Complete the missing code then compile, debug and test your program using the command lines below: c++ -o project1 project1.cpp ./project1 n m k Where n is the size of the stack, m is the modular of the real part and imagination part of a random complex number, and k is the number of elements displayed per line. In the main function, you need to Get the values n, m, and k from the command line. Declare a complex number stack of size n, generate n random complex numbers and push them into the stack. Meantime display all these numbers, k numbers per line. Display all elements of the stack, k elements per line. Create two random complex numbers c1 and c2, display c1, c2 and the results of the addition c1+c2, the subtraction c1-c2, the multiplication c1*c2, and the division c1/c2.
Complete the missing code then compile, debug and test your program using the command lines below:
c++ -o project1 project1.cpp <enter>
./project1 n m k <enter>
Where n is the size of the stack, m is the modular of the real part and imagination part of a random complex number, and k is the number of elements displayed per line.
In the main function, you need to
- Get the values n, m, and k from the command line.
- Declare a complex number stack of size n, generate n random complex numbers and push them into the stack. Meantime display all these numbers, k numbers per line.
- Display all elements of the stack, k elements per line.
- Create two random complex numbers c1 and c2, display c1, c2 and the results of the addition c1+c2, the subtraction c1-c2, the multiplication c1*c2, and the division c1/c2.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class Complex { // complex number class
float re; // real part
float im; // imagination part
Complex(float r=0.0, float i=0.0){re=r; im=i;} // constructor
Complex(const Complex& c){;;} // copy constructor
void operator =(const Complex& c){;;} // assignment
Complex operator -()const{return Complex(-re, -im);} // unary negation
Complex operator +(const Complex&) const; // addition operator
Complex operator -(const Complex&) const; // subtraction operator
Complex operator *(const Complex&) const; // multiplication operator
Complex operator /(const Complex&) const; // division operator
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, const Complex&); // output operator
// overloaded addition operator, to be implemented
Complex Complex::operator +(const Complex& c) const {}
// overloaded subtraction operator, to be implemented
Complex Complex::operator -(const Complex& c) const{}
// overloaded multiplication operator, to be implemented
Complex Complex::operator *(const Complex& c) const {}
// overloaded division operator, to be implemented
Complex Complex::operator /(const Complex& c) const {}
// overloaded stream output operator, to be implemented
ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const Complex& c) {}
template <class T> class myStack{
T *ptr; // storage body
int size; // storage size
int top; // top position
myStack(int); // constructor
~myStack(){free(ptr);} // destructor
bool empty(){return top==-1;} // empty or not
bool full(){return top==size-1;} // full or not
int hold(){return top+1;} // number of items hold
void push(T v){ptr[++top]=v;} // put an item on top
T pop(){return ptr[top--];} // take an item from top
void display(int); // display items
// constructor that creates an empty stack, to be implemented
template <class T> myStack<T>::myStack(int s){}
// display function, k items per line, to be implemented
template <class T> void myStack<T>::display(int k){}
// Operator Overloading and Stack Template Program
int main(int argc, char **argv){
// get n, m, and k from command line and create a complex number stack s(n)
// generate n number of random complex numbers and push them onto the stack,
// meantime display these complex numbers, k items per line
// display all complex numbers in the stack, k elements per line
// create two random complex numbers c1 and c2, display c1, c2
// display the results of the addition c1+c2, the subtraction c1-c2, the multiplication c1*c2, and the division c1/c2.
return 0;

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps