#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
int main(void) {
//Package category array char category[]= { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' }; //Price array float price[] = { 24.50, 26.00, 27.50, 29.00 }; //Quantiy array int quantity[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int count = 1; int qtyA = 0, qtyB = 0, qtyC = 0, qtyD = 0; float total = 0.0, discount = 0.0, delivery = 0.0, net = 0.0; char ch = 'A', choice = 'Y'; int p = 0; char name[50], ic[20], addr[100];
printf("\n<MENU PRICES OF VEGETABLE>"); printf("\n==============================================================================="); printf("\n MR.KOK VEGETABLE ORDERING SYSTEM"); printf("\n==============================================================================="); printf("\n Packages \t\t\t\t Price "); printf("\n A (kangkung,cabbage,Ladies finger,banana) RM 24.50 "); printf("\n B (Yam leaves,long bean,brinjal,guava) RM 26.00 "); printf("\n C (snake beans,broccoli,spinach,papaya) RM 27.50 "); printf("\n D (bak choy,asparagus,brinjal,dragon fruit) RM 29.00 "); printf("\n===============================================================================");
//Continue taking customer input till choice is not 'N' or 'n'
while (choice != 'n' && choice != 'N') { printf("\nCustomer no. : %d", count++); printf("\nPlease enter your full name :"); scanf(" %[^\n]", &name); printf("Please enter your ic number :"); scanf("%s", &ic); printf("Please enter your phone number :"); scanf("%d", &p); printf("Please enter your home address :"); scanf(" %[^\n]", &addr); printf("\n========================================================================================================\n"); printf("The customer name is %s and the ic number is %s \n", name, ic); printf("The customer who is come from %s", addr); printf("\n========================================================================================================\n");
//Continue taking the package and quantity input till X
while (ch != 'X') { printf("\nPACKAGE A,B,C,D (X = EXIT) : "); scanf(" %c", &ch);
//Increment respective quantity of each category
if (ch == 'A') { printf("\nQuantity : "); scanf("%d", &qtyA); quantity[0] += qtyA; }
if (ch == 'B') { printf("\nQuantity : "); scanf("%d", &qtyB); quantity[1] += qtyB; }
if (ch == 'C') { printf("\nQuantity : "); scanf("%d", &qtyC); //getchar(); quantity[2] += qtyC; }
if (ch == 'D') { printf("\nQuantity : "); scanf("%d", &qtyD); //getchar(); quantity[3] += qtyD; } }
//Print the details of package and add to total printf("\n=======================================================================");
if (qtyA != 0)
printf("\nPACKAGE A : %d @ RM 24.50 = RM %.2f", qtyA, qtyA * price[0]);
total += qtyA * price[0]; }
if (qtyB != 0)
{ printf("\nPACKAGE B : %d @ RM 26.00 = RM %.2f", qtyB, qtyB * price[1]);
total += qtyB * price[1]; }
if (qtyC != 0)
printf("\nPACKAGE C : %d @ RM 27.50 = RM %.2f", qtyC, qtyC * price[2]);
total += qtyC * price[2]; }
if (qtyD != 0) {
printf("\nPACKAGE D : %d @ RM 29.00 = RM %.2f", qtyD, qtyD * price[3]);
total += qtyD * price[3]; }
//Check the total value of purchase and update the delivery and discount
if (total > 80) {
printf("\nPACKAGE CHARGES : RM %.2f", total);
if (total > 100) {
delivery = 0.0;
printf("\nDelivery fees : RM%.2f", delivery);
discount = 0.15 * total;
printf("\nDiscount : RM%.2f", discount); }
//Calculate the net amount to be paid by Customer
net = total + delivery - discount; }
else {
printf("\nPACKAGE CHARGES : RM %f", total);
delivery = 5.0;
printf("\nDelivery fees : RM%.2f", delivery);
discount = 0.0 * total;
printf("\nDiscount : RM%.2f", discount);
net = total + delivery - discount; }
//print the total amount
printf("\nTotal to pay : RM %.2f", net);
ch = 'A'; qtyA = 0; qtyB = 0; qtyC = 0;
printf("\n\nTHANK YOU, HAVE A NICE DAY!");
qtyD = 0; total = 0.0;
//Ask if next Customer is available
printf("\n\nNext Customer ? (Y/N) : "); scanf(" %c", &choice); }
//Print the daily sales report printf("\n======================================================================="); printf("\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DAILY SALES REPORT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); printf("\n======================================================================="); printf("\nPACKAGE\tQUANTITY SOLD\tSALES AMOUNT\n"); printf("\n=======================================================================\n"); int i = 0;
while (i < 4) { printf("%c\t%d\t\t%.2f\n", category[i], quantity[i], quantity[i] * price[i]); i++; } printf("\n======================================================================="); return 0; }