DATA TABLE Calculate the experimental value of the frequency f for each hanging mass and the corresponding uncertainty, 8f. Compare these values to the known oscillator frequency values. Added Tension Length Number Oscillator Experimental Uncertainty % error 8f in string mass fth-fexp L (m) T=mg (N) m (kg) of loops N frequency fth (Hz) Frequency fexp (Hz) N 24Vu f=; fth x 100
DATA TABLE Calculate the experimental value of the frequency f for each hanging mass and the corresponding uncertainty, 8f. Compare these values to the known oscillator frequency values. Added Tension Length Number Oscillator Experimental Uncertainty % error 8f in string mass fth-fexp L (m) T=mg (N) m (kg) of loops N frequency fth (Hz) Frequency fexp (Hz) N 24Vu f=; fth x 100
DATA TABLE Calculate the experimental value of the frequency f for each hanging mass and the corresponding uncertainty, 8f. Compare these values to the known oscillator frequency values. Added Tension Length Number Oscillator Experimental Uncertainty % error 8f in string mass fth-fexp L (m) T=mg (N) m (kg) of loops N frequency fth (Hz) Frequency fexp (Hz) N 24Vu f=; fth x 100