Design a recursive version of dynamic programming algorithm (Top-down) to construct the actual solution of the matrix chain multiplication problem (i.e., the parentheses order). For this problem, please write down the recursive function in pseudocode and Write down the dynamic table and matrix output on the following examples: (a) Three matrices (A, B, and C) with dimensions 10 × 50 × 5 × 100, respectively. (b) Four matrices (A, B, C, and D) with dimensions 20 × 5 × 10 × 30 × 10, respectively.
Q: QUESTION 6 Given the recursive function definition as mult(n,k) = n for k ==1 (base case) =…
A: In this question, we are given a recurive function mult(n, k) and we have to implement it in C…
Q: Write a recursive function that takes as a parameter a nonnegative integer and generates the…
A: While doing programming in any programming language, you need to use various variables to store…
Q: Given three sequences of length m, n, and p each, you are to design and analyze an algorithm to find…
A: Objective- Find the Longest Common Subsequence between three sequences(arrays or string) of given…
Q: Problem 4. We want to give our dog a collection of treats with total satisfaction value exactly…
A: Answer: We have done answer based on the given problem description. so from details we will see more…
Q: Section 2 - Recursion 3 Question 1.2 For the following recursive function, complete the recursion…
A: 1. ✓When n==0 it will return 0 i.e sum(0) is 0 ✓ When n==1 it will return 1+sum(1-1) which is equal…
Q: For the problems given below, determine whether it is more efficient to use a divide and conquer…
A: memFib(n) { if (mem[n] is undefined) if (n < 2) result = n else result =…
Q: Note: Solve using c++ Write a recursive function to get count of a specific character in given…
A: C++ Program: # include <iostream>using namespace std;# define NO_OF_CHARS 256class…
Q: This question has been answered in C, but without user-defined functions; an answer with user…
A: Step 1: Prompt and accept number of integers, n. Step 2: Accept the integers by iterating a for loop…
Q: *19. A recursive function f (x), is defined as follows: if (x>100) return (x-10) else return…
A: The problem involves a recursive function defined as f(x), where if x is greater than 100, f(x)…
Q: Recursive Thinking: Given the following formula for sequence gi, 92; 93, ·., write a recursive…
A: Given recursive function is, gn=3gn-1-2gn-2, n≥3g1=3, g2=5 For simplification consider,…
Q: Reversing an Array 1. Describe the definition of recursive function. oBase case(s) oRecursive…
A: Given,Reversing an Array1. Describe the definition of recursive function.oBase case(s)oRecursive…
Q: a) Give a recursive algorithmto solve the following recursive function (hint: use Fibonacci as a…
A: It is an algorithm which calls itself for solving smaller sub problems which operates on subset of…
Q: Consider the following problems for recursive definition/solution. Answer the follov stions.…
A: If the number of elements in a set is 'n', then there will be 2n elements in the power set. Since an…
Q: Write a Python function that returns the nth Fibonacci number, where n is an integer passed as a…
A: Python program to generate the nth Fibonacci number. In the Fibonacci series, the next number is the…
Q: What is the time complexity of a recursive program whose recurrence relation is as given below?…
A: Master’s Theorem is a popular method for solving the recurrence relations. Master’s theorem solves…
Q: [a] Prove by strong induction that any postage ≥ 18 can be formed using only 4-cent and 7-cent…
A: Given : Consider a postal system for which the minimum postage required for any service (e.g.…
Q: Let F be the function such that F(n) is the sum of the first n positive integers. Give a recursive…
A: Recursion is a problem-solving method that includes dividing an issue into smaller, similar…
Q: Give a recursive definition for the set Y of all positive multiples of 7. That is, Y = {7, 14, 21,…
A: Introduction Base Case occurs whenever the input n has one of the smallest sizes. F(n) is equivalent…
Q: Ackermann's Function A(m,n) is defined as follows: n + 1 А(т - 1,1) (А(m - 1,А (т,п —1)),otherwise…
A: Note: since programming language is not mentioned we are providing solution in c programming.please…
Q: 2. Let E be the alphabet E = {0,1, 2, 3,4}. Then using Definition 1 of section 5.3, (a) Give a…
A: We have a given set of alphabet={0,1,2,3,4} And we have to find out recursive definition and…
Q: For this computer algorithms problem, you are given an N amount of cents, Then you are being asked…
A: Pseudocode: A pseudocode is a plain language description of the steps in an algorithm or another…
Q: Consider a case in which recursive binary search might be useful. What would you do in such…
A: Introduction: When searching for an element in the binary search tree, it is recommended that you…
Q: Question 1: Tracing Recursive functions The solution can be handwritten in a paper and attach the…
A: Given To know about the recursive call of function and function is multiplication of digit sapratly

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- The Lucas numbers are a series of numbers where the first two Lucas numbers (i.e., at indices 0 and 1) are 2 and 1 (respectively) and the kth Lucas number L_k (where k>1) is L_(k-1) + L_(k-2). Consider the following recursive definition for a function that is supposed to find the nth element of the Lucas numbers. Select the best option that identifies the line of code that prevents this function from running recursively and provides the correct code. Question options: line 5 should be return recursive_function(n-1) + recursive_function(n-2) line 3 should be return [2,1][n-1][n-2] line 3 should be return [2,1][n-1] line 2 should be if n <= 2: line 5 should be return recursive_function(n-1 + n-2) None of these optionsWrite the code implementation for the pageRank algorithem stated in the image below(java, python or c)This is a matlab coding problem Implement a recursive function, called isPalindrome, that takes a as input an array of characters and returns true or false depending on if the character array contains a palindrome. A palindrome is a series of characters that can be read the same forwards and backwards. For example: disp(isPalindrome('')) % truedisp(isPalindrome('a')) % truedisp(isPalindrome('aa')) % truedisp(isPalindrome('aaba')) % falsedisp(isPalindrome('tacocat')) % true
- Using Python Recursion is the concept of a function calling itself until the problem is solved when the Base Case is met. Study Recursion: See slides in Modules, Practice Slides, lab12 and also Recursion is in chapter 9 of the textbook. Some examples of recursion are: compute [ factorial of a number, towers of Hanoi, fractals (as shown in the textbook), and many more]. Example: See slides Page 2 For this assignment we'll use Collatz Cojecture (see Wikipedia). Collatz Conjecture algorithm: Given a number n, first call to the function: f(n): In the function: if n == 1 return 1: if n is even then f(n/2), i.e. call self with the new value. else (n is odd) call self with the new value, f((n*3)+1) and repeat. All numbers eventually end up with 1. The program should test for the base case which is: if n == 1, in which case it returns to the caller with 1. This problem is perfect to demonstrate Recursion.Create a list with random numbers (you can just do this part manually) in the list as 1,…In this programming assignment, you are expected to design an experimental study for thecomparison between Hoare’s partitioning and Lomuto’s partitioning in Quicksort algorithm.You must implement the recursive Quicksort algorithm using two partitioning algorithms inJava. You must design the experiments for the comparison of two algorithms both theoreticallyand empirically. You must write a detailed report including the pseudo-code of the algorithms,the time complexity of the algorithms, the experimental design, and your results. You canprovide some plots (scatter, line etc.) to illustrate your results.8- Determine if each of the following recursive definition is a valid recursive definition of a function f from a set of non-negative integers. If f is well defined, find a formula for f(n) where n is non- negative and prove that your formula is valid. a. f(0) = 2,f(1) = 3, f(n) = f(n-1)-1 for n ≥ 2 b. f(0) = 1,f(1) = 2, f(n) = 2f (n-2) for n = 2
- a. Correctness of dynamic programming algorithm: Usually, a dynamic programming algorithm can be seen as a recursion and proof by induction is one of the easiest way to show its correctness. The structure of a proof by strong induction for one variable, say n, contains three parts. First, we define the Proposition P(n) that we want to prove for the variable n. Next, we show that the proposition holds for Base case(s), such as n = 0, 1, . . . etc. Finally, in the Inductive step, we assume that P(n) holds for any value of n strictly smaller than n' , then we prove that P(n') also holds. Use the proof by strong induction properly to show that the algorithm of the Knapsack problem above is correct. b. Bounded Knapsack Problem: Let us consider a similar problem, in which each item i has ci > 0 copies (ci is an integer). Thus, xi is no longer a binary value, but a non-negative integer at most equal to ci , 0 ≤ xi ≤ ci . Modify the dynamic programming algorithm seen at class for this…Your main task is to write a recursive function sierpinski() that plots a Sierpinski triangle of order n to standard drawing. Think recursively: sierpinski() should draw one filled equilateral triangle (pointed downwards) and then call itself recursively three times (with an appropriate stopping condition). It should draw 1 filled triangle for n = 1; 4 filled triangles for n = 2; and 13 filled triangles for n = 3; and so forth. When writing your program, exercise modular design by organizing it into four functions, as specified in the following API: public class Sierpinski { // Height of an equilateral triangle with the specified side length. public static double height(double length) // Draws a filled equilateral triangle with the specified side length // whose bottom vertex is (x, y). public static void filledTriangle(double x, double y, double length) // Draws a Sierpinski triangle of order n, such that the largest filled //…Can you please help me solve problem 2?
- In any CAS or programmng languageThe 4th problem mimics the situation where eagles flying in the sky can be spotted and counted.FindEagles: a recursive function that examines and counts the number of objects (eagles) in aphotograph. The data is in a two-dimensional grid of cells, each of which may be empty (value 0) orfilled (value 1 to 9). Maximum grid size is 50 x 50. The filled cells that are connected form an object(eagle). Two cells are connected if they are vertically, horizontally, or diagonally adjacent. Thefollowing figure shows 3 x 4 grids with 3 eagles. 0 0 1 21 0 0 01 0 3 1 FindEagle function takes as parameters the 2-D array and the x-y coordinates of a cell that is a part ofan eagle (non-zero value) and erases (change to 0) the image of an eagle. The function FindEagleshould return an integer value that counts how many cells has been counted as part of an eagle and havebeen erased. The following sample data has two pictures, the first one is 3 x 4, and the second one is 5 x 5 grids. Notethat your program…Using recursion, write a Python function def before(k,A) which takes an integer k and an array A of integers as inputs and returns a new array consisting of all the integers in A which come before the last occurrence of k in A, in the same order they are in A. For example, if A is [1,2,3,6,7,2,3,4] then before(3,A) will return [1,2,3,6,7,2]. If k does not occur in A, the function should return None.