Coin Class The coin class simulates a coin that can be tossed, resulting in heads or tails. You'll us the rand library to determine the coin is heads or tails when flipped ( Coin (denomination:string) The coin's constructor determines the coin's denomination (quarter, dime, nickel, penny You should stick to those 4 denominations (in lowercase) for now. We don't have any error checking, so you can't enforce this rule. The coin's denomination will determine its value. quarter is worth 25, dime is worth 10, nickel is worth 5, and a penny is worth 1. Public Interface: Coin(denomination:string) The coin constructor. o denomination should be limited to lower case quarter, dime, nickel or penny flip():void flips the coin making it heads up or tails up. isHeadsUp(): bool returns true if the coin is heads up and false if the coin is tails up. • value():int returns the value of the coin o quarter: 25, dime:10, nickel: 5 & penny: 1 Driver: The driver should demonstrate all the features of the class. Experimental Coin Tests When you're ready to run the automated test please also try the experimental coin test and let me know if it works I'm using the random seed to de-randomize the random coin test, but I don't know for 100% that it will work the same on all computers.
elow for each class you find a UML and description of the public interface. Implementing the public interface as described is madatory. There's freedom on how to implement these classes.The private properties and private methods are under your control.. There are multiple ways of implementing all these classes. Feel free to add private properties and methods.
For each object, it's mandatory to create a header file (.h), implementation file (.cpp) and a driver. Blank files are included. The header should have the class definition in it. The implementation file should contain the implementations of the methods laid out in the header fine. And finally the Driver should test/demonstrate all the features of the class. It's best to develop the driver as the class is being written. Check each section to see if there are added additional requirements for the driver. Two test suites are included so that work can be checked. It's important to implement the drivers to test and demonstrate Classes functionality.
#include "../Coin.h"
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
TEST_CASE("Should be able to create a coin") {
Coin dime = Coin("dime");
TEST_CASE("Should be able to get Coin Denomination") {
Coin nickel = Coin("nickel");
REQUIRE("nickel" == nickel.getDenomination());
TEST_CASE("Coin should be head up by default") {
Coin penny = Coin("penny");
TEST_CASE("Should be able to flip the coin") {
Coin quarter = Coin("quarter");
TEST_CASE("Should be able find out if the coin is Head Up") {
Coin quarter = Coin("quarter");
bool heads = quarter.isHeadUp();
bool result = heads || !heads;
#include "../Coin.h"
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <stdlib.h>
TEST_CASE("Coin should come up heads") {
Coin lucky_penny = Coin("penny");
TEST_CASE("Coin should come up tails") {
Coin lucky_penny = Coin("penny");
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h> // for rand()
#ifndef COIN_H
#define COIN_H
#endif //COIN_H
Coin.cpp :
#include "Coin.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Coin.h"
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, CoinDriver!" << std::endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include "Coin.h"
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, Coin Game!" << std::endl;
return 0;

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