Assessment 1- Positioning Exercise



Queens University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by CorporalSnowOwl33

What You Need to Do. Through her seminal work, Peggy McIntosh seeks to describe “privilege” as an unearned advantaged. Peggy McIntosh defines “privilege” as “an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks.” As an ally and advocate, it then becomes our responsibility to determine how to (1) acknowledge these privileges and unconscious oppression and (2) lessen and dismantle these unacknowledged privileges. In turn, you can use these privileges to advocate for social justice and change. Peggy McIntosh posed the following questions “Having described privilege, what will I do to end it?” To better understand your own privileges, each student will be asked to individually complete the following: 1. Read “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh (Please see Course Assessment Tab for link). While reading the article consider the following questions . You do not need to respond to all these questions in your assignment, but consider them in your write up: What social conditions (e.g. state of a society historically, geographically, politically, economically, culturally, etc.) contribute to advancing “privilege” in Canada.? Why is it important for individuals and groups to acknowledge the privileges afforded to them by these social conditions? Why is it so difficult for individuals and groups to acknowledge these privileges? Why is it not enough to just disapprove of the system? Why do we need to seek change? 2. Complete the “Privilege Checklist” (Please see course assessment tab for PDF) and consider the following questions . You do not need to respond to all these questions in your assignment, but consider them in your write up: o How does this process make you feel? o What did you learn about yourself? o What privileges were afforded or not afforded to you?
o What did this checklist make you realize about your unacknowledged privileges? o What other statements of privilege would you add to the list? o How can health care professionals use this tool to provide more effective care for racialized patients and community members? 3. Watch the Ted Talk by Michael Yates titled, “ Recognizing Privilege: Power to All People .” While watching the video consider the following questions . You do not need to respond to all these questions in your assignment, but consider them in your write up: o How can I use my privileges to weaken or dismantle the system of privilege? How can I become an ally seeking a path for positive change? o How can I engage my peers, friends, and family to acknowledge their privileges? o How can we use our privileges to make room for racialized individuals and communities in spaces we occupy? o Why it is so important for healthcare professionals to acknowledge their privileges? How can healthcare professionals use their privileges to support racialized patients and community members?
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