Ch.2 Directed Reading



Texas A&M University, Kingsville *

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Dec 6, 2023





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Name___________________________ Date____________________________ Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments Chapter 2 Directed Reading Worksheet What Happens in the Sacraments Directions : Read through the chapter and fill in the missing information. All the questions run sequential to the chapter. If a true/false statement is false, correct it. Introduction: Celebrating Redemption (pp. 37 38) 1. In the Church’s __________________, we celebrate the Paschal Mystery, by which Christ __________________ the world. By participating in the _______________________, and especially in the celebration of the _____________________, we not only remember the events that ________________________ our redemption, we actually ________________________ in the events of the Paschal Mystery. 2. What words does Christ repeat to us, just as he did to his disciples at the time of the pasch? 3. True or False? In the words of Sacred Scripture , Christ communicates the fruits of the Paschal Mystery. Section 1: Christ Acts through the Sacraments (pp. 39 44) 4. How did Jesus stay close to his Apostles after his Ascension, now that he was no longer physically present to them? 5. On the Jewish Feast of __________________, the Church of Jesus, prepared from the beginning of _________, had been brought into the ____________. When the Holy Spirit came to the __________________, they understood that Jesus had fulfilled his __________________ not to abandon them and they became enlivened, rejuvenated, and filled with __________________. Indeed, Acts says that three thousand persons were __________________ that day after hearing St. Peter’s _____________________. 6. True or False? Today’s Church can trace a continuous line of leadership back to the Apostles and Christ himself, through an unbroken chain of apostolic succession. 7. True or False? Although the events of salvation occurred only once, by the power of the Holy Spirit, these events commemorated in the liturgy are present and real for Catholics living today. liturgy redeemed sacraments eucharist accomplished participate With desire have desired toeat this pasch with you False He sent the holy spirit to help them pentecost aptismiles public promise courage added preaching True true
2 8. Throughout human __________________, people have seen __________________ signs of God’s blessings in creation. From the beginning of the world to its end and most especially in the coming of the _____________________ —all of God’s work is a __________________. Likewise, God the Father is the _______________ of the blessings we receive from the _______________ and we return the blessings we receive to the Father when we _____________________ to his grace. 9. True or False? In the sacraments, we act first, and then God acts in response. 10. ____________ is God-in-the-flesh and his entire life __________________ God the Father. Because Jesus brought about the _____________________ of the world, he remains present in the _____________________. He makes present his own Paschal Mystery in the _______________ and, seated at the right hand of the _______________, he pours out his blessings on the _________________and acts through the sacraments to bestow his grace upon us. 11. What reassurance did Jesus give his Apostles in Mt 28:20? 12. In what four ways is Christ present in the liturgy? 13. True or False? The mystery of the Incarnation of Christ is in the Eucharist because it is Jesus’ presence in the fullest sense. 14. Every dimension of the _______________ points to Christ because it centers on him. The __________________ is the one Christ promised, the one who is the _______________ of faith, the one who brings about ____________ in the Church. The Holy Spirit desires that we _________ the life of the Risen Christ and the Spirit’s role is to __________________ the graces of the sacraments so as to __________________ the Church to encounter Jesus in the liturgy. 15. The __________________ enables the Church to understand the Old Testament as the ________________________ for the New Testament. Rereading these events with the _____________________ of the Holy Spirit and in light of the _________ of Christ reveals their new meaning. This is accomplished in the _______________ by: reading the Old Testament; praying the ______________; and recalling how the saving events of the Old ___________________ have been fulfilled in ____________. 16. Explain the meaning of the word “anamnesis.” history visible son of God blessing source liturgy respond False Jesus reveals redemption sacraments liturgy father Church He said behold I am with you always until the end of age 1 minister of the sairament 2 when the church prays and gathers inhis name is p species true liturgy holy spirit teacher unity live dispense prepare holy spirit preparation inspiration life liturgy psalms covenant christ its more than just a recollection of pasts events
3 17. What are some of the times the Holy Spirit is called upon in the liturgy? Section 2: Introducing the Seven Sacraments (pp. 45 48) 18. The sacraments make the events of the ________________________ present today and the entire _______________ life of the Church revolves around the _______________ of the Eucharist and the other sacraments. They are called Sacraments of _______________ because he instituted each of them while he was on ____________; they begin and end through Christ’s _______________ and actions. 19. True or False? Christ never gave the Church the authority to change parts of the liturgy to adapt to the culture of people who she has evangelized. 20. What does it mean to say that the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the common priesthood? 21. Explain the link between why the Church baptizes infants and why sacraments are celebrated communally. 22. True or False? Sacramental rites may not be modified by an ordained minister or by the will of the community. 23. True or False? The grace of a sacrament is dependent on the worthiness of both the celebrant and the recipient. to sanctify the elements that are used in liturgy paschal mystery liturgical sacrifice christ earth words False the ordained priesthood guarantees that its really christ that ministers the sacraments they are rooted in the whole church the False
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4 Section 3: Celeb rating the Church’s Liturgy (pp. 49 62) 24. Why is it proper to say that Catholics celebrate the sacraments? 25. The pilgrim Church on ____________ participates in the heavenly _______________ whenever we participate in the ________________________ liturgy. In this sense, the liturgy is an action of the “ ________________________ ” because as High Priest of the liturgy, Christ celebrates with the _______________ in heaven and on earth. It is celebrated by the angels and ____________, including those of both the Old Testament and the New _____________________. 26. True or False? Liturgical services, including keeping the memorials of the saints, are best celebrated communally. 27. The sacraments are celebrated with signs and _______________. Christ instituted the Seven Sacraments and the __________________ elements, gestures, and ____________ of some of the sacraments. The __________________ physical element(s) and/or ________________ (s) used in each sacrament are called the _______________ of the sacrament and the traditional words said for each sacrament are called the ____________ of the sacrament. 28. True or False? The liturgy both establishes and strengthens the unity of the people by the fact that the congregation says and does the same thing at the same time. 29. What are the essential components of the Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Masses? 30. List the names of six of the twenty-one the Eastern Catholic Churches listed in this reading selection. the sacraments are acts of divine wore ship earth liturgy sacramental whole christ church church saints true symbols physiial traditional gestures matter form true scripture is ina special book read audibly and with dignity byzantine alexandrian antiochene armenian maronite chaldean
5 31. What criteria assures that there is unity amid the diversity of liturgical rites? 32. True or False? Because the Sabbath was the first day of the week and the day when Jesus rose from the dead, it has become for Christians “the first of all days, the first of all feasts, the Lord’s Day.” 33. True or False? The Church makes present the life of Jesus to us in the feasts and seasons of the liturgical year. 34. The __________________ year begins with the season of Advent, a word that means _______________ .” A prominent focus of Advent, along with the Sea son of __________________ , is the mystery of Christ’s _____________________. The season prepares us for the coming of the __________________ and begins with the first evening _______________ of the Sunday that falls on or closest to _____________________ 30. 35. Briefly explain the two main ways the Church prepares for the coming of the Messiah during Advent. 36. True or False? The Christmas season begins at the Christmas Eve vigil Mass and includes several others feasts including the Feast of the Holy Family, the Feast of the Epiphany, and the Feast of Christ the King. 37. How does the Church see or understand the purpose of Lent? 38. Explain how Lent changed or evolved over the centuries from its original purpose. 39. Lent recalls the forty years the __________________ spent wandering in the ____________. During Lent we are called to conquer our own __________________ and discipline ourselves __________________, just as Jesus the New ___________ did during the forty days he spent in the ____________ immediately after his Baptism, faithfulness to apostolicunion tradition United under bishop of rome true true liturgical coming Christmas incarnation Messiah prayer November Church celebrates the second coming of christ Church remembers the centuries of people who waited with faith and hope False its seen as a time of personal renewal hanged to be 90 days Israelites desert temptations spiritually adam desert
6 ____________, fasting, and facing temptation. The last Sunday of Lent is known as __________________ Sunday or Palm Sunday. 40. True or False? The Easter Season begins with the Holy Thursday liturgy which commemorates the Lord’ s Supper and continues, as one single liturgy, over three days. 41. _____________________ is the only day of the Church year when ____________ is not celebrated. Instead, the Church has a solemn __________________ service recalling the _______________ and Death of Jesus. ________________ Passion account is read and the Church _____________________ and reflects on the mercy of Christ’s __________________ and how his Death reveals God’s immense ____________. 42. Briefly note the various parts of the celebration of the glorious Easter Vigil. 43. True or False? There is a close relationship with the Jewish feast of Pentecost and the Christian celebration of Easter, when Jesus passed through death and entered into new life. 44. True or False? As the Eucharist is the Sacrament of all sacraments, Easter is the Solemnity of solemnities. 45. Explain why the date of Easter changes from year to year. 46. The Season of Easter lasts for _____________ days until the Feast of __________________, the coming of the Holy Spirit. This period of time is sometimes called the _____________________ because it is when the __________________ first immerse themselves in the sacraments, participating in the entire _________ and when they are encouraged to __________________ fully in the life of the Church. 47. What does the celebration of the Ascension commemorate? praying passion true Good Friday mass communion passion likely remembers sacrifice love easter candle lit from a new fire scriptures accounts following salvation history are real False true Changes because thefeast follows the lunar calender instead of the solar 50 pentecost mystagogue neophytes me participate Commemorates Jesus bodily ascension
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7 48. True or False? Ordinary time occurs twice in the liturgical year: between the Season of Christmas and Advent and between the Season of Easter and Lent. 49. What is the purpose of Ordinary Time? What is the focus of the Scripture readings? 50. True or False? Solemnities such as the Solemnity of the Christ the King have a greater importance than feast days such as the Feast of the Transfiguration. 51. True or False? There are three feasts in honor of Mary that are holy days of obligation: the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God; the Feast of the Immaculate Conception; and Our Lady of the Rosary. 52. How does the CCC explain the purpose of church buildings? 53. How did St. John Damascene describe prayer? 54. List the prayer forms the text calls “normative for the Church today.” 55. Some of the ways we can pray outside of _______________ include: vocal prayer, an __________________________ address to God or traditional prayers of the Church, __________________ in which one actively uses one’s thoughts, emotions, __________________ , and desires to think about God’s presence in the world, and ______________________, which is silent, wordless prayer that involves simply being in the ________________________ of God. False Teach christains how to follow jesus an everyday ordinary life true false buildings remain constant the raising of one's mind and heart to god or the requesting of good things from god abortion ion temptation praise blessings Intercession petition meditation voint thanksgiving liturgy extemporaneous meditation imagination contemplation presence