By considering this assembly as being infinite plane plates uniformly loaded with the same load in absolute values, but of opposite signs; obtain a relation giving the electric field (Etot) between the plates as a function of the potential difference (delta V) between them and the distance (d) which separates the plates. 2. Write the (simple) expression of the electric force on the movable plate having a charge Qmobile immersed in the electric field generated by the fixed plate (Efixe), see image on the left. 3. From the notions of uniformly charged infinite flat plates, determine a relation giving the value of the charge of the movable plate (Qmobile) from the electric field (Emobile) that it generates. 4. Substitute the relation obtained in #3 into the electric force relation from #2 and use the electric field relation from #1 to obtain an equation of electric force as a function of potential difference (delta V), knowing that Emovable = EFixed.
Electric force and coulomb balance
1. By considering this assembly as being infinite plane plates uniformly loaded with the same load in absolute values, but of opposite signs; obtain a relation giving the electric field (Etot) between the plates as a function of the potential difference (delta V) between them and the distance (d) which separates the plates.
2. Write the (simple) expression of the electric force on the movable plate having a charge Qmobile immersed in the electric field generated by the fixed plate (Efixe), see image on the left.
3. From the notions of uniformly charged infinite flat plates, determine a relation giving the value of the charge of the movable plate (Qmobile) from the electric field (Emobile) that it generates.
4. Substitute the relation obtained in #3 into the electric force relation from #2 and use the electric field relation from #1 to obtain an equation of electric force as a function of potential difference (delta V), knowing that Emovable = EFixed.
5. This electric force on the movable plate will be equal in intensity to the weight (FgMd) of a mass deposited on the movable plate, image on the right. Write this equality and replace the weight by a simple relation according to the mass and the electric force by the relation obtained in #4.
6. From the equation of #5, establish an equation giving the balancing potential difference at the terminals of the plates as a function of the deposited mass.
Is the expression you got for the potential difference between plates (delta V) as a function of added mass (m) a linear function? If so, plot the graph of potential difference versus mass to get a straight line. Otherwise, modify one of the two axes (the x axis or the y axis) in order to obtain a straight line.
Should your line pass through the origin of the axes? What is the expression of the slope of your line, according to the various parameters?
Find an expression to determine the electrical constant E0 from the expression for your slope.
Is the electric force proportional to the potential difference applied to the plates?

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Solved in 4 steps