you prevent them from occurring again? How might you involve your
information systems (IS) team in securing employee data?week 7DQ 1Change is a given. Explain how you would manage
an HR technological change. What process might you use (cite theory as
appropriate) to implement technological changes in a traditionally
people-focused business? Thoroughly explain your process and decision.DQ 2Technology
has changed the role and some functions of HR. Have these changes
resulted in HR losing sight of its role towards employee relations and
support? While companies are seeing the value in moving to a
technological-based business, how might HR technology impact the “human”
side of “human resource?”HR Technology Case Scenario: Three-Stage″>Objective|″>Guidelines for All Papers|″>Case Scenario: Fictitious Business Description|″>Grading”>Back to TopApply
the theories reviewed in class related to analyzing an HR function and
determining the type of HRIS application necessary to automate and
create a strategic alliance for this HR department. Students will have
an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to a professional business
application.Guidelines for All”>Back to TopThis project is completed in three stages.The first two assignments (Stages I and II of the project) are worth 100 points each.The final project (Stage III) is worth 280 points.Stage I is due Week 2.Stage II is due Week 5.Stage III, the Final Project, is due Week 7.Theory:
There should be theory provided throughout all stages of this business
plan to substantiate decisions made. All theory must be cited following
APA format guidelines (APA Manual, fifth or sixth edition). Anything
copied word for word must be inside quotes and properly cited in text
and on the reference list according to APA format guidelines. Any
information that is not your own thought (theory) must also be cited.
There should be no more than 5% of quoted material (information copied
word for word) in any of these three assignments.Introduction:
The purpose is to (a) introduce the subject and its importance, and (b)
preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.Conclusion:
summarizes the main ideas and major support points from the body of
your paper. This is not simply rephrasing the introduction or reviewing
what was shared in the paper, but also providing a closing paragraph for
the reader.All papers must follow the following formatting guidelines.Double spacedOne-inch margins (on all sides)Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure should be correct.The title page includes (1) title of the document, (2) your name, and (3) DeVry University, all centered and double spaced.Headers
are helpful throughout the paper to ensure that all assignment criteria
are included, and they help with topical flow and keep the paper
organized.Case Scenario: Fictitious Business”>Back to TopCastleâs
Family Restaurant has eight restaurants in the northern California area
with approximately 300â340 employees. Most of the employees are part
time, with approximately 40% of them full time. The operations manager,
Jay Morgan, also acts as the HR manager and travels to each location
each week to take care of scheduling, recruiting, hiring, and answering
questions for the employees as needed. He also takes care of payroll
using an Excel spreadsheet and has a computer application to print
payroll checks. Mr. Morgan approaches you, an HR consultant, for a
proposal. Due to the increase in gasoline costs, he would like to
greatly reduce his travel time for visiting each location each week and
wonders if there is anything you can suggest to him to help him complete
his HR tasks in a cost-effective manner. He hopes there is some way he
can do part of his HR tasks from his office instead of traveling to each
location.Stage I (due Week 2)Using the
case scenario above, provide an assessment of the current business.
Describe the company in terms of size, type of business, and so on.
Explain why you think an HRIS is needed. As the owner of your own HR
consulting firm, write a 2â4-page paper that includes the following
paper headings, which are denoted in all caps.INTRODUCTION: provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.BUSINESS
ASSESSMENT: the name, type, and size of business youâre assisting. Make
assumptions in your business description using theory as needed and
include the information in your paper for this case scenario. These
assumptions would include background about a restaurant work environment
and industry.IDENTIFIED PROBLEMS: Review all HR problems
identified. I recommend making a list of HR functions that you believe
could be more efficient based on the information provided in the
scenario. From that list, choose one HR function for analysis, which
will be the main focus for your business plan. You want to explain why
you chose that HR function as your first item, and substantiate with
theory.HRIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Explain how automation might
create a more efficient process from the HR function chosen. How might
an HRIS application assist the business?CONCLUSION: The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.Stage II (due Week 5)Provide
a detailed description of the HRIS application(s) chosen for the
business. What type of HRIS might create a more efficient process for
the HR function chosen? This is not a copy/paste of information from a
vendor website, but an analysisand business plan to share with
your customer. As the owner of your own HR consulting firm, write a
2â4-page paper that includes the following paper headings, which are
denoted in all caps.INTRODUCTION: provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.HRIS
TYPE: Now that youâve conducted some research in the previous
assignment, you should have a good foundation to take the next step in
your business plan. You should have a good review of the scenario and
have conducted some research on HRIS systems, and now your next step is
to choose a type of HRIS. Share the type of system you plan to implement
to help your customer. This must be substantiated in this paper to your
customer from a theoretical perspective.HRIS VENDOR CHOICE:
Now that you have an HRIS type chosen, you need to conduct research to
find an HRIS vendor. You want to do a compare and contrast in this
section of at least two vendors. Then, choose a vendor. Explain why you
chose this vendor over another/others. Include the Web address and
proper citations for the vendor applications compared. You must have
theory to support your decision.CONCLUSION: The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.Stage III (Final Project, due Week 7)At
this point of the project, you have identified the problem and a
technology solution for the business. Now, you want the business to
accept the idea.Using your text, the previous stages completed
with feedback provided, and the business plan template (see Doc
Sharing), write a business plan to give your customer that details the
risks, assumptions, impact, and so on of the proposed implementation of
the HRIS.This stage of the project should be a professional
document that you would present to a customer leadership team to accept
your business plan.See the Business Plan Template in Doc Sharing for details of each section required.Do
not copy and paste Stage I and Stage II information into this Final
Course Project. Stages I and II are considered raw data. You are now
finalizing and summarizing. You are applying critical thinking skills to
the data youâve collected.Submit your business plan to the Week 7: Course Project Stage III Dropbox by the deadline.See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.Grading”>Back to TopStage I AssignmentCategoryPointsAssignment ExpectationIntroduction/Conclusion10Introduction
provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the
major points.Content Theory STAGE IBusiness Assessment (20 points)Identified Problems (30 points)HRIS Needs Assessment (30 points)80All
key elements of assignment are covered in a substantive way.
Discussions of topics outlined in project are stated clearly, are
supported by specific details (examples or analysis), and are organized
logically. The paper links theory to relevant examples of current
experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory
transitions are present and logical, and flow is maintained throughout
the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentence
transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of
grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling and word usage
are correct.Total100A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.Stage II AssignmentCategoryPointsAssignment ExpectationIntroduction/Conclusion10Introduction
provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the
major points.Content Theory STAGE IIHRIS Type (40 points)HRIS Vendor (40 points)80All
key elements of assignment are covered in a substantive way.
Discussions of topics outlined in project are stated clearly, are
supported by specific details (examples or analysis), and are organized
logically. The paper links theory to relevant examples of current
experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory
transitions are present and logical, and flow is maintained throughout
the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentence
transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of
grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling and word usage
are correct.Total100A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.Final Course ProjectCategoryPointsAssignment ExpectationIntroduction/Conclusion20Introduction
provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
Conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the
major points.ContentExecutive Summary (30 points)Company Review (30 points)Business Analysis (50 points)HRIS Type Comparison (50 points)HRIS Recommendation (50 points)210All
key elements of assignment are covered in a substantive way.
Discussions of topics outlined in project are stated clearly, are
supported by specific details (examples or analysis), and are organized
logically. The paper links theory to relevant examples of current
experience and industry practice, and uses the vocabulary of the theory
correctly.Business Plan Professionalism30Overall project should be presented in a professionaldocument.
Font type should be professional and readable. There should be font
consistency. Formatting should not distract from document content.
Professionalism is also accomplished by ensuring that all content is
present, the document has topical flow and is readable, and is a
document that a customer would read and accept as a viable
transitions are present and logical, and flow is maintained throughout
paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentence transitions
are present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of grammar, usage,
and punctuation are followed. Spelling and word usage are correct.Total280A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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